Friday, November 19, 2010

The Marine And The Heiress

Looking out over the field where he first met the young woman that was on his mind was a hurtful reminder of how they first met, Alex had driven down to go fishing in the mass lake one morning and while walking to his usual fishing spot he met this young woman. She was what every school boy dreams about slender body blond hair and blue eyes and the face of an angel, she was getting ready for a day on the lake with her friends when he realized they were not more than a few feet from where he usually did his fishing. At first he just noticed her and didn't say anything because all he wanted to do was just get to his spot and get his lines out, so he walked right past them set up his lines and threw them out. Not more than an hour later he heard someone belly splash in the water, he knew the day was ruined and he was angered beyond compare. "What are you doing," he yelled at the three about to get into the water, "The beach is on the other side you can't swim here!" The young woman acted as spokesman for the group, "We were here first your going to have to move on." The man was irate at this point, " Yeah I know I'm going to have to move on now but you will too once I get the conservation officers up here," at this point he packed up his stuff and was ready to go. "You could stay and have lunch with us," the young woman said trying entice him. Alex wasn't going for that he could smell a bribe from a mile away, "No thank you I've been coming here for years but you all are the first to jump in." Just then the man who actually did jump into the water was walking toward them soaked with a smirk on his face, "Aren't you leaving yet?" He was a large man around 6'3 and 210 pounds of muscle, "Good packed up with the tail between your legs good I wouldn't want to have to be persuasive." The last thing Alex could handle was a braggart but he knew if he fought him that Alex would be the one going to jail after, "Listen bub," Alex said "I just spent three years of my life in Afghanistan as a Marine, I don't think you want to say anything to me that would make me cross against you." The large man just smiled arrogantly, "So what was its name?" Alex was curious as to where he was going with that question, "What are you asking me?" Just as big of a smile he asked again, "What was the name of the doberman that replaced you in Afghanistan?" Alex was seeing red he had heard that joke before that the Marines could be replaced by dobermans at any time, so Alex did what any self respecting Marine would do, he dropped his poles but held on to the cooler, hit the man in his chest so fast that Alex was able to catch his poles before they hit the ground. The man acted as if he couldn't breath and all his friend gathered around him cursing and yelling at Alex, the young woman wasn't reacting to all of this like the others were she just stood there eyeing Alex like he was a prize. Alex didn't say anything else just started walking back to his truck to load it up and leave, just then he heard, "Hold on don't think you can hit me like that and just leave." Alex knew what was going to happened next so before it could he said, "Listen do you have anything training in fighting at all?" The bigger and taller man smirked, "I don't need training to handle you." Alex smiled, "I've been train to kill, not hurt, not maim but to kill and believe me I've done enough in my life so just let it stand where it is." The big oaf was about to open his mouth for a retraction but he was interrupted, "Billy just drop it, he got the better of you with only one punch, and you lighten up its not like that spot going to be closed all year you know." Alex thought about it for a moment and realized the woman was right, and he smiled, "Alright fine what's your name I'm Alex," it was obvious that he was trying to flirt with her and she recognized what he was doing. She cocked her head to one side smile a slight smile "That's funny they call me Alex but my name is Alexandra." Alex wasn't wasting any time, "Is that offer for lunch still open?" The woman nearly laughed, "Your pretty sure of yourself aren't you?" Alex got into his truck leaned his head out of the window and said, "Bring your friends here tomorrow and you'll all be in for a treat, oh uhh leave bubba at home though alright." The woman laughed, "Alright we're here all summer, we'll see you here tomorrow then." The next day Alex brought his grill and Alex had been on the bank all morning and had a huge mess of fish freshly caught from the lake grilling on the grill, when the jeep arrived with Alexandra and her friends he noticed that the big guy was with them. "I thought I said to leave the children at home?" Alexandra smiled, "Well I couldn't do that considering he's the one with the rented car." Alex accepted that, "Well dig in I've been working all morning on this I hope you enjoy." The big man walked over to the grill and looked, "Fish, I don't think so we'll be leaving now," He turned over the grill and smiled watching all the fish Alex had caught that morning end up in dirt. "Are you crazy, Leave! Just leave." it wasn't Alex doing the yelling it was Alexandra she was so angry she couldn't see straight. The bigger man turned to her, "Come on you can't be serious about him look at him he's just a nobody you're never going to see when you leave this place." Alexandra slapped him, "Just leave." The big man got into his jeep with two others going with him, and tore up as much of the ground he could going, Alexandra turned to Alex and said, "I'm sorry he's a jerk my mother wants me to marry but it's not going to happen now that I've seen how arrogant he is." Alex wasn't angry about the fish because they were only fish, "Not to worry, are you hungry though?" Alexandra smiled, "Famished." Alex walked over to the shore line, "My mother used to tell me not to put all my eggs in one basket," he pulled out a string with three more fish on them and grinned. After he had worked on another batch he got to know Celine Alexandra's friend who stayed with her and found out they were just here for summer vacation and wouldn't be here for very long, and Alexandra wasn't even from this country but from France, that's why she spoke with a bit of an accent. "So you're going back to France after this year?" "Yes I'm afraid so my mother wanted me to get a little bit of uncivilised American culture as she put it, so she had my spend two years here, so tell me what do you do?" Alex went into his time in Afghanistan but with no certain details, and then he went on to tell her that he was going into the family business of a saw mill. The sun was coming across the lake and evening was upon them, they said their goodbyes and he asked as he dropped them off at their hotel, "Well if you want come back tomorrow I'll be here I have a month or two off from work, my uncle was a Marine and he told me he didn't want me jumping right back in to work right away so I've been coming here when I have the chance." Alexandra turned around as she was walking to her door, "We'll see" she smiled and walked away. The next few weeks Alex and Alexandra met in their usual place, every night he asked to see her again, until one night Alex asked her that same question, a tear was coming from her eye, "Alex this summer was a dream but that's all it was a dream, I go back to school tomorrow and when that is done I go back home." Alex knew that the summer wouldn't be as long as he wanted it to be but this seemed like it was too soon, "So that's it I can't call I can't write nothing?" Alexandra knew it was time for truth, "I'm an heiress Alex, and I've begged my mother but I cannot come into my inheritance unless i marry who she chooses for me and I'm afraid you've met him." Alex hung his head, "You mean that big accent to his mother is to be your husband!" Alexandra didn't have one tear from her eyes but she was crying mercilessly, "I'm sorry Alex that means we only have tonight," she leaned over to him and kissed him gently, "Take me to your place." Alex thought about it for a moment, "Alexandra one night of passion won't carry me my whole life." "But it will deny him what he wants from this wedding," Alexandra spoke to him into his ear as though it was a whisper. He drover her to his place, opened the truck door can carried her inside, the next morning he woke and she was gone, he looked out his window and saw the jeep and her getting inside and then they drove off. He didn't visit the lake for another year and four months by then the weather was cooling and the leaves were gone from the trees. Looking out over the Field where he first met the woman that was on his mind was a hurtful reminder of how they first met, "You know for a brave Marine, you don't fight too hard for what you want." He turned around, and saw it was Celine, "Celine what are you doing here?" Celine was standing there with a disapproving look on her face, "Are you a man or a mouse?" Alex was tired of her games, "What do you want Celine?" Celine finally answered him, "She getting married next month, and if you want her you're going to have to do something about it." Alex was angry, "She's getting married what can I do she made her choice, she chose her inheritance over me." Celine scowled, "You think you know everything at this moment right now she has a photo of you in her dresser she looks at it everyday." Alex was tired of her beating around the bush, "What am I supposed to do?!" Celine grabbed his hand, "Here Merry Christmas." Alex looked and saw it was a airline ticket, "It leaves in a week, how am I supposed to pay for anything while I'm there." Celine laughed to lighten the mood, "So you'll go?" Alex not really sure if he would, "I'll consider it but where will I stay what will I drive, how will I get there." Celine smiled, "She's not the only one who is rich you know." Alex turned to the lake and then turned back around again, "Whoo yaaaa." The next week he was standing at the doors of a chapel where the guards where standing, "Invitation sir?" Alex turned to Celine and she handed them her invitation. The guard looked at her and said, "It says your name but there isn't anyone else and there is not plus one." Alex decided he didn't have any time to squabble with these men so he hit them both so quickly they didn't have time to realize what happened to them. As they walked inside they found the ceremony was taking place, and the priest was coming to a familiar place, "Let he speak now or forever hold their peace." Alex wasn't bashful, "I SPEAK." Alexandra turned around saw it was Alex and dropped her bouquet, "Alex." A tear and a look of relief came over her, "I love you Alex, I love you so much." "Alexandra pick up that bouquet, and you get out of here there is a wedding going on here, go, off you go." It was only what Alex could imagine was Alexandra's mother, "Mother no I love him and I won't marry Jean." The older woman looked like she swallowed a mouse, "You mean you would run out of here with that, run out on Jean, run out of me and" she paused here, "your inheritance." Then a third voice spoke out, "You mean the money my mother promised you once she married my brother?" Alex turned to Celine, "You never told me he was your brother." The woman looked like she was stabbed in the back, "I suppose it was your idea he should be here today." Celine smiled a wicked smile, "Yes it was me and to everyone surprise my mother left everything to me when she passed and not little brother, so if she marries him I will not give you anything, nothing all of our dealings are off." At that point Alex began walking up the aisle and Alexandra began running, Jean began running after her but before he could so much as get near her Alex was there hit him in the same spot he hit him the first time and Jean went down on his knees, he turned to Alexandra and kissed her so passionately it make the priest turn his head in shame. "I'll never leave you again." Alex laughed, "Better not if you leave me I'll just have to come with you."

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