Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pink Rose

Patrick was just a blue collar working class man with not a lot to his name, he was married to a young woman for two years now and was completely in bliss as far as that goes, but with no children yet in their lives, Kristen still liked to go out Friday and Saturday nights. There was a problem though when he got home after an 8 hour shift and three hours overtime he was tired and more than a few nights Kristen had been very understanding of that, there had been at least two nights for sure that she would even rub his back after a hard day. Today however he knew what would happen when he walked through the door she would more than likely be ready to go, but tonight he just wants to sit down and try to relax he had been using the heavy machinery all day to get the construction site finished in the time allowed by his boss. He pulled into the drive and put his truck in park, got his lunch box and walked inside his home, "Kristen I'm home and I'm happy to be." Kristen was sure enough waiting for him with her skirt and halter top, and dancing shoes on but she ran to him and hugged his neck and kissed his cheek, "I've been waiting I got my club clothes on let's go." Patrick was going to hurt her something horribly this time he could tell but he couldn't trust himself to drive after all this time at work, "Sweety I don't feel like it I'm really tired I moved over two tons of metal today, and I just want to catch the movie on tonight." Kristen was obviously crushed but her pain turned to anger quickly, "Every week you say that, every week we stay right here, you forgot didn't you what day this is today haven't you?" Patrick was puzzled he didn't know what she was screaming about, "Well I guess I have forgotten what are you talking about and stop yelling at me I'm tired try to understand." Kristen now lowering her volume said, "OH I have understood for the last three months and if you don't remember what day this is that's your problem, but I'm going out I would rather go with you but since you don't care to remember anything as important as today I don't think I will." As Kristen stormed out of the house and into her car she turned the motor on and Patrick ran out of the house ran to the car and through the window got the keys and turned the motor off, "When you calm down you can go anywhere you want to I won't stop you, but your angry and more than likely to get yourself hurt and someone else hurt." Then Kristen looked up at him and said very calmly, "I'm not angry I'm hurt and calm enough to drive just give me the keys back I don't know if I'll be back, I might just go to my mothers for a while so just let me go." Begrudgingly Patrick handed her the keys but said, "This would be easier if you would tell me what today is?" Kristen now crying said "If I have to remind you every year, it might not be as important to you as it is to me." At that she put the car in reverse and down the driveway she went and slowly drove the car down the street and she was gone, she had never done this before and Patrick knew he had messed up good now, but what had he forgotten. Patrick walked back into his house it was so quiet now it hurt, how could have not seen it was coming to a head like this, she agreed to be a house wife, she agreed with him when he told her that she didn't have to work that his pay would cover everything. He knew that it would be hard on her if she did that but she went along with it but what did he forget that was so important to her that's the most painful thing that was nagging at him, finally he picked up the phone, dialed a number and it was answered from the person he was calling. "Mom I am in need right now you gotta tell me what was so important about this day?" His mother said in her motherly tone, "Don't you tell me you forgot your wedding anniversary was today." Patrick dropped the phone he couldn't believe he had forgotten that today was three years with his wife, and all he could talk about was how tired he was, he picked up the phone and said "Yeah I did and now Kristen just walked out on me said she was going to her mothers." His mother knew not to scold him now his wife had done all the damage needed, "Sweety only you can make this right now I'm not being rude but I'm going to get off here so you can." Patrick knew what to do the second she said that, "Mom is blaze still in the garage?" His mother answered "Yes honey you father tuned it up last week." Patrick said "Good I'll be there in an hour, thanks Mom." Patrick hung up the phone took a shower, put on a pair of jeans, balck tee shirt and a hoody that said "Stallions" and work boots, got in his truck and dove to his mothers. "Thanks Dad for keeping it in good working condition" Patrick said as he was looking at the 1968 Camero with the eight cylinder engine and racing strips down the center and the paint job that had two fire blazes down the sides. His father looked at him "Son I forgot our wedding anniversary once and your mother did the same thing, go easy on her it means more to women than it does men." Patrick was noticing a flower in the garden as he said this it was a beautiful pink rose, "Thanks Dad, one more thing if I could," and Patrick pointed to the rose in the garden. His father smiled to himself, "Sure son". Patrick cut the rose got into the car shook his fathers hand and started the 375 engine and then he felt a leather jacket in his lap, "Son wear this I wore it that night I apologized to your mother it kind of gives off the bad boy saying he's sorry thing." Patrick smiled "Thanks again Dad," with that he went to his mother-in-laws home and sure enough her car was in the drive way. Patrick though about going up and knocking on the door but no that's not how he used to do it when he came to pick her up when they dated in high school, he pulled into the drive way took the hoody off and put on his fathers jacket, it fit good, and then he honked the horn, and revved the engine, that alone would have woken the neighborhood had anyone been asleep. Kristen came to the door wiping her eyes, "Do you think that just because you got the car we fell in love in, wearing the bad boy jacket with the black tee shirt I love to see you in, that I'm going to forgive you?" Patrick got out of the car, "No but I'm hoping that this will serve as a olive branch, it's pink saying I love you." Kristen looked at the rose and tears began streaming down her face again, "Your a jerk you know that right?" Patrick smiled and said, "Happy Anniversary honey, I love you." Kristen kissed him "I love you too and I love this rose, let's go home," Patrick looked at her and said, "Nope we're going out."

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Welding With His Father

Brian hadn't been home in a long time he was anxious to get there to see his Mom and Dad the last time he saw them was over a year ago and since then he had been working a job in the city and hadn't had much time to visit them. Today however he was going to pull up unannounced and pay them a visit something he should have done sooner than this, turning the corner down the old block where he grew up he could see the drive way. Pulling up he saw his father with his back turned to him kneeling over a some metal fence and fence post, he couldn't resist, "Hey Dad would you like some help?" His father turned around raised the hood from his mask and smiled "Long time son big time city man, now if you think it won't damage any expensive clothes come on and work with your old man." The two men got down on their knees and started welding it was like clock work with with him again, and before they knew it they had the small job nearly done, just then they heard the screen door open and he saw his mother, "BRIAN come here and give me a kiss" Brian got up ran over and kissed his mothers cheek and hugged her, "Sorry Mom it's been a while." The older woman looked at him and just said "Men work women have to run things." The old man piped up his voice, "It's not the seventies anymore drop it. So how long are you here son?" Brian looked at his father, "Just today and tomorrow if you still have a bed for me." The mother nearly slapped him but instead she gave him a look as if to say not to joke like that and said "Well I haven't put a jacuzzi in yet so it's still there." The father looked at him and said "Good now we can get this little project done if you'll help me." Brian knew it was coming when he started working with his Dad it was going to be like that all the time but that's alright the old man and he hadn't had much time to talk. So right back to work they went back to work using the welder and putting parts together soon they took a break and got something to drink sat down on the porch and started talking, "Uh Dad what is that for anyway?" The father just looked at him, "Well it's something for me to put the trash in, basically I was just wasting time out there looking for something to do." Brian laughed "Leave it to you to think to use old fencing like this." Then Brian looked at his father pretty seriously, "Dad do you think you could use some help down at the service station too?" His father was stunned, "What are you saying son?" Brian was a little embarrassed but out it came, "I was laid off economy is so bad that the factory had to let some people go a couple months ago, I've been living on the bank account and that's dried up, and I got an eviction notice this morning, so I got nowhere to go and..." The father cut him off right there, "Yes you do have somewhere to go right here with your mother and I, and sure son we'll put you in the oil changing pits I just had a guy retire yesterday, should have just said so son we'll be happy if you come back here." That put Brain's mind at ease, "I'm sure sure sorry to be a burden." Just then he felt a slap on the back of his head that made him see stars he turned around and saw his mother standing there with one shoe on and the other laying at his feet, "YOU ARE NOT A BURDEN YOUR MY SON." His mother said with a fury, "Now please hand me back my shoe." Brian laughed and handed her shoe back to her, "Love you guys" he said in a very grateful voice. To which the father replied putting his arm around his sons shoulders, "Love you too son, now lets get back to welding."

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Under God

I just want to take a step back from the stories today and express my love of this country and all we hold. When you think of our country you can think of our diversity which means we are a melting pot of ethnic beliefs and different races, we are English, German, Dutch, Swedish, French, Spanish, Russian, Irish, and Scottish, and we are also, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese. However we cannot forget also we are Iranian, Israeli, Saudi Arabian, Pakistani, and few Egyptians as well. So when you put all of these things together and mix them onto one Continent it makes for all sorts of different people, with different ideas, cultures of their own. We live, work and buy the things they need to live and that is the American way for we are all created equal under the sight of God, no hand nor foot stands above anyone else. We are a Country that has its basis for Capitalism we buy sale and trade, we are not a Communist nation that lives under the rule of dictatorship where if a farmer grows a crop he must under law give the crop to the nation and share all he owns, not selling anything but give it away as though his hard work means nothing. The next time your in the grocery store waiting through a long line complaining about how much everything costs, just be happy you live in a country where that is possible for without capitalism we wouldn't be able to sale much of anything, ask Russia how that works that country fell apart in the eighties. From California, to Maine we are America, I live in the middle called the Midwest, Indiana, where the corn is grown, and we love our sports, our fast cars, and our own rich history. Some say living in the United States is like living in Disney land everyday compared to other countries I'll take their word for it because I'll not be living in other nations I'm staying right here good or bad it's home this is the United States of America and I'm proud to say Under God I pledge my allegiance to the flag of the United States.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Boy And Bee

A small child was playing on his own but in the sight of his mother as she tended her flower garden he was discovering for himself the world around him he saw a grasshopper, he saw birds flying overhead, he saw the clouds far above them, and then he noticed something very small. It was a wood bee he watched the bee as it came out of log of which it called home, fly onto a flower and take off again. The little boy giggled to himself as the bee floated by him back to the log and back out again, the little boy began to follow it everywhere it went from flower to flower, and then the bee noticed it had a follower came a few inches from the boy's face, and suspended itself from the boy's face, which made the boy giggle again. The boy then began to reach for the bee when suddenly he felt an arm go around him and lift him, "Shoo shoo, leave him alone bee." The boy's mother rushed over to her son when she saw that they were staring at one another, "Do you know what that was Jake?" The little boy just smiled at his mother and laughed to which the mother said, "A year and a half and your already getting into trouble, but your mommies little angel." When she sat him down he was off again discovering new things, and the mother returned to her flowers.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Peek ~A~ Boo

Harry was working in his garden like he usually did when he was home from work and this day wouldn't be any different than any other he needed to get a lot done today and really didn't have a lot of time to do it in. He needed to get the garden weeded and then he needed to get the tomatoes staked, the beans needed string, and the whole thing needed watered even after the weeding. Like most people though he needed to take a break so he found his favorite chair he kept at the end of the garden this was going to be a 20 minute rest and then right back to work he was looking around and saw a squirrel playing in the tree next to him he was circle the tree and jump back down to the ground and then he would jump back on the tree circle it again and jump back on the ground, but then the squirrel caught sight of Harry, and it stopped he would stick his head ever so gingerly around the tree see that was sitting there and then pull it back again as if playing hide and seek. The man was tickled at the sight of the cute furry critter, because there isn't any doubt that the squirrel had seen him far before this but now it was acting as if he was in grave danger, he kept doing it poking his head around the tree and then poking it back again. Harry noticed he had watched the squirrel for quite a long time so he had to get back to work, finally the squirrel ran up the tree and to its nest and Harry would have a great story to tell his wife, if she would believe him.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Apple Orchards

Some family traditions should never die, and the yearly visit to the apple orchard is one of them, going into the field finding that right apple and picking it from the tree just once a year can bring memories that last for years. When you grow up looking up at the tree not being able to reach that perfect apple and then learning that if you just climb it then those apples are just an arm length away. When you become a teenager your starting to get too cool for the apple orchard so you withdraw from the family but after a while of sitting in the car and doing nothing you can't resist the pull of going and pulling that perfect apple. When you turn twenty-one you find that even though you just went out the night before and partied hard and your hung over that your family still wants you to go with them, so pulling apples hung over can be difficult but not impossible when you see the faces of the loved ones just because your there to join them. As you get older you bring your own children and begin the tradition of your own, an apple tree has had its own dark history with Adam and Eve but through the family we've given apples the second chance that all things in life need. So today I will be going with my family to the apple orchard and it won't matter how many we get whether it be half bushel or two bushels just so long as we get out there and pick them apples at the end of September.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Angels Wings

Sitting outside was Jeff's favorite thing to do watching the clouds fly by, seeing the birds hunt in his yard, and seeing the butterflies float on this air, it was a beauty that can only be explained by watching carefully. This day he had his camera in his hand and he was taking photo's of anything that seemed of interests, then two birds landed in the birdbath he watched them as they bathed and drank and just as they took off again he tried to get a photo of their flight but he missed and he knew he missed, he was a little upset by it because he wanted that shot but it has happened before so it wasn't a great loss. When he finally got up from his chair and walked back in the sun was coming down slowly, but all the birds had all gone to roost so there wasn't any reason why he would be sitting outside anymore. He went to his computer and loaded his card, he was examining each photo individually when suddenly he came upon the shot the knew he missed and he got a shock, sometimes miracles can happen and seeing what looks like an angels wing span upon his privacy fence is what happened to him. He could see a perfect outline of the bird through the shadow, this was a greater success than he originally thought then he got the lesson learned, sometimes when you aim at one thing something just as good can be right around the corner.

Gods blessing can come in different ways, we have to patient for his blessing to arrive

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Childhood Memory

Claira was in her yard with her little girl just admiring the roses and cutting a few for the living room, when Claira came upon three grown together, she leaned down and was starting to cut them when her 7 year old said, "NO MOMMY do we have to cut those those are so pretty." Claira smiled in her loving way, "No we don't but they will just whither and die soon at least this way we can have them in the house for a little while." The little girl was animate about it, "Oh Mommy please don't just let them grow a while longer." Claira could remember a similar incident with her mother but she cut them anyways and it took a month before Claira would talk to her again, "Alright Ashlie we'll leave them alone." Ashlie smiled walked over to the roses and smelled them then she went on her way helping her mother pick the flowers that could go into the living room.

Sometimes just listening to a child's wishes can open thier heart better than a hug, just understanding them and giving in more than you already do once, can bring a childhood memory that would span decades.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sleeping Turtle

A young man had been fishing since sun up just like his grandpa had taught him, he hadn't caught anything but two small catfish all day long he felt his stomach start to growl and his hunger had started to get to him so he pulled the lines in and got his grill out. He had a few hot dogs and potato chips but that would suffice for lunch, he was just sitting there watching the waves of the lake come up and back down again it was a peaceful sight. When he didn't think that it could get any better a turtle popped out of the water and climbed up on a rock that was protruding from the water, he was just sitting there acting as though it was the king of the lake. "Well now you'll sit there for about as long as it takes to eat my lunch but I'll bet as soon as I throw a line in the water you'll jump off that rock." He just sat there watching the turtle sun itself, it was so peaceful the wind was blowing the shade of the tree he was sitting under made like it was a blanket, the water made the ripples make music. When the young man woke up he noticed it was dark the grill was cool the lines were dry and the turtle was gone, he gathered his things and loaded up his truck and went back home, he considered it one of the best day of fishing of his life, sometimes it's simple things that makes it a great day.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Brice Saunders and Rebecca Tarlington Part 7:
Saunders Lake

"We made it, it is really pretty I can see why my Grandpa Tarlington liked this place so much," Rebecca said as she got out of the car the long journey from Arizona to Northern California was a rough one. The lake was blue as the sky that day the sun was shining as if it was going to help find the gold buried somewhere here near this lake but for Rebecca she had already found her gold Brice was a handsome sweet and sensitive man and she was feeling something for him. Brice was looking around and smiled at Rebecca "Shall we come back here for a picnic sometime but right now I do believe we're here for a reason, so this is the family cabin you told me about, any idea where to look first off?" Rebecca could see they weren't going to spend much time talking so right to work she went, "I think I saw a something in the cabin years ago when I was growing up my grandmother took it out of my hands and I never saw it again it was a slate of some kind and it writing on it, I was too young to know what it said." Brice was smiling again, "You were a bad little girl then?" Rebecca answered back "Ha Ha, I'm sure you weren't a bad little boy yourself at times, come on let's get into the cabin and see what we can find." They walked into the old under kept cabin and began looking around, removing the blinds from the windows to allow the light to show through, they checked the living room, the bed room, the pantry, and kitchen nothing, but that left the attic. Slowly but surely Brice climbed the ladder leading to the attic and helped Rebecca up, they started looking around and saw a really old wooden trunk and opened it up, laying right on top was the slate from years ago, the writing on it was nearly faded away but it was still legible. "Look on the mantle and add ten," Seeing that they both knew what it was talking about, "Another map Brice." Brice was a little tired of all this but he didn't let it bother him, "Well let's follow it," they went down stairs and looked at the fire place mantel "Our five hearts make this family of love." Brice said it out loud though he didn't need to "Fifteen of what?" Rebecca looked at him not believing he didn't understand it "Look at the mantle it has five hearts engraved on it but it has names written on them, John, Mary, Pete, Lucy, and Tom, my great grand father didn't have any brothers and sisters." Brice understood, "Tom Saunders, Saunders Lake, it was my great grand father who found this place first so I'll be willing to bet it was him who built this cabin and this mantle and wrote on the slate, so if I hammer in the first two names I'll bet there is something behind it, and the slate would be referring to what that says." Brice hammered away at the names of Tom and Mary and sure enough there was a paper behind them, he opened it up and found a note.

"I had to get away from San Fransisco so I faked my death at the hands of Tom Tarlington whose bosses were pressing him to give up on me a friend closer than brothers. Tom knew he couldn't let someone come between us especially some private investigative agency so we took the gold burned down my shop, and came out here, only my wife knew where I was but she played the part of a grieving widow for all of those years until it was safe for her to join me here. There is close to twenty thousand left so let's see if your ready for what left of the game, under the second brick of this fire place you'll find the real map happy hunting.

Pete Saunders"

"I can't believe it he faked his own death, ran out here collected the insurance money and lived out his life here." Rebecca was just as shocked her family had been behind all this the whole time the agency was pressing him to give up on a friend and he was loyal enough to do put his own life at risk for a friend, and here she was about to turn on a friend for a job. "Well add ten to 2 and that makes twelve so it's the twelfth brick." Brice got a chisel out and hammered away finally pulling the brick out of the floor he found what he was looking for, a map. "From the front door turn right and go into the barn, and dig in between the doors." Brice couldn't believe this more digging. "They were slippery guys weren't they?" Rebecca and Brice walked to the barn and started digging together, they dug five feet into the ground until they finally hit a trunk they raised it up and opened it, "Your nearly there now this is the final clue, and I'll be direct, there is a cave two miles from this very spot back into the hills. Go into the cave and walk two hundred yards, X marks the spot." Rebecca wiped the sweat from her brows and looked at Brice, "Well at least we know where it is let's go up there and find this." They walked through the wood and something came over Brice, "You know chasing this gold down with you has been an adventure Rebecca I don't want the adventure to end with this." Rebecca looked at Brice "I would like that ever since Arizona I've been thinking about a lot." Brice smiled "I'll be by to pick you up at 8 next Saturday night if you ever give me an address." Rebecca looked at him "How about we just meet at the same restaurant we were supposed to meet that night, and by the way there is the cave." They walked into the cave and talked the rest of the way flashlights in hand, until two hundred yard were complete and it was obvious what the X marked the spot meant. Four coffins were inside the cave with names inscribed on each, Pete Saunders, Mary Saunders, X Saunders, and Charlie Wakes, they looked at each other excitement was filling them up twenty thousand back then would be a lot more now than then. "Rebecca, it's my great grand parents so this is where they are buried no one knew, now stand back and I'll open it," Brice used the crowbar to pry the lid up and inside was gold more than twenty thousand worth but a lot more. Rebecca looked at Brice, "Brice we'll split it even just like you said, and I do want to see you again." Brice just answered "If you want to get that job it's alright I found the real gold standing right here in front of me."

One week had past since they found Pete and Mary's coffins back at the cave and Rebecca went on a shopping spree she bought a new dress from what money she already had, she and Brice agreed to trade in the gold a little at a time so not to rise suspicions. Rebecca was waiting for Brice to show up again at the restaurant and ten minutes had already passed and just like before so she got up from the table and walked to her car, when she got to her car she felt a hand on her shoulders, she turned around fast and slapped whoever it was. It was Brice, "I just wanted to give you this." He kissed her tenderly and pulled back "I wasn't sure you were going to show" Rebecca said, to which Brice replied, "I may be late but I'll always be there for you."

The End.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Brice Saunders and Rebecca Tarlington Part Six: Passion Sunset

"I don't want to see it Rebecca just close the lid and let's the box out of here if you please," Brice was thinking she only wanted to gloat and he didn't care to see smugness on her face as if she won a great victory. "Brice please come here and take a look it's not what you think at all," Brice walked over and saw it, rocks and a single handgun was inside the box, Brice picked up the gun and began examining it, he pulled the loader down and began to see if it was loaded it had five bullets inside two had been fired but there was an empty chamber he had heard of this where the men from back then would leave the one chamber empty so they could leave enough money to be buried with in it. When he got the paper out of the chamber and opened it up he noticed that it was a small note written as a small poem, he read it aloud so Rebecca could grasp what it said. "If your looking for our gold, you'll find the old clues are cold, my partner and me done got it moved, silver city will have the clue, in a place that's no one knew, find my grave or at least the stone, and read my epitaph and be gone. J.T." Brice knew who had written it without even thinking about it, "Your grandfather moved it with a partner so you know what that means?" Rebecca was trembling her worst fears were true, her family wasn't being disgraced they were recieving the sins of her grandfather he was a thief and a member of the gang then who was the snitch, who was selling secrets of the gang to the agency, "Brice I didn't know or realize until now he was a thief after all he knew where the gold was hidden he just kept it secret from the agency and we don't have to go to Silver City I know what the epitaph says. She cleared her throat feeling a bit more brave and said it from memory, "Here lies John Tarlington, he loved Silver City but his home was California Rockies, by Saunders Lake," when I was a child we went to the place he called Saunders lake it is by another name but that's the clue I'll bet the gold is near Saunders lake by the old cabin." Brice had heard enough the put the old pistol in Rebecca's hands and turned to walk, Rebecca followed in a near run. "Well are you going to see this through or do I do it on my own?" Brice laughed "I'm done there is no gold can't you tell where do you think my grand father got the money to open up a clock works where do you think they had the money to buy the lake add it up you aren't dumb." Rebecca was hit like a revelation he was right they wouldn't have had that kind of money to do all that unless they used the gold and this was just another detour, but she was willing to go through with it, "Listen one more time and we'll keep the gold if we find it I promise." Brice stopped closed his eyes, raised his head to the sky, and his lips got tight together, "You cannot be serious, even if we do find anything it's more than half gone by now it's hard to say how much there was even when they stole it." Rebecca was very serious, "Listen I'm willing to go through with this I don't need the gold to show how much worth I can be to the agency this poem will do that just go through with it as equal partners." Brice looked at her he could see where her eyes had been tearing up and desperate look in her face now and she was shivering from cold, excitement, and anxiety, and his heart softened, "Very well but we keep the gold we share it even fifty fifty, understood?" Rebecca couldn't contain herself she flung herself upon him kissing him and wrapping her arms around his neck, it surprised her because he was kissing her in return she felt a passion awaken from within her but he pulled away, "Listen Rebecca let's just finish this and then we'll talking about going any further." She agreed and took off walking again back to the car. Twenty-two hours later they were in Northern California on their way to Saunders lake, they stopped for the night at a road side hotel, and were sitting by the pool watching the sun go down, it was a beautiful sunset deep reds and orange like it was fire. "You know Rebecca your a really good kisser." She was a little embarrassed for her lack of control, but she just answered him. "Your not too bad yourself."

To Be Concluded...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Brice Saunders and Rebecca Tarlington Part Five: Angels Doorstep

Brice was waiting for what was coming but he could guess it already, "What you told me was true you grand father did kill my grand father but it wasn't over the clock it was over the map piece right?" Rebecca wished it was simpler than that but it wasn't, "Well it's true but it's not, see my grandfather was from the agency that was looking for the gang, he was the snitch from within, but he did have one last piece of the map he never gave anyone but family." Brice didn't really care but acted like he did anyways, "So what are you going to back shoot me when we find it?" Rebecca was stunned that was a jab at her she didn't expect, "No I just don't want you to get attached to the gold I'm taking it back to the agency it's been a blight on my family for years and I can't go on like this anymore I can't get a job with the agency because of it." Brice finally got this was a redemption thing for her family, but now he was going to help the family of the man that was responsible for killing a member of his, a peaceful man who made clocks all day long, who gave up his life of crime. "You know what kind of man your grandfather was Rebecca a vindictive man who robbed and tried to get the gold for himself in the end when his career with the agency was over, a kind of early retirement plan." Rebecca never considered this but that was unthinkable, "So where does that leave us we are talking about a couple of men that died years ago with gold that could clear my families name just laying out there." Brice was angry he'd traveled over half the continent to find this gold and now he was supposed to leave with nothing that was too much to ask for. "How badly do you want the agency Rebecca, enough to ruin me and my job so you can get yours, enough to lie to a man who drove all the way here to find this gold, you don't realize what you have done to go this far and now..... Fine.." Rebecca couldn't understand, "What are you saying?" Brice couldn't believe what he was saying, "Let's find the gold redeem your family and forget the memory of my families father." Rebecca felt like scum she didn't expect he would take it like this and now that she heard what he said she felt worst she thought he would be happy with the recovery of the gold, "Fine lets go find it." They walked back to the car drove over the bridge parked on the side of the road and started walking to the shore line of the river but they stopped when they came across an old church of the town that had to be a neighboring town but what was it called. "Angels doorstep" said Brice when he saw it we'll have to start at the entrance and then trace the steps from there and that's it. Rebecca was still ashamed of how she had treated him but even more embarrassed that she was putting him through all this, "Your right it's at the door step, and it's 64 steps from there but which way?" Brice didn't think too long about it, "Down stream remember Turn left facing down stream, and it's 64 steps from there. Brice walked from the doorstep and started counting with each step taken, then turning right after the 64 steps counting out another 60 steps, which led straight to a grave yard, "Well what was the other part we're in a grave yard now this can't be right." Rebecca recited the next part, "It's 100 from Kendal but which way?" Brice finished it "And then you'll be right, so you turn right again." Rebecca was realizing he was doing most of all the work and again she felt even worst, "You're right again, listen Brice I"m.." She was cut off by Brice, "Let's just find it!" Brice said this in a harsh tone with no considerations to Rebecca's feeling who began to tear up. So Brice went into the grave yard and began looking for Kendal "Kendal had to be a person buried in this grave yard so all we have to do is find him." It didn't take long and Rebecca found the stone "John Kendal is right here, says he was buried 1889 which would have been right that was just a year before the robbery." So Brice started walking from the right of the stone counting again each step taken and when he got to 100 he stopped looked at Rebecca "There wasn't anything else your not telling me, no other part of the riddle?" Rebecca looked at him and just shook her head no and Brice started digging, it was getting dark and had the lantern lit so he could see when he finally hit something hard he reached into the cold dirt and pulled a heavy box out of the ground, "Rebecca I'm going to need your help to pull this out." Rebecca jumped into the hole and lifted one side but it was very hard for her to do so it was an extremly heavy box, "So what do you think would you like to open it Brice?" Brice glared at her "You open it." Brice just turned around he didn't want to see it. Rebecca was shaking as she pried the old rusted lock off the box and raised the lid she had her eyes closed and when she opened them she looked up to Brice and yelled. "Brice come here quick."

To be continued...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Brice Saunders And Rebecca Tarlington Part Four: The Falls

"Alright tell me again how it goes, helps kill the monotony of driving eight hours." Brice was told the tale of how Rebecca's great great grandfathers and his robbed a train full of gold with the wild bunch and in the fit of running from the law they hid the gold in a hole but made a map to find it again. However when you live on the wrong side of the law it makes it hard to go and retrieve something like that and it became clear that someone was a snitch in the gang because most of the gang was killed by the detective agency. So they took the map and split it up amongst them, words written on paper as directions, Rebecca had found all the clues to put map back together and find the gold. The reason the gang never was able to go back to the gold was because all of them were killed except their grandfathers, so here it was nearly a hundred and ten years later and they finally returning to the gold. Rebecca nearly asleep from the long ride rubbed her eyes and yawned a bit, "On the Colorado, when the falls arrive, turn left facing down stream, 64 steps from angels door step, and 60 more to the right, then 100 more from Kindle and you'll be Right."
Brice was wrapping his mind around what she said, "You can figure the Colorado and the falls but which falls?" Rebecca was saving this as a surprise but it would help in the long run if she told him now, "When I was growing up my father told me that the small ghost town of Surrender was the place of many wonders, but the thing it's most known for was a second hideout of the wild bunch and that town is right off the Colorado river I'd look there first." Brice was yawning too much but he kept driving, "Turn left facing down stream I guess that means the left side of the river doesn't it?" Rebecca had, had enough she was tired it was nearly sundown and she didn't care too much for driving all night long, "Listen let's pull over get a hotel room and let's sleep on it we have all day tomorrow to think this through and yes that would mean the left side of the river." Brice fully agreed "That sounds fine but we can still talk to keep me awake alright, now 64 steps from angels doorstep, I guess we should stop here because that doesn't make any sense to me, oh and thanks for talking me into this. Rebecca smiled "I had every right to press charges for kidnapping but I needed your help on this I've done it alone for too long now since I was a child." Brice had to ask "So how did you come across the clock?" Rebecca answered "I was looking in every antiques shop I could find on the west coast and I found it by accident walking into that shop one day, when I realized the price on it I knew I could not afford it so I got a job there. I had a replica made of the clock and the morning you came in I already had it switched out, I was about to leave with it when you came in so I ran back up the stairs hid it and came back down to help you. When you knew about the initials on the bottom of it I knew you knew more than the average person about the Saunders clocks so I was wondering where you fit in all of it. When I found out your grandfather was Saunders I nearly fainted from excitement it kept running through my mind two of the old gang members family claiming the gold at last." Brice pulled into the parking lot and got the room with two beds they went to the rooms slept a good nights sleep and by morning they were on the road, eight hours later they were in the ghost town of Surrender. "Well we finally made it lets see if we can find the falls." Brice followed Rebecca through a few trees and could hear ragging water in from of them and then he saw it, the falls, a surge of excitement ran through him like a child getting his first bicycle "Well we found the falls, now we have to get to the other side, and follow the instructions." Rebecca turned around looked him in the eyes, "Alright there is one last piece to the story and your not going to like it."

To Be Continued...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Brice Saunders and Rebecca Tarlington Part 3: A Glass of Sherrie

Rebecca waited at the restaurant ten minutes past when she said she would leave, when she realized that Brice wasn't coming she got her thing got up from the table and started walking to her car, but just before she opened the door everything went black, someone was waiting for her and put a black bag over her head. She would have screamed but the the thickness of the bag wouldn't have allowed anyone to hear her, she could feel power hands pick her up throw her over someones shoulder and carry her off to a van. When they took the bag off her head there was Brice, handsome as ever and with a devilish smile he was sitting in a nice grey suit his dark suit, and he was sitting across from her at a table for two apparently on the roof of a building somewhere. "Would you care for a glass of Sherrie, it goes good with ultimatums something I don't care for too much and death treats I care for even less." At this point Rebecca was enraged but she bit her toung stood up to leave the table but then she felt two hand grab her shoulders and push her back down in the chair, "Why am I being held prisoner?" Brice at that point fired back, "Why did you threaten to kill any of my friends, at which point that is a friend of mine that is helping me tonight you see I called him to go to the restaurant and watch you then when you were ready to leave to bring you here instead, you see he doesn't like threats even worst than I do." Rebecca was trying to determine what he wanted in her mind but she couldn't think on figure it out, "So why am I here?" Brice pointed at the Sherrie glass again, "Please; sherrie shouldn't breath that long, you see this clock is nothing more than a piece of my heritage but you were determine to use it against me that's what I want to know, so until you tell me why that is so we are going to have a long night." Rebecca wasn't going to touch the glass of sherrie but she knew she had to get him talking more, "So what happens when I tell you why?" Brice smiled that smile again, "I promise your safety but if you don't tell us we're going to have to get extreme you see my friend is nobody to mess with when he's angry, and I'm not a bad guy your just pushing me to be so." Rebecca liked him even through all this she liked him, "Listen send the friend away and I'll talk to you right now your not showing me any faith at all and until I feel safe we are going to have a long night." Brice knew he had gone as far as he could with the bluff so in compliance with her wishes the friend walked away, "That is fair enough and I'm sincerely sorry for all this tonight I hoped it wouldn't have come to this but when I saw that clock today it was a dream come true and then you did me like that tonight, and that was the last straw." Rebecca had her way a little and got an explanation, one bad turn deserves another so she was softening a little especially looking into his deep brown eyes as he said what he just said she could tell he was being honest. "Well you see that clock is nothing more than a clock to you but to my family and I it's a piece of a puzzle that stands 110 years old." Brice was intrigued, "How is this clock a piece of a puzzle?" Rebecca knew this next part would be a surprise, "If you want to open the back of the clock you'll see what I'm talking about." Brice picked up the clock and opened the back "64 steps from angels door step, and 60 more to the right, then 100 more from Kindle and you'll be Right." Brice was stunned "What is all this" he asked fully confused. "It's apart of a old west map this is a clue to a treasure our grandfathers hid together after a robbery with the wild bunch, you see if you hadn't done anything but have dinner with me tonight or went for the clock you wouldn't have been worth the time but since you fought back like your grandfather would, you past my little test." Rebecca finally took a sip of the sherrie in front of her.

To be continued...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Brice Saunders And Rebecca Tarlington Part 2: Ultimatum Sunset

Brice didn't know what exactly to say, this girl was making fun of him he was sure, he thought about it for just a moment, "It's not right you making fun of me." The girl smiled a sheepish smile, "Well the truth is far too fantastic." Brice was smiling for a change, "How did you family come across it I really would like to know." Rebbeca thought about it for a moment and then she put the clock back into its appropriate place locked the lock turned back around to Brice and like a girl with a new doll asked "Well wouldn't you like to buy me dinner and we'll talk about it in more detail?" Brice was blushing this girl was actually flirting with him now and she asked him out that never happens "Of course I'll pick you up at 8 in front of here right?" Rebecca was radiant "Yes that would be great I can't wait to see you tonight." Then she led him back downstairs and through the maze of the antiques mall and to the front door, "Remember Rebecca 8 o'clock and I'll be right here." Then he turned and walked back into the streets and back to to work he went but little good that did by the time he got back to the office it had closed for the day and it was already time to go home. When Brice finally got back to his apartment it was six that meant only two hours for shower shave and good clothes so he rushed as hard as he could and then he would have to fight the traffic of Saturday night in a city. When he got all done that he needed to be done he got into his car and drove to the antique shop only ten minutes late that even impressed him, but no Rebecca, he got out of his car walked up to the door of the building and knocked on the door. After a few minutes a man came to the door "Yes can I help you young man?" Brice looked at the older man who answered the door he was small stature of a man in his late sixties with a grey and black mustache that looked like he could eat because of it going so far past his lip, "Yes please if you could tell Rebecca that Brice is here to pick her up for dinner." The older man laughed "Oh don't tell me your the reason for the commotion, well I hate to tell you this young man but she isn't here she left this afternoon didn't say where she was going but it doesn't look like she's coming back but she did leave this letter, here." The man reached into his pocket and produced a letter and handed it to Brice, "Sorry again back up now." Brice backed up and shut the door in Brice's face, Brice turned and walked back to his car started it up and drove off in a rage, how could he be so stupid to trust a woman who obviously is hiding something but what? So Brice just drove down to his favorite place to sit it was nearly sunset and he could watch that and read this letter, what would be the explanation good enough for making him go through the hell of driving all the way across town again today to just pick her up for dinner. So Brice sat down on grass in the park pulled the letter out of his pocket he would have just enough light to read this letter and the first thing he noticed about it was that it was scented with her perfume, "What's that about we're not dating!" he said out loud as he tore it open and read.


I'm sorry I couldn't be there tonight hope you understand but there is not way I could ever let you get that close to the clock again I have a secret yes and I won't be telling you any time soon but here is my problem, I like you a lot so I've devised a way to see what you really want. Do you the clock or do you just want the story of how I got the clock and dinner with me, so here's my idea I'm leaving the restaurant at 10 o'clock and these are two key to lockers, one is in the mall the other in the train station if you want the clock I suggest going to the train station, if you want dinner with me and the story go to the mall. Inside the locker at the mall you'll find a white rose and another letter telling you where I am, at the train station you'll find how you can get the clock not the clock itself, if anyone but you goes to the train station to collect the information I can promise they won't wake up in the morning. Now which will it be an old clock or dinner with me, and the clock is ticking don't keep me waiting.


P.S. I really like you Brice I hope you can tell.

"What did she mean by they won't wake up in the morning does that mean she'll kill them what kind of woman is this," Brice said out loud knowing that she was fully dangerous but fully intriguing as well. He looked down at his watch it's 9 o'clock already what will he do. He noticed the sky with it's sunset the blue and reds mixing in together through the trees and he made up his mind...

To Be Continued...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Brice Saunders And Rebecca's Tarlington Part One: The Clock.

Brice Saunders was taking his usual afternoon walk while he was on lunch like he would on any other day, he was just strolling along the busy street staring into the plate glass of the shops, he never went in to buy anything but that doesn't mean he wouldn't like to. Brice was just a messenger boy at his job and they didn't pay that much, as matter of fact he hated his job but like most people he kept at it just for the paycheck, but today while he was on his adventure he noticed something of note in one of the windows he passed by, a clock. This clock was not like any he had seen in years it looked like one his great great grandfather would have made in the eighteen hundreds but that couldn't be because all of those clocks had been lost to a great fire at the turn of the century in San Fransisco. Non the less of that fact he was sure he recognized the clock from a photo his grandmother showed him more than a few times, so the only way to be sure would be to go into the store and take a look at it. Brice knew if the initials were on the bottom of the clock itself then there would not be any doubt, that clock would be a Saunders original and priceless, so Brice walked in and spotted the young woman working behind the counter at the antiques mall. "Hello miss I would like to take a look at the clock in your window please," the young woman spotted the man and answered "Of course sir one moment please." She put protective gloves on walked over to the display case opened it up and took the clock out of the case, walked it back to the counter placing it gingerly on the counter, "I cannot let you touch it but I will handle the clock sir." Brice walked over to the clock and asked, "Please lift it up and let me see the very bottom please." She lifted it up and turned it so he could see the bottom, and there was not a mark on it, the young woman smiled, "You thought it to be a Saunders original didn't you." Brice turned red in the face, "He was my great great grandfather so I keep my eyes open." The young woman saw he was hurt and said "Don't feel bad I've had two others come in here and asked the same thing already, can you prove he was your grandfather?" Brice did not know why she asked such a silly question but he had his suspicions, "Why should I prove it?" The young woman felt affronted "No reason and you didn't have to yell at me." Brice didn't realize he was being loud "I'm sorry but yes he was my Great great grandfather and I was looking to buy it for my grandmother, if only I could find one." The woman understanding a bit better took pity on him, "If you would follow me please." She came from out of the counter and took a sharp turn, down a hall and up a flight of stairs Brice was following her for what seemed to him a very long time and he was only at lunch but forget the job I never liked it anyways. "What I am about to show you, you must never tell any one ever not even your grandmother." Brice not liking the sound of that just simply said "You have my interest but if it's a Saunders Original I'm going to have questions, and the first one it now what is your name?" The woman answered "It's Rebbecca Tarlington and this is for my protection nobody must know promise me." She opened the door and there it sat "A Saunders original." Brice couldn't believe it, this piece had to be the only one left in existence, "How did you come across it?" Rebbecca cleared her throat and looked at the devilishly handsome young man, "My great great grandfather stole it before he set a fire to the building."
To Be Continued:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Autumn is right around the corner, the farmer is gathering his crops everyone is getting the cars and their homes ready for winter, and the animals are getting ready for a long cold winter that comes right after. The Deer is getting ready for the rut, the squirrel is loading their dens full of nuts, the bear is gorging itself, and that littlest one of them all is doing the same. The chipmunk is doing his share to get ready for winter, at least that's what this little guy was doing, he was looking for another nut to take back to his den. See this little chipmunk is no dummy he doesn't want to go outside to eat when it's in the twenties or in the teens, no he want to go to his cache and fill its stomach and go back to sleep. So they are very smart, and quick, and let's not forget they are really

Monday, September 13, 2010

Red Bird

A woman was sitting in her living room tired and sweaty from doing her daily work that started out that morning, with cleaning the house, then moving on to the laundry, which followed with cleaning the windows, she was ready to just sit down and relax until it was time to start dinner. She saw it was too pretty to be sitting inside all day long watching her stories so she got up and went outside, she made a pitcher of lemonade sat down at her picnic table poured a tall glass of lemonade and enjoyed the sun. She was watching the birds fly in and out of the birdbath all of them were very pretty, but she was ready to go inside and take nap after all her work from the morning. She took one more look around and saw a cardinal just looking at her from the pine tree, the bird was so pretty that it seemed to her that the tree was pale in comparison the bird reminded her of her youth when her hobby was bird watching and she saw one like this before. The bird took off in flight and in a second it was gone, she closed her eyes and saw the bird again only she made the tree turn black and white the bird with bright red feathers and black head was in her mind forever, something that she can take with her all of her life. Just then the phone rang it was her husband, "Honey how about I take you out to dinner tonight." The woman replied "I got a better idea why don't you cook, and I sit back and watch you do the work tonight." The husband was amused "Deal."

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Knight In Shining Armour

Driving down the road a man saw a sign saying yard sale, so nothing better to do he pulled his truck down the neighborhood and looked for the sale, he wasn't expecting to find anything but it was worth a try, the sale was on the right side of a road and there was plenty of cars parked out in front of it to give it away. He found a place to park and got out of his truck walking up to the sale he looked around to see if he could find anything of interests, then he noticed a wind mill it was only meant for yard decor. He walked over to the windmill to just look at it when he heard a voice behind him, "I'll let that go for forty," the man turned around saw it was the owner of the sale. "I'll take it," the man said without thinking, he loaded it up and paid the person in charge got into his truck and drove off. On his way home he remembered his father in law one just like the one he had in the back of his truck, his wife should remember it well, it was because of that windmill that he met his wife, he was 11 trying to make a few extra dollars over summer when he was hired to cut the grass. He had cut the grass all day long and took a break he was sitting under a tree getting a breath of air when he saw the windmill start to tip but the problem was there was a little girl underneath of it, so he jumped up and started running, he grabbed the girl and drug her off to safety. When the windmill fell and the dust cleared they looked at each other for the first time for the boy it was just a silly little girl, but to the girl it was he knight in shinning armour. Fifteen years later they were married, after many of girlfriends and boyfriends and college they found themselves in the end, and she still called him her knight in shining armour, well now her knight was bringing home a reminder of their first meeting. He got home and took the wind mill out of truck and set it up, then he went inside found his wife and said, "Darlin I have something for you," he called out to her and finally found her in the bed room crying. The man was worried "Carol what's wrong what happened?" His wife looked up at him from their bed eyes full of tears "I already saw it, I thought you had forgotten about it." The man was smiling "Well come out and look at it, you know I could never forget that day." "Ron your still romantic 40 years later." The man still smiled "Well I might be in my late sixties but I'm still that boy you met all those years ago." She said lovingly "No your my Knight in Shining Armour."

Friday, September 10, 2010

Little Boy, Big Heart

A little boy went out to his back yard one day to play, his mother sat watching him from the kitchen window while she did dishes so she knew he wouldn't get into any kind of trouble with mom watching him. He was unusually hot out but that didn't stop the little five year old as he went outside and began playing with a toy sword he was swinging and swinging his sword when he noticed a small bird landed on the bird bath but took off as soon as it landed, the boy found the problem when he walked over to the bird bath, there wasn't any water in there. So he went inside, "Mommy can I get a glass of water?" The mother looked at him and said "Of course baby." She handed him the cup of water and he went back to the bird bath and poured that cup in, when he saw just how little water there was in it he turned right around and went back inside "Mommy I need more water." Now the mother knowing what he was up to got a pan out and filled it up with water and walked out with him and poured the contents in "Alright little man now I'm gonna get back to my wash go back playing." The little boy was content for the moment so he went back to his toy sword and began swinging it again, he stopped when he saw a small bird land inside the bird bath he stood there watching as the bird splashed as much water as he could took a good long drink bounced its way to the edge of the bath and stood there looked at the boy for a moment and flew off onto the ground. The little boy was as happy as could be as a smile came onto his face but he knew there was something missing, so he walked back into the kitchen looked up at his mother and said "Thank you Mommy for filling the bird bath up now the birds will cool down." The mother couldn't help but give a motherly smile as she asked "What else do you want now baby?" The little boy smiled really big

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Man And Nature

A man was walking by a lake one day, he had been walking for a long time so he decided to sit down and rest a while, so he picked a good spot where he could look out over the water to the other shore. It was a sight to behold the greenery of the trees were entrancing he looked to the horizon where the sky bends down to kiss the sky, and then he looked over the water the clear cascade of blue water would that brought bring a tear to his eye. It was a dry summer but there was just enough rain to keep the leaves green on the trees, but no matter the beauty of the lake and sail boats upon it was enough for his own satisfaction. "I'm sure going to miss this summer when it's gone, just too pretty out here." Just then a browned dried leaf fell on the water near a rock just out in front of him, he smiled stood up and began walking again. "I take that back I won't miss it at all fall is much prettier than the summer anyways." Just then he was reminded of yellow and red leaves from the trees but also of the pumpkins and apples that fall produces as well, it's a whole new season of wonder and he intended to enjoy it more than he did his summer.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Old Farmer And His Wife

The old farmer looked out of his kitchen window he had been getting ready for this day all season long he plowed, he planted, he water and fertilized, and now he and his trusty old harvester was getting into the fields and starting out. His wife walked in the kitchen and saw him with a cup of coffee fully clothed and ready to go to work and he would too before he would get his breakfast, "Don't you dare old man your not going out in that field without a breakfast in your stomach today, it's going to be eggs, and hash browns, and biscuits with gravy, so sit down and drink your coffee this won't take long." The old farmer knew he wouldn't get out of the kitchen without eating that large breakfast his just explained but he had to try, "Listen I want to be done with the first hundred acres by noon so I don't have time to eat a big breakfast, I'm going to drink this cup down and get out there." The old woman had heard enough and she gave him the same look she had been giving him for the last forty six years, she stuck her nose in the air turned her head to the side and looked out of the corner of the eyes, "You look here old man we go through this every year now sit down and get ready to eat." The old farmer knew she wasn't going to stop until she was able to get to the stove and do her work so he just took a deep breath and sat down at the table. The old house wife got her apron on and started to work on the breakfast going as fast as she could knowing the old man was looking forward to the fields and sooner than she thought the breakfast was done but it seemed like a long time to him. "Well it took long enough are you satisfied the sun came up before you got done with that." The old woman knew he was just trying to get her to argue with him but she wasn't going to fall for it because if she did they would argue and he would walk out without eating a thing and she wasn't going to let that happen so she calmed her temper down and looked him right in the eyes. "Yes dear that was a long time but sooner you eat the sooner you can get in that field." The old farmer gruffed and ate his breakfast as soon as he was finished he got up and kissed his wife. "Thank you old woman for the breakfast going out now." The old woman slapped his arm kissed his cheek in return and she heard him walk out the back door, "Have a good day dear." The farmer got out to his harvester checked the oil and filled up the gas tank and fired it up, he got out in the fields and began working on the back front forty. The old woman got in her car and drove down to the highway on her way to town she pulled over and saw him inside the harvester a tear came to her eye as she watched him for a while, this was how she saw him for the first time over fifty years ago, she said out loud knowing no one else could hear her. "You're in your element now old man, I love my farmer." She got back in her car and drove on to town did her shopping like she had done for all the years she had been married to the farmer.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Shy One

A woman was walking through her front yard after a good rain she loved the smell after and the way the steam rose up from the pavement, she walked over to the flower bed and was at the rain drops as they caressed the leaves of the flowers. Today there was a yellow flower that had a bit of red going through it that looked like it was ashamed because it was looking downward and hiding from the world behind the one on top. That reminded her as a child never believing that she was a pretty enough for anyone always hiding she was never picked first in the school yard, she was closer to last when it came being asked to a dance and she never even went to her Junior prom. That was until she met a boy that made her feel special he treated like a lady, told her everyday that she was beautiful and told her that he would never stop telling her that. She loved him then and she loved him still, she became his wife, she bared his children, and would still walk through fire to be next to him. She looked at that flower and said out loud as if the flower was listening, "I know how you feel but I don't feel that way anymore." She walked back inside and she saw her husband sleeping soundly in the mid day and even though his snoring was louder still now that he was older she just looked at him with a tear in her eye, "I love you old man," she said to herself and walked over to the chair watch him sleep for a few minutes and fell asleep herself.

From Dan. I hope you all had a good Labor day weekend I went camping for two nights so I haven't posted anything for a couple days but I'll be back here post new stories for you like always, so enjoy this story and photo. Until tomorrow.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Fishing Sunset

After the events of the last two weeks the young man sitting in the folding chair deserved the chance to get away after he lost his job, lost his girlfriend, had to file for bankruptcy, and nearly lost his truck if it wasn't for his father. Right now fishing on the camp site and drinking a beer is the closest thing he will ever get to living a rich life but to him this was as rich as a man could get. Out here you didn't have anyone telling you that your holding up production so get moving faster, you don't have any girl saying that the friends you have with you right now embarrass her, you don't have bills piling up while your gone, and you don't have a loan agent telling you that they are going to take your truck away. No it's just himself, friends, beer fishing poles and beautiful sun all day long, the relaxation is a nice thing to have after the stress he's been through, just then his good friend was walking over to him while he counting his blessings. "Hey Jimmy you having any luck there?" Jimmy looked up to his friend and said "Well I'm having just about the same kind of luck as you are Bobby." The other young man laughed and said "Yeah I know better I saw all the fish you pulled in today, but guess what I just called my Dad up at the store and he said you have a job when we get back." Jimmy looked at his friend and it felt like another fifty pounds came off his shoulders, "Bobby I don't know how to thank you for putting a good word in for me though it's your Dad and he's always liked me." Bobby threw a line in the water and started reeling it back in "Well not to worry about that right now let's get ready for the cat fish." Jimmy looked up to the horizon the sky was fire red through the trees it was going to be a beautiful night and he wasn't worrying about a thing.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Bird and Husband

A mid aged woman was sitting in her front yard just drinking lemonade and relaxing in the shade of a large tree, after such a long hot summer it felt good to feel the breeze on her face being as cool as it was. She was taking pictures of the birds flying in the front yard, this was one of her favorite hobbies bird watching and photography but the hardest kind of bird to get to sit still was the robin, the robin would land spot an ant or a worm and just attack none would just look up and take a break. Just then a robin landed and did exactly like she thought spotted an ant and went right after it and it was beginning to bounce around looking for another just then it did something she would never expect. The robin stood still looked right at her as it to ask what are you looking at, the woman was stunned as she raised her camera and took the photo it went back to doing what it did best and after a few minutes it took off again. The woman was so excited she couldn't wait to get the photo downloaded to her computer so she went right in the house and downloaded the photo, while she was doing this her husband walked in behind her. "Marie, I brought everything in did you forget it?" Marie looked up to her husband "No darlin but thank you, look at this," she brought up the photo and showed it to her husband. "Oh Marie you've been doing this for years but you've never had one do that for you that's beautiful." The husband the next day took a printed out copy to work with him and was showing it off he was so proud of her. He showed it to all that would look until he showed it to his boss, his boss was so taken by the photo he offered to buy a copy from her, his offer was two hundred dollars the husband was very excited and when he got home from work and told his wife. "Is he crazy, two hundred dollars for a photo?" The husband didn't question his bosses sanity he just went to get the 20x16 photo made, when he finally got it to his boss, the boss paid the two hundred dollars. The husband went to the jewelers and bought a necklace with a bird emblem with the two hundred dollars, when he got home his wife was in the front yard taking more photo's when he walked up to her got down on his knee, "Marie darlin, close your eyes and open your hands." She did so accordingly and said "Oh Dave you know I like surprises." He placed the box in her hands and she opened her eyes, when she opened the box she began to cry, because they could never afford something like this. "How did you afford this." The husband kind of embarrassed and ashamed of himself for not being able to do this before, "I didn't you bought that for yourself the photo that sold afforded that, this is from me." He reached into his pocket and pulled out another box when he opened it he revealed a diamond ring "Now don't get too excited it's only a small stud but it's yours dear." Marie was so happy she couldn't speak she just leaned to him and kissed him again as if she was young, sometimes words just can't express a miracle such as a husband showing his love for his wife after thirty years of marriage or a bird standing still long enough to get that perfect shot.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


A young man was walking through his grandfathers yard and was looking around when he noticed a birdhouse just placed in a tree, that was a curious thing because birdhouses was supposed to be nailed to the tree. He thought nothing more about it kept on with his walk later that evening the young man asked his grandfather about it. "Grandpa do you want me to nail that birdhouse to the tree tommarow for you won't take nothing at all." The old man looked at the young man and smiled "No just leave it be there's a reason for that you know." The grandson was curious so he asked "Well what reason grandpa?" The old man knew he had his attention; "Well when I was growing up my grandma your great great grandma used to put her birdhouses up like that she told me the story about when her father went off to war he built her a birdhouse before he went and sat the bird house in the tree instead of hanging it well someone hung it one day and she was angry stayed there ever since when her father came back home he asked why she never hung the birdhouse and she told him when someone hung it he got shot in the leg when it was back in the fork he was safe." The young man smiled to himself, "You know grandpa that's a good family tradition and a good story." Three years later the grandfather went to see his grandson off to war when he arrived at the house it was full of family and friends but his grandson made him for just him and they took a short walk together around the yard, "I've got something for you come with me." said the grandfather. He walked to his car and opened the door and got out the old birdfeeder, "It is new I just got done making it" He walked over to a small tree and placed it in the fork of a tree,"Now your safe, fight and come back home those are your jobs." The grandson understanding looked at his wife and looked at his grandfather and said. "Grandpa, tell Missy the story when she's having a hard time of it would you?" The grandfather looked at him and placed his hands on his shoulders, "I'm proud of you, following my footsteps in the military, so don't worry I'll keep it good here on the home front." Then the young man his mother father wife and grandfather went to the bus where the army was pulling out, once again they said thier good lucks and goodbye's and he was off. One night a hard wind blew through the three and blew the birdhouse out of the tree, the grandfather knew that the wind would blow it out so he went to his grandsons home and sure enough it was on the ground he picked it up and placed it back in the tree. Four years past and the grandson came home from war the first thing he looked for was the birdhouse when the grandfather now getting very elderly drove himself to see his grandson they greeted one another and started talking. "Only one time did the birdhouse fall out of the tree but I put it back in that fork at 2 in the morning I meant that much to me." Well the grandson knew what had happend. "Yeah Missy told me now are you ready for this, that same night my unit and I were pinned down in a bad spot and a ricochet bullet got me right on the back of the neck they said another two or three inches standing straight I wouldn't be alive but I had dropped something this picture." He showed him two photo's one of his wife next to the tree with the birdhouse and the birdhouse on it own. "The one I dropped was the one of the birdhouse on it's own if I hadn't leaned down to pick it up I wouldn't be alive."

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rain On The Window

The rain drops on the outside of the window was a welcomed sight to the man who hadn't had a day off in three months, but the boss called him that morning and told him the day was a wash go ahead and have a day off. He was sipping on his coffee and looking out the front window this was a nice kind of day relaxation without guilt, then his phone rang, he answered it and found it was his girlfriend. "Simon if you have the day off why don't I come on over." Simon thought about it for a split second but that was all it took, "Okay but promise me one thing." She answered "Oh no what's that?" Simon knew he had her attention, "No funny business just you me the couch movie and popcorn believe it or not a man likes to just cuddle some days too." The young woman had plans for them today but that was alright, "Alright then I choose the movies all chick flicks and fat free popcorn." He expected this, "Alright just come on over, I'm not coming out of my pajama's today." Within an hour she arrived at his front door with three movies and popcorn, "Stacey, come on in hon." The young woman walked in took her rain coat off and he noticed it right off "I see you haven't taken your pajamas off either." They kept to his wishes no fooling around just a lot of cuddling and movies and conversation, with each hour they laid with each other in each others arms the couple were growing attached to each other, the rain kept beating down and they ended up talking more than watching the movies. When it got really late she looked at him and said "Well hon I'm going to have to go it's late and you wake up early in the morning." Then Simon took her in his arms kissed her passionately walked to the front door it was still raining, he turned to her and said "Not tonight, tonight your staying with me." He picked her up like one of the characters from the movies they had just watched and carried her off to bed. The next morning it was still raining and he was standing at the same window watching the rain steadily beat down it was the phone that woke up Stacey she walked up from behind him wrapped her arms around him and said "Who was that calling so early in the morning." Simon looked at her "Good morning, want some coffee, we have another day together that was my boss he told me to stay home." Stacey smiled "Daddy knows where I am, I told him where I was going last night I think he's trying to trap you into staying with the company by turning me loose on you." Simon smiled "Not the only reason" He reached into his robe pockets pulled out a small box "I told him I was going to purpose to a beautiful woman that he knew well and he agreed I should, will you marry me?" The face was bliss on Stacey's face she knew what yesterday meant he was testing to see if she loved him in his own way. "Of course I will but." He stopped her "What, but?" Stacey was having fun with him "Every rainy day for the rest of our lives promise me we'll do what we did yesterday." Simon smiled "Absolutely, only one thing?" Stacey asked him "What one thing." His smile widened "No more fat free popcorn." Stacey laughed out loud "But I'll get fat and your going to have to love it no matter what." They turned to the window and started planning the future they had all day to talk about this the rain drops on the outside window was a welcome sight.