Saturday, September 25, 2010

Apple Orchards

Some family traditions should never die, and the yearly visit to the apple orchard is one of them, going into the field finding that right apple and picking it from the tree just once a year can bring memories that last for years. When you grow up looking up at the tree not being able to reach that perfect apple and then learning that if you just climb it then those apples are just an arm length away. When you become a teenager your starting to get too cool for the apple orchard so you withdraw from the family but after a while of sitting in the car and doing nothing you can't resist the pull of going and pulling that perfect apple. When you turn twenty-one you find that even though you just went out the night before and partied hard and your hung over that your family still wants you to go with them, so pulling apples hung over can be difficult but not impossible when you see the faces of the loved ones just because your there to join them. As you get older you bring your own children and begin the tradition of your own, an apple tree has had its own dark history with Adam and Eve but through the family we've given apples the second chance that all things in life need. So today I will be going with my family to the apple orchard and it won't matter how many we get whether it be half bushel or two bushels just so long as we get out there and pick them apples at the end of September.

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