Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sleeping Turtle

A young man had been fishing since sun up just like his grandpa had taught him, he hadn't caught anything but two small catfish all day long he felt his stomach start to growl and his hunger had started to get to him so he pulled the lines in and got his grill out. He had a few hot dogs and potato chips but that would suffice for lunch, he was just sitting there watching the waves of the lake come up and back down again it was a peaceful sight. When he didn't think that it could get any better a turtle popped out of the water and climbed up on a rock that was protruding from the water, he was just sitting there acting as though it was the king of the lake. "Well now you'll sit there for about as long as it takes to eat my lunch but I'll bet as soon as I throw a line in the water you'll jump off that rock." He just sat there watching the turtle sun itself, it was so peaceful the wind was blowing the shade of the tree he was sitting under made like it was a blanket, the water made the ripples make music. When the young man woke up he noticed it was dark the grill was cool the lines were dry and the turtle was gone, he gathered his things and loaded up his truck and went back home, he considered it one of the best day of fishing of his life, sometimes it's simple things that makes it a great day.

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