Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Man And Nature

A man was walking by a lake one day, he had been walking for a long time so he decided to sit down and rest a while, so he picked a good spot where he could look out over the water to the other shore. It was a sight to behold the greenery of the trees were entrancing he looked to the horizon where the sky bends down to kiss the sky, and then he looked over the water the clear cascade of blue water would that brought bring a tear to his eye. It was a dry summer but there was just enough rain to keep the leaves green on the trees, but no matter the beauty of the lake and sail boats upon it was enough for his own satisfaction. "I'm sure going to miss this summer when it's gone, just too pretty out here." Just then a browned dried leaf fell on the water near a rock just out in front of him, he smiled stood up and began walking again. "I take that back I won't miss it at all fall is much prettier than the summer anyways." Just then he was reminded of yellow and red leaves from the trees but also of the pumpkins and apples that fall produces as well, it's a whole new season of wonder and he intended to enjoy it more than he did his summer.

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