Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pink Rose

Patrick was just a blue collar working class man with not a lot to his name, he was married to a young woman for two years now and was completely in bliss as far as that goes, but with no children yet in their lives, Kristen still liked to go out Friday and Saturday nights. There was a problem though when he got home after an 8 hour shift and three hours overtime he was tired and more than a few nights Kristen had been very understanding of that, there had been at least two nights for sure that she would even rub his back after a hard day. Today however he knew what would happen when he walked through the door she would more than likely be ready to go, but tonight he just wants to sit down and try to relax he had been using the heavy machinery all day to get the construction site finished in the time allowed by his boss. He pulled into the drive and put his truck in park, got his lunch box and walked inside his home, "Kristen I'm home and I'm happy to be." Kristen was sure enough waiting for him with her skirt and halter top, and dancing shoes on but she ran to him and hugged his neck and kissed his cheek, "I've been waiting I got my club clothes on let's go." Patrick was going to hurt her something horribly this time he could tell but he couldn't trust himself to drive after all this time at work, "Sweety I don't feel like it I'm really tired I moved over two tons of metal today, and I just want to catch the movie on tonight." Kristen was obviously crushed but her pain turned to anger quickly, "Every week you say that, every week we stay right here, you forgot didn't you what day this is today haven't you?" Patrick was puzzled he didn't know what she was screaming about, "Well I guess I have forgotten what are you talking about and stop yelling at me I'm tired try to understand." Kristen now lowering her volume said, "OH I have understood for the last three months and if you don't remember what day this is that's your problem, but I'm going out I would rather go with you but since you don't care to remember anything as important as today I don't think I will." As Kristen stormed out of the house and into her car she turned the motor on and Patrick ran out of the house ran to the car and through the window got the keys and turned the motor off, "When you calm down you can go anywhere you want to I won't stop you, but your angry and more than likely to get yourself hurt and someone else hurt." Then Kristen looked up at him and said very calmly, "I'm not angry I'm hurt and calm enough to drive just give me the keys back I don't know if I'll be back, I might just go to my mothers for a while so just let me go." Begrudgingly Patrick handed her the keys but said, "This would be easier if you would tell me what today is?" Kristen now crying said "If I have to remind you every year, it might not be as important to you as it is to me." At that she put the car in reverse and down the driveway she went and slowly drove the car down the street and she was gone, she had never done this before and Patrick knew he had messed up good now, but what had he forgotten. Patrick walked back into his house it was so quiet now it hurt, how could have not seen it was coming to a head like this, she agreed to be a house wife, she agreed with him when he told her that she didn't have to work that his pay would cover everything. He knew that it would be hard on her if she did that but she went along with it but what did he forget that was so important to her that's the most painful thing that was nagging at him, finally he picked up the phone, dialed a number and it was answered from the person he was calling. "Mom I am in need right now you gotta tell me what was so important about this day?" His mother said in her motherly tone, "Don't you tell me you forgot your wedding anniversary was today." Patrick dropped the phone he couldn't believe he had forgotten that today was three years with his wife, and all he could talk about was how tired he was, he picked up the phone and said "Yeah I did and now Kristen just walked out on me said she was going to her mothers." His mother knew not to scold him now his wife had done all the damage needed, "Sweety only you can make this right now I'm not being rude but I'm going to get off here so you can." Patrick knew what to do the second she said that, "Mom is blaze still in the garage?" His mother answered "Yes honey you father tuned it up last week." Patrick said "Good I'll be there in an hour, thanks Mom." Patrick hung up the phone took a shower, put on a pair of jeans, balck tee shirt and a hoody that said "Stallions" and work boots, got in his truck and dove to his mothers. "Thanks Dad for keeping it in good working condition" Patrick said as he was looking at the 1968 Camero with the eight cylinder engine and racing strips down the center and the paint job that had two fire blazes down the sides. His father looked at him "Son I forgot our wedding anniversary once and your mother did the same thing, go easy on her it means more to women than it does men." Patrick was noticing a flower in the garden as he said this it was a beautiful pink rose, "Thanks Dad, one more thing if I could," and Patrick pointed to the rose in the garden. His father smiled to himself, "Sure son". Patrick cut the rose got into the car shook his fathers hand and started the 375 engine and then he felt a leather jacket in his lap, "Son wear this I wore it that night I apologized to your mother it kind of gives off the bad boy saying he's sorry thing." Patrick smiled "Thanks again Dad," with that he went to his mother-in-laws home and sure enough her car was in the drive way. Patrick though about going up and knocking on the door but no that's not how he used to do it when he came to pick her up when they dated in high school, he pulled into the drive way took the hoody off and put on his fathers jacket, it fit good, and then he honked the horn, and revved the engine, that alone would have woken the neighborhood had anyone been asleep. Kristen came to the door wiping her eyes, "Do you think that just because you got the car we fell in love in, wearing the bad boy jacket with the black tee shirt I love to see you in, that I'm going to forgive you?" Patrick got out of the car, "No but I'm hoping that this will serve as a olive branch, it's pink saying I love you." Kristen looked at the rose and tears began streaming down her face again, "Your a jerk you know that right?" Patrick smiled and said, "Happy Anniversary honey, I love you." Kristen kissed him "I love you too and I love this rose, let's go home," Patrick looked at her and said, "Nope we're going out."

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