Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Brice Saunders And Rebecca's Tarlington Part One: The Clock.

Brice Saunders was taking his usual afternoon walk while he was on lunch like he would on any other day, he was just strolling along the busy street staring into the plate glass of the shops, he never went in to buy anything but that doesn't mean he wouldn't like to. Brice was just a messenger boy at his job and they didn't pay that much, as matter of fact he hated his job but like most people he kept at it just for the paycheck, but today while he was on his adventure he noticed something of note in one of the windows he passed by, a clock. This clock was not like any he had seen in years it looked like one his great great grandfather would have made in the eighteen hundreds but that couldn't be because all of those clocks had been lost to a great fire at the turn of the century in San Fransisco. Non the less of that fact he was sure he recognized the clock from a photo his grandmother showed him more than a few times, so the only way to be sure would be to go into the store and take a look at it. Brice knew if the initials were on the bottom of the clock itself then there would not be any doubt, that clock would be a Saunders original and priceless, so Brice walked in and spotted the young woman working behind the counter at the antiques mall. "Hello miss I would like to take a look at the clock in your window please," the young woman spotted the man and answered "Of course sir one moment please." She put protective gloves on walked over to the display case opened it up and took the clock out of the case, walked it back to the counter placing it gingerly on the counter, "I cannot let you touch it but I will handle the clock sir." Brice walked over to the clock and asked, "Please lift it up and let me see the very bottom please." She lifted it up and turned it so he could see the bottom, and there was not a mark on it, the young woman smiled, "You thought it to be a Saunders original didn't you." Brice turned red in the face, "He was my great great grandfather so I keep my eyes open." The young woman saw he was hurt and said "Don't feel bad I've had two others come in here and asked the same thing already, can you prove he was your grandfather?" Brice did not know why she asked such a silly question but he had his suspicions, "Why should I prove it?" The young woman felt affronted "No reason and you didn't have to yell at me." Brice didn't realize he was being loud "I'm sorry but yes he was my Great great grandfather and I was looking to buy it for my grandmother, if only I could find one." The woman understanding a bit better took pity on him, "If you would follow me please." She came from out of the counter and took a sharp turn, down a hall and up a flight of stairs Brice was following her for what seemed to him a very long time and he was only at lunch but forget the job I never liked it anyways. "What I am about to show you, you must never tell any one ever not even your grandmother." Brice not liking the sound of that just simply said "You have my interest but if it's a Saunders Original I'm going to have questions, and the first one it now what is your name?" The woman answered "It's Rebbecca Tarlington and this is for my protection nobody must know promise me." She opened the door and there it sat "A Saunders original." Brice couldn't believe it, this piece had to be the only one left in existence, "How did you come across it?" Rebbecca cleared her throat and looked at the devilishly handsome young man, "My great great grandfather stole it before he set a fire to the building."
To Be Continued:

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