Thursday, September 16, 2010

Brice Saunders And Rebecca Tarlington Part 2: Ultimatum Sunset

Brice didn't know what exactly to say, this girl was making fun of him he was sure, he thought about it for just a moment, "It's not right you making fun of me." The girl smiled a sheepish smile, "Well the truth is far too fantastic." Brice was smiling for a change, "How did you family come across it I really would like to know." Rebbeca thought about it for a moment and then she put the clock back into its appropriate place locked the lock turned back around to Brice and like a girl with a new doll asked "Well wouldn't you like to buy me dinner and we'll talk about it in more detail?" Brice was blushing this girl was actually flirting with him now and she asked him out that never happens "Of course I'll pick you up at 8 in front of here right?" Rebecca was radiant "Yes that would be great I can't wait to see you tonight." Then she led him back downstairs and through the maze of the antiques mall and to the front door, "Remember Rebecca 8 o'clock and I'll be right here." Then he turned and walked back into the streets and back to to work he went but little good that did by the time he got back to the office it had closed for the day and it was already time to go home. When Brice finally got back to his apartment it was six that meant only two hours for shower shave and good clothes so he rushed as hard as he could and then he would have to fight the traffic of Saturday night in a city. When he got all done that he needed to be done he got into his car and drove to the antique shop only ten minutes late that even impressed him, but no Rebecca, he got out of his car walked up to the door of the building and knocked on the door. After a few minutes a man came to the door "Yes can I help you young man?" Brice looked at the older man who answered the door he was small stature of a man in his late sixties with a grey and black mustache that looked like he could eat because of it going so far past his lip, "Yes please if you could tell Rebecca that Brice is here to pick her up for dinner." The older man laughed "Oh don't tell me your the reason for the commotion, well I hate to tell you this young man but she isn't here she left this afternoon didn't say where she was going but it doesn't look like she's coming back but she did leave this letter, here." The man reached into his pocket and produced a letter and handed it to Brice, "Sorry again back up now." Brice backed up and shut the door in Brice's face, Brice turned and walked back to his car started it up and drove off in a rage, how could he be so stupid to trust a woman who obviously is hiding something but what? So Brice just drove down to his favorite place to sit it was nearly sunset and he could watch that and read this letter, what would be the explanation good enough for making him go through the hell of driving all the way across town again today to just pick her up for dinner. So Brice sat down on grass in the park pulled the letter out of his pocket he would have just enough light to read this letter and the first thing he noticed about it was that it was scented with her perfume, "What's that about we're not dating!" he said out loud as he tore it open and read.


I'm sorry I couldn't be there tonight hope you understand but there is not way I could ever let you get that close to the clock again I have a secret yes and I won't be telling you any time soon but here is my problem, I like you a lot so I've devised a way to see what you really want. Do you the clock or do you just want the story of how I got the clock and dinner with me, so here's my idea I'm leaving the restaurant at 10 o'clock and these are two key to lockers, one is in the mall the other in the train station if you want the clock I suggest going to the train station, if you want dinner with me and the story go to the mall. Inside the locker at the mall you'll find a white rose and another letter telling you where I am, at the train station you'll find how you can get the clock not the clock itself, if anyone but you goes to the train station to collect the information I can promise they won't wake up in the morning. Now which will it be an old clock or dinner with me, and the clock is ticking don't keep me waiting.


P.S. I really like you Brice I hope you can tell.

"What did she mean by they won't wake up in the morning does that mean she'll kill them what kind of woman is this," Brice said out loud knowing that she was fully dangerous but fully intriguing as well. He looked down at his watch it's 9 o'clock already what will he do. He noticed the sky with it's sunset the blue and reds mixing in together through the trees and he made up his mind...

To Be Continued...

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