Thursday, September 23, 2010

Childhood Memory

Claira was in her yard with her little girl just admiring the roses and cutting a few for the living room, when Claira came upon three grown together, she leaned down and was starting to cut them when her 7 year old said, "NO MOMMY do we have to cut those those are so pretty." Claira smiled in her loving way, "No we don't but they will just whither and die soon at least this way we can have them in the house for a little while." The little girl was animate about it, "Oh Mommy please don't just let them grow a while longer." Claira could remember a similar incident with her mother but she cut them anyways and it took a month before Claira would talk to her again, "Alright Ashlie we'll leave them alone." Ashlie smiled walked over to the roses and smelled them then she went on her way helping her mother pick the flowers that could go into the living room.

Sometimes just listening to a child's wishes can open thier heart better than a hug, just understanding them and giving in more than you already do once, can bring a childhood memory that would span decades.

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