Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Brice Saunders and Rebecca Tarlington Part 7:
Saunders Lake

"We made it, it is really pretty I can see why my Grandpa Tarlington liked this place so much," Rebecca said as she got out of the car the long journey from Arizona to Northern California was a rough one. The lake was blue as the sky that day the sun was shining as if it was going to help find the gold buried somewhere here near this lake but for Rebecca she had already found her gold Brice was a handsome sweet and sensitive man and she was feeling something for him. Brice was looking around and smiled at Rebecca "Shall we come back here for a picnic sometime but right now I do believe we're here for a reason, so this is the family cabin you told me about, any idea where to look first off?" Rebecca could see they weren't going to spend much time talking so right to work she went, "I think I saw a something in the cabin years ago when I was growing up my grandmother took it out of my hands and I never saw it again it was a slate of some kind and it writing on it, I was too young to know what it said." Brice was smiling again, "You were a bad little girl then?" Rebecca answered back "Ha Ha, I'm sure you weren't a bad little boy yourself at times, come on let's get into the cabin and see what we can find." They walked into the old under kept cabin and began looking around, removing the blinds from the windows to allow the light to show through, they checked the living room, the bed room, the pantry, and kitchen nothing, but that left the attic. Slowly but surely Brice climbed the ladder leading to the attic and helped Rebecca up, they started looking around and saw a really old wooden trunk and opened it up, laying right on top was the slate from years ago, the writing on it was nearly faded away but it was still legible. "Look on the mantle and add ten," Seeing that they both knew what it was talking about, "Another map Brice." Brice was a little tired of all this but he didn't let it bother him, "Well let's follow it," they went down stairs and looked at the fire place mantel "Our five hearts make this family of love." Brice said it out loud though he didn't need to "Fifteen of what?" Rebecca looked at him not believing he didn't understand it "Look at the mantle it has five hearts engraved on it but it has names written on them, John, Mary, Pete, Lucy, and Tom, my great grand father didn't have any brothers and sisters." Brice understood, "Tom Saunders, Saunders Lake, it was my great grand father who found this place first so I'll be willing to bet it was him who built this cabin and this mantle and wrote on the slate, so if I hammer in the first two names I'll bet there is something behind it, and the slate would be referring to what that says." Brice hammered away at the names of Tom and Mary and sure enough there was a paper behind them, he opened it up and found a note.

"I had to get away from San Fransisco so I faked my death at the hands of Tom Tarlington whose bosses were pressing him to give up on me a friend closer than brothers. Tom knew he couldn't let someone come between us especially some private investigative agency so we took the gold burned down my shop, and came out here, only my wife knew where I was but she played the part of a grieving widow for all of those years until it was safe for her to join me here. There is close to twenty thousand left so let's see if your ready for what left of the game, under the second brick of this fire place you'll find the real map happy hunting.

Pete Saunders"

"I can't believe it he faked his own death, ran out here collected the insurance money and lived out his life here." Rebecca was just as shocked her family had been behind all this the whole time the agency was pressing him to give up on a friend and he was loyal enough to do put his own life at risk for a friend, and here she was about to turn on a friend for a job. "Well add ten to 2 and that makes twelve so it's the twelfth brick." Brice got a chisel out and hammered away finally pulling the brick out of the floor he found what he was looking for, a map. "From the front door turn right and go into the barn, and dig in between the doors." Brice couldn't believe this more digging. "They were slippery guys weren't they?" Rebecca and Brice walked to the barn and started digging together, they dug five feet into the ground until they finally hit a trunk they raised it up and opened it, "Your nearly there now this is the final clue, and I'll be direct, there is a cave two miles from this very spot back into the hills. Go into the cave and walk two hundred yards, X marks the spot." Rebecca wiped the sweat from her brows and looked at Brice, "Well at least we know where it is let's go up there and find this." They walked through the wood and something came over Brice, "You know chasing this gold down with you has been an adventure Rebecca I don't want the adventure to end with this." Rebecca looked at Brice "I would like that ever since Arizona I've been thinking about a lot." Brice smiled "I'll be by to pick you up at 8 next Saturday night if you ever give me an address." Rebecca looked at him "How about we just meet at the same restaurant we were supposed to meet that night, and by the way there is the cave." They walked into the cave and talked the rest of the way flashlights in hand, until two hundred yard were complete and it was obvious what the X marked the spot meant. Four coffins were inside the cave with names inscribed on each, Pete Saunders, Mary Saunders, X Saunders, and Charlie Wakes, they looked at each other excitement was filling them up twenty thousand back then would be a lot more now than then. "Rebecca, it's my great grand parents so this is where they are buried no one knew, now stand back and I'll open it," Brice used the crowbar to pry the lid up and inside was gold more than twenty thousand worth but a lot more. Rebecca looked at Brice, "Brice we'll split it even just like you said, and I do want to see you again." Brice just answered "If you want to get that job it's alright I found the real gold standing right here in front of me."

One week had past since they found Pete and Mary's coffins back at the cave and Rebecca went on a shopping spree she bought a new dress from what money she already had, she and Brice agreed to trade in the gold a little at a time so not to rise suspicions. Rebecca was waiting for Brice to show up again at the restaurant and ten minutes had already passed and just like before so she got up from the table and walked to her car, when she got to her car she felt a hand on her shoulders, she turned around fast and slapped whoever it was. It was Brice, "I just wanted to give you this." He kissed her tenderly and pulled back "I wasn't sure you were going to show" Rebecca said, to which Brice replied, "I may be late but I'll always be there for you."

The End.

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