Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Shy One

A woman was walking through her front yard after a good rain she loved the smell after and the way the steam rose up from the pavement, she walked over to the flower bed and was at the rain drops as they caressed the leaves of the flowers. Today there was a yellow flower that had a bit of red going through it that looked like it was ashamed because it was looking downward and hiding from the world behind the one on top. That reminded her as a child never believing that she was a pretty enough for anyone always hiding she was never picked first in the school yard, she was closer to last when it came being asked to a dance and she never even went to her Junior prom. That was until she met a boy that made her feel special he treated like a lady, told her everyday that she was beautiful and told her that he would never stop telling her that. She loved him then and she loved him still, she became his wife, she bared his children, and would still walk through fire to be next to him. She looked at that flower and said out loud as if the flower was listening, "I know how you feel but I don't feel that way anymore." She walked back inside and she saw her husband sleeping soundly in the mid day and even though his snoring was louder still now that he was older she just looked at him with a tear in her eye, "I love you old man," she said to herself and walked over to the chair watch him sleep for a few minutes and fell asleep herself.

From Dan. I hope you all had a good Labor day weekend I went camping for two nights so I haven't posted anything for a couple days but I'll be back here post new stories for you like always, so enjoy this story and photo. Until tomorrow.

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