Saturday, September 18, 2010

Brice Saunders And Rebecca Tarlington Part Four: The Falls

"Alright tell me again how it goes, helps kill the monotony of driving eight hours." Brice was told the tale of how Rebecca's great great grandfathers and his robbed a train full of gold with the wild bunch and in the fit of running from the law they hid the gold in a hole but made a map to find it again. However when you live on the wrong side of the law it makes it hard to go and retrieve something like that and it became clear that someone was a snitch in the gang because most of the gang was killed by the detective agency. So they took the map and split it up amongst them, words written on paper as directions, Rebecca had found all the clues to put map back together and find the gold. The reason the gang never was able to go back to the gold was because all of them were killed except their grandfathers, so here it was nearly a hundred and ten years later and they finally returning to the gold. Rebecca nearly asleep from the long ride rubbed her eyes and yawned a bit, "On the Colorado, when the falls arrive, turn left facing down stream, 64 steps from angels door step, and 60 more to the right, then 100 more from Kindle and you'll be Right."
Brice was wrapping his mind around what she said, "You can figure the Colorado and the falls but which falls?" Rebecca was saving this as a surprise but it would help in the long run if she told him now, "When I was growing up my father told me that the small ghost town of Surrender was the place of many wonders, but the thing it's most known for was a second hideout of the wild bunch and that town is right off the Colorado river I'd look there first." Brice was yawning too much but he kept driving, "Turn left facing down stream I guess that means the left side of the river doesn't it?" Rebecca had, had enough she was tired it was nearly sundown and she didn't care too much for driving all night long, "Listen let's pull over get a hotel room and let's sleep on it we have all day tomorrow to think this through and yes that would mean the left side of the river." Brice fully agreed "That sounds fine but we can still talk to keep me awake alright, now 64 steps from angels doorstep, I guess we should stop here because that doesn't make any sense to me, oh and thanks for talking me into this. Rebecca smiled "I had every right to press charges for kidnapping but I needed your help on this I've done it alone for too long now since I was a child." Brice had to ask "So how did you come across the clock?" Rebecca answered "I was looking in every antiques shop I could find on the west coast and I found it by accident walking into that shop one day, when I realized the price on it I knew I could not afford it so I got a job there. I had a replica made of the clock and the morning you came in I already had it switched out, I was about to leave with it when you came in so I ran back up the stairs hid it and came back down to help you. When you knew about the initials on the bottom of it I knew you knew more than the average person about the Saunders clocks so I was wondering where you fit in all of it. When I found out your grandfather was Saunders I nearly fainted from excitement it kept running through my mind two of the old gang members family claiming the gold at last." Brice pulled into the parking lot and got the room with two beds they went to the rooms slept a good nights sleep and by morning they were on the road, eight hours later they were in the ghost town of Surrender. "Well we finally made it lets see if we can find the falls." Brice followed Rebecca through a few trees and could hear ragging water in from of them and then he saw it, the falls, a surge of excitement ran through him like a child getting his first bicycle "Well we found the falls, now we have to get to the other side, and follow the instructions." Rebecca turned around looked him in the eyes, "Alright there is one last piece to the story and your not going to like it."

To Be Continued...

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