Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Under God

I just want to take a step back from the stories today and express my love of this country and all we hold. When you think of our country you can think of our diversity which means we are a melting pot of ethnic beliefs and different races, we are English, German, Dutch, Swedish, French, Spanish, Russian, Irish, and Scottish, and we are also, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese. However we cannot forget also we are Iranian, Israeli, Saudi Arabian, Pakistani, and few Egyptians as well. So when you put all of these things together and mix them onto one Continent it makes for all sorts of different people, with different ideas, cultures of their own. We live, work and buy the things they need to live and that is the American way for we are all created equal under the sight of God, no hand nor foot stands above anyone else. We are a Country that has its basis for Capitalism we buy sale and trade, we are not a Communist nation that lives under the rule of dictatorship where if a farmer grows a crop he must under law give the crop to the nation and share all he owns, not selling anything but give it away as though his hard work means nothing. The next time your in the grocery store waiting through a long line complaining about how much everything costs, just be happy you live in a country where that is possible for without capitalism we wouldn't be able to sale much of anything, ask Russia how that works that country fell apart in the eighties. From California, to Maine we are America, I live in the middle called the Midwest, Indiana, where the corn is grown, and we love our sports, our fast cars, and our own rich history. Some say living in the United States is like living in Disney land everyday compared to other countries I'll take their word for it because I'll not be living in other nations I'm staying right here good or bad it's home this is the United States of America and I'm proud to say Under God I pledge my allegiance to the flag of the United States.

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