Friday, September 3, 2010

Bird and Husband

A mid aged woman was sitting in her front yard just drinking lemonade and relaxing in the shade of a large tree, after such a long hot summer it felt good to feel the breeze on her face being as cool as it was. She was taking pictures of the birds flying in the front yard, this was one of her favorite hobbies bird watching and photography but the hardest kind of bird to get to sit still was the robin, the robin would land spot an ant or a worm and just attack none would just look up and take a break. Just then a robin landed and did exactly like she thought spotted an ant and went right after it and it was beginning to bounce around looking for another just then it did something she would never expect. The robin stood still looked right at her as it to ask what are you looking at, the woman was stunned as she raised her camera and took the photo it went back to doing what it did best and after a few minutes it took off again. The woman was so excited she couldn't wait to get the photo downloaded to her computer so she went right in the house and downloaded the photo, while she was doing this her husband walked in behind her. "Marie, I brought everything in did you forget it?" Marie looked up to her husband "No darlin but thank you, look at this," she brought up the photo and showed it to her husband. "Oh Marie you've been doing this for years but you've never had one do that for you that's beautiful." The husband the next day took a printed out copy to work with him and was showing it off he was so proud of her. He showed it to all that would look until he showed it to his boss, his boss was so taken by the photo he offered to buy a copy from her, his offer was two hundred dollars the husband was very excited and when he got home from work and told his wife. "Is he crazy, two hundred dollars for a photo?" The husband didn't question his bosses sanity he just went to get the 20x16 photo made, when he finally got it to his boss, the boss paid the two hundred dollars. The husband went to the jewelers and bought a necklace with a bird emblem with the two hundred dollars, when he got home his wife was in the front yard taking more photo's when he walked up to her got down on his knee, "Marie darlin, close your eyes and open your hands." She did so accordingly and said "Oh Dave you know I like surprises." He placed the box in her hands and she opened her eyes, when she opened the box she began to cry, because they could never afford something like this. "How did you afford this." The husband kind of embarrassed and ashamed of himself for not being able to do this before, "I didn't you bought that for yourself the photo that sold afforded that, this is from me." He reached into his pocket and pulled out another box when he opened it he revealed a diamond ring "Now don't get too excited it's only a small stud but it's yours dear." Marie was so happy she couldn't speak she just leaned to him and kissed him again as if she was young, sometimes words just can't express a miracle such as a husband showing his love for his wife after thirty years of marriage or a bird standing still long enough to get that perfect shot.

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