Monday, September 13, 2010

Red Bird

A woman was sitting in her living room tired and sweaty from doing her daily work that started out that morning, with cleaning the house, then moving on to the laundry, which followed with cleaning the windows, she was ready to just sit down and relax until it was time to start dinner. She saw it was too pretty to be sitting inside all day long watching her stories so she got up and went outside, she made a pitcher of lemonade sat down at her picnic table poured a tall glass of lemonade and enjoyed the sun. She was watching the birds fly in and out of the birdbath all of them were very pretty, but she was ready to go inside and take nap after all her work from the morning. She took one more look around and saw a cardinal just looking at her from the pine tree, the bird was so pretty that it seemed to her that the tree was pale in comparison the bird reminded her of her youth when her hobby was bird watching and she saw one like this before. The bird took off in flight and in a second it was gone, she closed her eyes and saw the bird again only she made the tree turn black and white the bird with bright red feathers and black head was in her mind forever, something that she can take with her all of her life. Just then the phone rang it was her husband, "Honey how about I take you out to dinner tonight." The woman replied "I got a better idea why don't you cook, and I sit back and watch you do the work tonight." The husband was amused "Deal."

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