Sunday, September 12, 2010

Knight In Shining Armour

Driving down the road a man saw a sign saying yard sale, so nothing better to do he pulled his truck down the neighborhood and looked for the sale, he wasn't expecting to find anything but it was worth a try, the sale was on the right side of a road and there was plenty of cars parked out in front of it to give it away. He found a place to park and got out of his truck walking up to the sale he looked around to see if he could find anything of interests, then he noticed a wind mill it was only meant for yard decor. He walked over to the windmill to just look at it when he heard a voice behind him, "I'll let that go for forty," the man turned around saw it was the owner of the sale. "I'll take it," the man said without thinking, he loaded it up and paid the person in charge got into his truck and drove off. On his way home he remembered his father in law one just like the one he had in the back of his truck, his wife should remember it well, it was because of that windmill that he met his wife, he was 11 trying to make a few extra dollars over summer when he was hired to cut the grass. He had cut the grass all day long and took a break he was sitting under a tree getting a breath of air when he saw the windmill start to tip but the problem was there was a little girl underneath of it, so he jumped up and started running, he grabbed the girl and drug her off to safety. When the windmill fell and the dust cleared they looked at each other for the first time for the boy it was just a silly little girl, but to the girl it was he knight in shinning armour. Fifteen years later they were married, after many of girlfriends and boyfriends and college they found themselves in the end, and she still called him her knight in shining armour, well now her knight was bringing home a reminder of their first meeting. He got home and took the wind mill out of truck and set it up, then he went inside found his wife and said, "Darlin I have something for you," he called out to her and finally found her in the bed room crying. The man was worried "Carol what's wrong what happened?" His wife looked up at him from their bed eyes full of tears "I already saw it, I thought you had forgotten about it." The man was smiling "Well come out and look at it, you know I could never forget that day." "Ron your still romantic 40 years later." The man still smiled "Well I might be in my late sixties but I'm still that boy you met all those years ago." She said lovingly "No your my Knight in Shining Armour."

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