Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Blessed House, A Cursed Man: Dinner And Tuxedo

The breakfast was just plain biscuit and gravy and the coffee was just as good as Katie thought it would be, but she knew they were only staying for as long as it would take to get to the nearest town. "Mr. King can you take us to town?" Mr. King turned and she finally noticed a scare going from the top of his brow to his cheek but there was a gentleness to his eyes, and his mustache was not well kept but then again he had been up all night talking to her, but he politely answered her question, "Yes of course we'll go as soon as your ready." Katie was ready so the three of them went to town and found the nearest repair shop but found that the man couldn't get out to tow the car until the next day because he was the only wrecker in town and he was back logged. When they stepped out of the service station she looked at Mr. King and found to her amazement that beyond the scar and the nasty mustache he wasn't a bad looking man, "Mr. King" but before she could get another word out she was interrupted, "Katie you have refused to give me your last name so please call me Spence." Katie realized she had been calling him Mr. King and didn't like to be formal, "Well Spence can you tell me where the nearest hotel is?" Spence looked like he had been slapped but understood her reasoning, "Well Katie that would be Greens Motel on the corner, but I know a house that is almost empty that currently has a car sitting practically abandoned until tomorrow that you are most welcomed to stay in for another night." Katie didn't say yes at first but after pulling Debbie to the side, "What do you think Debbie we could spend our money or stay another night out there." Debbie couldn't believe her ears, "Katie your taken with this Spence guy aren't you?" Katie nearly laughed in her face, "You have got to be crazy, I'm just thinking about money and a warm place to sleep." Debbie could see what her real intentions would be even if she didn't, "Alright we'll stay there but we're leaving day after tomorrow." Katie and Debbie walked back to Spencer who was buying a news paper, "Alright Spence we're going to stay one more night, but we're leaving as soon as the car is fixed." Debbie had laid the law down for the both of them and the directness of the young woman had shocked the both of them, but they agreed and drove back to the house. When they arrived the ladies went upstairs and Spencer went to the kitchen and started looking in the pantry for food for the night but then he thought, "Oh, that is a good idea." Right up the stairs and to the room the ladies had chosen for the night, he stood in the doorway as if he was stunned but cleared his mind and said, "I'm going back to town for a bit I'll be back so just make yourself at home, Katie you should catch some sleep you haven't had any, and Debbie you're more than welcome to join me if you wish. Debbie didn't need to think about that at all, "No I think I'm going to look over the grounds if it's alright with you." Spencer was pleased she chose that, made the surprise all the better, "Of course and if you know how to ride a horse, the stables has a few if you wish for a ride." Off he went to town and true to his promise he was back in a flash, Spencer spent most of all his day in the kitchen and smells coming from there made both, Katie and Debbie curious to know what he was cooking in there. "Debbie I don't know about you but I'm going to the kitchen and see what he is working on." Debbie was all for the idea, "I know I was thinking the same thing are you sure he's not a chef?" They walked into the kitchen but Spencer shooed them out as soon as they entered, "No please this is going to be a surprise don't ruin it for me." Then he stepped out of the kitchen with them, "I apologize but I have a surprise cooking in there I had learned in my travels and I have a gift for you ladies as well, please follow me." Up the stairs they went and into a room they had visited the night before, "Now Debbie I take you as a size eight am I correct?" Debbie couldn't believe he guessed her dress size perfectly, "Yes how did you know that?" Spencer smiled, "Another thing I learned in my travels, and Katie, a size four I believe?" Katie knew it was coming so just answered, "Yes." These packages are for you. They opened them together and inside were beautiful gowns and shoes to match plus make up, "I had to do a bit of guessing on the shoe sizes but if you would wear these to dinner I would be pleased." Debbie thought he had gone too far, "Listen we can't except these this is too much a place to stay is far enough a nice dinner is good but buying things like this is too far." Spencer smiled, "I expect nothing in return and I cannot take them back so please wear them tonight and leave them here if you will but tonight wear them you'll not be sorry." Later that night the two ladies wearing the gown looking very elegant walked into the hall and found a candle with a envelope sitting on the candle stick, Debbie grabbed it and opened it, "Ladies I would be very pleased if you would joined me in the dining room." They walked down the stairs and down the hall to the dining room and found the table filled with the most delicious food they had seen in a long time it looked like an Italian feast complete with the both red and white wine. "Spence you've done a lot of work here." Then Katie noticed him his hair was neat the mustache was gone and he was wearing a tuxedo he was handsome beyond compare and the smile he was giving them made him look angelic. "Well I thank you for noticing and you ladies look absolutely, amazingly, beautiful." They sat and dinner was divine, but the conversation was for only two, Katie and Spencer went on and danced to the old record he had, a waltz but Debbie was too practical and she wanted none of that. At the end of the evening they wanted help Spencer with the dishes but he declined their help because they were his guests, they climbed the stairs but when the two ladies got to the top she looked to the hall and saw Spencer watching them, he made a bow tucking on arm under his stomach and extending the other arm. Katie thought it was a joke so she did a small curtsy and went on to her room, when she got to her room she shut the door behind her leaned on the door and exhaled her breath as if she had been holding it all her life.

Part Two Of Four

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