Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Blessed House, A Cursed Man: A Strange Sky

Walking into the old house was like a scene from a horror movie, the uneasy feeling, the damp smell, and goose bumps all over her body was screaming the warning do not enter. Then she looked to the sky and evening was getting darker and the clouds wasn't going to let up from the rain that they were pouring down it was going to be a long drawn out kind of rain that would last all evening and all night so there wasn't any choice in the matter. The car had broken down and the friend she was with was begging her to just go in and get a fire going in the fire place, still looking at the furniture all covered over with white sheets and the dust on top of those pilling up heavily, the feeling of foreboding was overbearing. "Please Katie just go in I'm cold I'm wet and miserable." Katie took one step and the creak put more goose bumps on her, just then her friend walked past her and went straight for the fire place, "Debbie don't lets just go back to the car and call someone." Debbie was getting angry, "Listen Katie cell phones aren't working there is a storm out there and this is a fire place all we need is wood this is an old house but we can find something get warm and then leave, so come in here and sit down." Katie knew she wasn't going to be out talked on this so she submitted, sitting down next to the fire place she opened her backpack found a flashlight and started looking around her. "Katie there isn't anything to be afraid of it's just an old house." Then out of the corner of the room they heard something, and turned to it in an alarmed fashion, "Please do not fear I heard your conversation and was coming to welcome you to my home." Katie and Debbie were both scared by the intrusion of the man who just entered the room but they couldn't complain they hadn't knocked and he could call the police. "My name is Spencer King I own his old place and you are welcomed so let's get a fire going and some dry clothes for you." It took a very few minutes for him to get them accomodated and Katie still didn't trust the old house, or now this man who was obviously not what he says he was, she needed to find a way out of here. "Do you have a phone Mr. King?" Spencer was wondering when that question would arise and here it was, "I don't have a phone I just took this place in posession." Trying to change the subject quickly he asked, "Would you like to take a tour of the house?" Katie was too afraid and automatically said, "No, thank you." Debbie on the other hand was enthusiastic and was willing, so to keep Debbie from going by herself with this strange man Katie agreed, and on the tour they went. "This house once belonged to a man from Hungaria who's families past was a bit dark, they were circus folk who had mysterious powers over people, but the Hungarian was too private and didn't like people very much so he moved to America. He built this mansion through his magic and never left here and anyone who came here was sent away no matter what he was getting lonely and his heart grieved for company but his privacy and pride wouldn't allow it. One day a hag came to the door and he answered himself seeing the old hag he felt a bit of compassion for her but he knew he came here for privacy and privacy was important to him she was selling roses, so he paid for one single rose and sent her on her way. When the old hag begged him to buy at least one more but he shut the door in a rush and turned to walk away just then the door flew opened and there stood not a hag but a beautiful woman who had more beauty than he had ever seen before. She told him that the one rose that he posessed gave him only one chance to end the immorality she was gifting him but in his immortality he would be disfigured and weak, and this house would be his only safe haven. However he couldn't stay here year in and year out he would have to be homeless and a begger until one day a woman would take him in show him love, and he has to give that one rose to her if she doesn't except his love then he would be immortal forever to be alone." The tour was long over and they were sitting next to the fire again but Katie had a burning question, "If this house would be his safe haven then why wouldn't he be allowed back into it what was keeping him from coming back here year in year out?" Mr. King was pleased she so intensly listened to the story, "She woman told him that he would be allowed to return once a year here all other times that would try and enter these doors, he would be dispelled and he tried he would walk into the doors and stand in the room, and just when he thought it was just a dream, it would be like he was lifted by the shoulders and carried out and the doors would shut on thier own behind him." Katie sat and thought, that this guy had a great imagination and knew it was only a story to get through the night so she indulged him because if he was going to try something he would have done so earlier. "So Mr. King how did you learn this story?" Spencer looked at Katie, "I learned this from a diary from the upstairs master bedroom, you see Miss after all this is just a story." Just then through the blinds sunlight shown through and she relized that the rain had stopped and Debbie had been sleeping for hours while she talked to Mr. King, "I can't believe we talked through the night like this I haven't done this since college, I find it easy to listen to your story and talk to you." Mr. King was delighted, "Then how about some coffee and breakfast before you leave?" Katie didn't know why but she was at ease and smiled a large smile and said, "That sounds good lead the way." Katie poked Debbie in the side and woke her up "Come on Breakfast and coffee."

Part One Of Four

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