Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunny Flower In An Ocean Of Green

The man had worked all day for his father in law on his farm, he was up before the chickens were at least that's how he felt, first he was feeding the live stock, then was milking the cows, but he didn't complain his father in law was right there next to him. The heat of the day had gotten to him and he was tired, working in the tobacco field chopping it down and lifting it to the wagon took a lot out of him. So when was walking to the tree with a patch of shade green grass was so inviting he wasn't going to deny the fact that a nap would be nice, so he laid back on his back the cool grass felt nice through his shirt the wind blowing and in no time he man was asleep. When he woke up the sun had moved and he was bathed in sunlight he rolled over and saw a purple small flower popping up out of the sea of green grass, "Now you and I have a few things in common, I stick out like a sore thumb when I'm here." His wife came up and sat down next to him, "What was that sweety?" The man sat up, "I said I feel like a stick out like a sore thumb here, but I'm not complaining I'll look like a sore thumb any day to be with you." The wife kissed his cheek, "Well don't you say yes to anything Papa asks you tomorrow your going to be with me, I would like a family of our own you know." The man smiled, "Yes ma'am, are we going to buy a farm too?" Now it was her turn to smile, "Only if you want."

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