Friday, October 29, 2010

A Blessed House, A Cursed Man: A River Ride

The sunlight crept through the blinds and had woken Katie, but she felt divine, the nights sleep after such a splendid evening was like waking up from a dream, a romantic dream she hadn't dreamed in many years. She looked around and didn't see anyone around Debbie had obviously been awake for a while now for she was no where in sight just then she heard footsteps coming to the door and turned to see Debbie walking through it. "Well hello sleeping beauty did you sleep well, I hope so it's nearly twelve-thirty I was coming up to wake you up." Shocked that she had slept that long but still she didn't care she felt like she had never slept before and now fully aware for the first time in her life, "Well it was the first time in three day's I have had a chance to sleep." Debbie looked at her with a look of scorn, "What's going on with you and Spence Katie, you were the one who just wanted to leave now it seems like you can't get enough of this place." Katie didn't know how to answer this how did she feel she was asking herself but she couldn't let on too far, "I was just being nice to him last night Debbie geeze and so what if I like him what is it to you?" Debbie was getting angry, "We're on out way home from vacation Katie you'll never see him again you do remember our business right?" Katie and Debbie owned a small store called the Magical Flower Shop and she knew they should be getting back but she was enjoying herself far too much here so she decided to change the subject, "Has the wrecker come this morning?" Debbie wasn't having any of that, "Don't change the subject, what's going through your mind, you're not acting like yourself at all." Katie now had enough, "Listen if you want to be bitter you can I'm enjoying my stay here, so what if I like this man is it any of your business I'm sorry we're not at the flower shop or home for that matter but we're going to have to make due if you want go to the Green Motel if you want but I'm staying!" Debbie was turning red, "You have no right to talk to me like that we met in college four years ago I stood up for you, I helped you finish your classes, I came up with the idea of the shop and this is how you treat me?" Katie was angry now, "Well you make it sound as if I owe you my happiness, I don't owe you a thing but loyalty of a friend something I thought you would do, I thought you would be happy that I'm falling for a man but no all you can do is yell at me for it." Debbie was pleased she got the answer she originally came for she had won the argument and Katie was oblivious to it, "You have one and a half days left and then we have to leave, enjoy it." She then turned and walked out of the room in a victorious sway with her held up high and a glint in her eye. Katie walked down the stair case and to the kitchen and made herself a small brunch and outside she went she saw Spencer by the stables and decided to walk down to them and talk with Spencer when she got closer she noticed something about his face she hadn't noticed before his eyes seem like they were sunken in but underneath all of that he was still handsome. "Good afternoon I do believe you slept the morning away but that is alright, I was about to take a horse out for a ride would you care to join me?" Katie was in a good mood in his presents, "Sounds nice but I've never ridden a horse and I don't know how." Spence just smiled and he mounted on a Morgan, "Just climb on and hold on to me we'll just walk him he can handle it," so she got hold of his arm and swung her on and slowly walked him back through the grounds. Katie thought this was a beautiful place full of life but she had a question, "So tell me Spence what really happened to the original owner did he in fact become immortal." It took a moment for the Spencer to answer this but slowly he finally did, "Well no he passed on and is buried on top of that hill there and on the stone they wrote, Never have there been a more private man in all the world." Katie thought that was the saddest thing she ever heard, "Makes a person sad to think they never found love and happiness." Spence gave a small chuckle, "Well who knows maybe he has and no one knows it." Katie misheard him she was sure, "What was that?" Spencer quickly answer, "Maybe he did and no one knows it." Slowly and surly the kept riding Katie was holding Spencer closer to her than she should have, but the feel of the man was intensely assuring to her and her comfort was getting stronger and stronger for him the comfort she knew would cost her, her very heart and with it her love. "Ah here we go this is where I was going to visit, alright now just step down." Katie stepped her foot down and saw a river ragging in front of her the place was a paradise and besides the water ragging mood it was peaceful, "This is so beautiful." Spencer smiling a large grin, and Katie noticed that his teeth were yellowed when she was sure they were like pearls the day before. "Yes indeed this is a beautiful place." They sat and talked until the sun threatened to go down on them so they went back to the house to find Debbie waiting for them, she had cooked a small dinner and at the table she said, "Katie they fixed the car and it's ready so if you don't mind I would like to get on the road home tonight, we still have a long way to go and there isn't any sense in waiting any longer, it's what we agreed to." Katie knew she was right it was their agreement so in a defeated voice she looked at Spencer again and in a heart broken voice, "It's been a dream being here, I don't want to go but I agreed to it and you can't be an honest person if you go back on your word so I guess this is goodbye Spencer." Spencer smiled a handsome smile as best as he could, "Then don't forget me, and come back you're both more than welcomed here." With that they went upstairs and packed their belongings and started the journey back home, when they were nearly ten miles from there Debbie broke the silence, "When we get back you'll start being yourself again, that guy was just creepy." Katie wasn't angry but she just simply said, "You've never fallen for anyone at first sight have you Debbie, then how do you know how it feels. The heartbreak that follows after you part, no; Debbie I've never noticed it before but you're cold and your more than likely to die alone. You could have cut my hands off and that wouldn't have hurt me any worst than I am right now, you could have let me have the one more day like you promised me but no you made me keep my promise didn't you." The rest of the ride home was done in silence.
Part Three Of Four

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