Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kentucky Halloween

Well here it is Halloween, but instead of giving you a ghost story like I have a few times this month I'm giving you a true story for this day, complete with family history that has brought a lot of laughs many times over, I'll write it in a story fashion though.

In the fifties a mother had her hands full in Kentucky with five children to feed, especially if one is in the woods all day long one stay home most of the time another works every day, another is still very small but the oldest one was a bit of a roamer. No one knew exactly where he went on is Saturday nights but Stella sure was getting tired of it all she would see him leave in the afternoon and not come back until the night had its moon and most of the kids were in bed, or sometimes he would just stay out all night long. However this night she had planned since it was Halloween night she was going to have fun with her son, "Roy do you think that if we got under the bridge from the road to the house that he would see us?" Now Roy spent most of his days working on farms and most of the time he would be pretty tired and all he would want to do is wash eat and sleep when he got home but seeing how he was the second to oldest and was always up for tricks on his brother, "Mommy I don't think he'll see anything." Take in mind the bridge in question about twenty-five feet from one end to the other, over a pretty good size creek, and when the wind whipped through it would chill anyone to the bone if it was a cold night. So that Saturday's Halloween came and off the older brother to town, the mother and son had a plan though and this should fix things at least for a while, when the time hit around nine o'clock they both took their place under the bridge, when a lot of time past by and the moon was full, they heard the familiar long strides of the oldest son. The time had come for her plan to take effect, as soon as his foot hit the bridge, both Mother and Son began screaming as loud as they could sounding like ghost and people in pain. All they heard from the bridge above was three steps and then nothing, "Do you think he got past the bridge already, Ma?" Stella knowing that the bridge was far too long for someone to take it in three strides began to worry in her motherly way, "Oh lord we've killed him he died of fear he's up there right now, dying of heart attack." They raced out from under the bridge and to the road where the top side of the bridge was but he wasn't there, they knew what had happened and nearly died themselves laughing realizing he had in fact ran that bridge in three strides. Walking into the small house the young man was by the fire place, he turned to see them walk in, "Ma be careful out there, there's ghost out there tonight." Stella was one smart woman but even she was smart enough not to tell her son until years later that it was she and his brother under the bridge that night.

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