Tuesday, October 5, 2010


It took thirty minutes to get to this part of the hollow from the main road but when they finally got there the older man smiled a smile his son would never forget, "This is it son." They got out and looked around there was a open field and a tobacco road with a smaller road into the trees, "This is where I grew up and hunted most of my life." The son was looking around and saw how that was a beautiful way to spend a childhood, "Well you told me all about this place I was wondering if you would ever show us where it is," the son smarted off with a smile on his face. The father took it as a joke as he began to tell stories again of how his father rode on top of a hood of a car down that large steep hill holding a flashlight when the headlights went out the car. How his mother shot a shotgun through the roof when a drunk got on top of the house, and he laughed right out loud remembering what happened next, as he said "He liked to break his foolish neck when he jumped and hit the dirt, but he got right up and started runnin," the memories were so clear on his face that you could read them like a book. Then he pointed, "See where the farmers road end at son, that's where the house stood so many years ago, that's where we lived before we moved to place near the highway." The son looked and saw how that would be a nice place for a house how the shade of the trees would be a cool place in the summer time and a protector against the harsh winds in the winter. "Well Dad do you think you could live here again?" At this the father surprised his son, "Live here again, are you crazy, it's nice to come back and visit the place but I'm not steppin' back forty years." With that they got back into the car and drove off, but the son's mind was back at the old homestead, he finally said on the way back home, "I sure wouldn't mind it for a while."

This is a true story of what happened between my father and I, and yes, I wouldn't mind living there for a while it was very peaceful.

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