Thursday, October 7, 2010

Graduating With A Chipmunk's Horizon

There he stood graduation cap on his head and a diploma in his hand, he was wanting nothing more than to go to his fathers garage and take over the business someday but his mother wanted a college education for him. He didn't know how to tell his mother that he loved the garage, he had worked there from sixteen, he got to spend extra time with his father, and it doesn't promise him that he will be rich but what it does promise is that he will love what he does. He knew that his mother would get her way no matter what and for him to go to college and study law, was the law, all she would do everyday would go through the brochures of different colleges and point them out to him and tell him that this school is known for this and famous for that. He didn't care if anything he wanted to go to the career school that dealt with heavy engine repair. The young man mother was walking towards him full of smiles and overjoyed at the sight of her son with a diploma, "My baby with a diploma and a high school graduate, whoa, I'm so proud of you Jared." Jared smiled because he was happy to graduate so he hugged his mother, "I know Mom you already said that this morning." Martha let the boy have some breathing room, his fathers deep growl was full of pleasure of the sight his son, "Well son I am proud of you too what's next son?" His mother yelled right out, "He's going to college and studying law." The father didn't like the answer coming from Jared's mother so he asked again, "What's next son?" Jared looked at his mother with a side way glance, "What she said." The mother not liking the question being posted again, looked at her husband and said, "You see John I told you the boy wanted to study law." John had enough, "Okay let's get a couple of pictures before we go home," they posed for a few photo's and went home. Jared was sitting on the front step trying to work things out in his head when his father walked out of the graduation party and sat next to his son, "Son what's the matter, what's wrong boy?" Jared raised his head and looked at his father, "Mom don't get it I don't want to go to college I want to take over the garage one day, I love that work, I know it won't make you rich, I know it doesn't always pay the bills bill but what's a job without loving it." John shook his head, "Oh son, look at that right there look." Jared moved his head over and saw a chipmunk with his front legs on a mound of dirt, Jared laughed, "Well that's me, I have big dreams for the garage but mom makes me feel like I'm so small that I don't matter." John was about to fight for his son meaning taking on his mother, "Well son it's not over yet, but if you do this you know your going to hurt your mother." Jared hung his head again, "Dad I know and I don't want to do that but I can't be miserable my whole life." John took a breath patted his son on his shoulder, "Come inside with me son." They walked in the kitchen and saw the cake where Jared went ahead and cut it and divided it, all of at sudden the friends and family started yelling, "Speech, Speech." Jared started to talk, "Well I don't make speeches but thank you all for coming today it means a lot to me." From the middle of the crowd someone yelled, "What's next." Jared looked at his mother and then to his father who shook his head, "I want to attend," At that point his mother yelled out loud, "He's going to college and studying law," She started to clap and yell at this point and made everyone else to do the same. "BE QUIET!" said an angry voice over the crowd, "My son has a right to say what he wants." Jared said in a bit of a frail voice, "I want to attend, the career school and study heavy engine repair, I'm sorry Mom you just wouldn't let me tell you. Jared's mother wouldn't back down, "If you think I'm going to let you throw away this oppro..." She was cut off in front of her family, "Listen Martha the boy wants to take over my garage, and if he wants to study heavy engines that's what he's going to do." Martha stormed out of the room, and went to the bedroom, everyone cleared out of the home because they knew of the ensuing argument which is about to take place. Jared thanked all who came and thanked them for all their gifts, more than a few said "Stand up to her if that's what you want don't back down," he started to walk to the bedroom when he felt a hand on his shoulder, "Remember the chipmunk son, she could change your mind right now, I'm gonna talk to her. When John walked in the bedroom she started in, "If you think our son is going to waste his life in that garage you've got another thing coming he's going to law school and get a degree and he is going to be a successful lawyer so get that in your mind right now." John just let her finish, "Where was I when you met me, I was in the pit, where does all these things come from in this house, from the pit, where were we when I proposed, in the pit because my car broke down on the way to the restaurant. That place has made a life for us, you've not gone without twenty years of marriage, and you've never gone without, I own three of these garages, our life's have been made by that pit. Now that our son wants to own the businesses someday you want to deny him that, I love you Martha but your too overbearing, our son wants to be like his father is there something wrong with that?" Martha was still fuming, but she placed her hands on her husbands face gently and said, "John he has a chance to improve his life and do something we've never been able to do and I want to give him that can you understand that?" John said, "I understand that but you have to let him live his life, he's a man sure he eighteen but if you cut him off like this now then you're going to cripple him for life do you want that? Martha began crying, "No but he, he, he, Oh John what am I doing?" John held his wife "I know baby let it come."

Five years later, John walked into the garage and looked around, "Son you've done a good job here, you're no longer a chipmunk now, son." Jared had redesigned the whole place made it more accessible made the waiting room larger and put a new computer center in with wi-fi for the customers, "Well Dad that little chipmunk had to learn a lot but now we have semi drivers coming here now and the sports cars are coming here now, we've got a lot to do, and now we've got two new receptionist we're all good." Jared turned his head and saw one of the new receptionist on the phone, he threw a wink to her and she blew a kiss to him, the other receptionist was walking past the door after getting coffee looked into the garage to find who she was blowing a kiss to and saw it was her son, "OH NO YOU DIDN'T." To which the father said, "Martha."

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