Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Blessed House, A Cursed Man: A Gift Of A Rose

The knock at the door was a reminder that there was a life outside her doors, although she wasn't where wanted to be, Katie locked herself in her house because when they returned home she went back to the small town and there was no Spence. She drove all day that next day but when she go to the old house Spence was no longer there, the stables were emptied and the house looked like no one had been inside of it for years. She was sure she hadn't dreamed all that had happened because she spoke with Debbie since then and she confirmed it. Slowly she walked to the door and peered through the spy hole and saw a man standing on the other side she kept the chain lock locked but opened the door, "Can I help you?" The man was mangled scars all over his face his teeth were yellow, he smelled horrible, "I was wondering Miss if you could afford a meal I'm awfully hungry and like a stranger in the night I come to your door." Katie was reminded again the night she and Debbie came to a door of a stranger and he so kindly let them in, she was about to open the door and allow him in when, "What are you doing Katie stop don't let him in, get out of here you wretch." It was Debbie, somehow she always knew when she was at her weakest point and now she was there to get rid of a old homeless man at her door. "Katie what were you thinking letting a stranger in like that he could have killed you?" Katie was a bit angry but she supposed she should be grateful, "Well I was reminded of the two of us going to some one's house and he let us in." Debbie was being patient with Katie knowing this was a touchy subject for her especially after the silent ride home, "Katie did he ever kiss you or say he loved or even liked you?" Katie smiled, "We were down by the river that last day, and leaned over while were talking and kissed my cheek at first then gently caressed his lips with his and that was it." Debbie looked concerned, but she didn't know anything else but to get her out of the house she was locked up in, "Listen it's Halloween night tonight and there is a party you're coming with me no arguments I'll not take no for an answer so get up and shower and let's go get you a costume." Katie was too depressed to argue so just followed instructions, in less than an hour she was at a costume shop buying the southern belle gown. "Katie why did you buy that one," A very curious Debbie asked her friend. Slowly Katie answered, "Because I liked it that's all." Later that night Katie and Debbie was at a party and Debbie was doing her usual drinking mixed drinks after mixed drinks though even Katie would admit the sexy Devil costume made her look good. Just then she separated from the party and walked outside for some air but she startled a bit when she heard a familiar voice behind her, "Miss I was wondering if you could spare the money for a meal?" It was the same old scarred up homeless man that was at her door earlier and she turned she didn't see anything malevolent about this man, "Of course come with me." She left Debbie at the party and walked this man to her home, when they got to her door he stopped at the front step, she turned and said, "Come on in you're welcomed here." Together they walked through the door she gave him some old clothes that were her fathers, let him take a shower in her bathroom and gave him food, "Now do you have a place to stay?" The old man's eyes were tearing up, "No unfortunately and no one has shown me more decency than yourself." Katie's mind was set, "You're staying here tonight then." They went outside to the back yard made a fire in a fire pit then just sat and talked and talked it seemed like she was feeling better with every minute spent with this man that was in her home, just then a knock came at the fence and Katie went to answer it. Debbie was on the other side, "What are you thinking letting this man into your house, up get out you're not welcomed here, did she show you love of any kind?" Katie was confused but angered at the same time, "No it's you that needs to get out he came here needing a meal a shower and a place to stay, you and I were like that only two months ago and we got the help we needed and what do you mean did I show him any love at all?" She turned and saw the man's face was all aglow he reached into his bag and pulled something out, "Will you except my rose?" Katie looked the rose was half black and white with what looked like tears on its pedals but the center was pure red, and she was reminded, "One rose that he possessed gave him only one chance to end the immorality." She walked to the man and his Rose with tears in her eyes she took the rose, "I except the rose and all my heart to go with it." Debbie was pleased, "You've passed every test I sent your way, you defied your friends, you braved the cold nights, you fought hard against someone you cared for all in the name of love, Spencer your curse has lifted." The Debbie transformed into a beautiful woman beyond compare even Katie paled against her, "Spencer the house is once again yours, Katie the business is yours, and I am off to find another man who shuns people away in the name of pride." With that Debbie was gone never to be seen or heard from again. Katie turned to Spencer, but it wasn't the Spencer she knew this man had a beautiful face no scars, his teeth was pearls, the mustache was neat and clean, "So the story was true?" Spencer answered, "Yes my dear it was true and now thanks to you and your love I can once again, be mortal but better I can love you more and more everyday." Then as they kissed the flower she had in her hands wilted and disappeared, and on the twelve stroke of midnight of all hollows eve, the curse was officially broken from the Man, for now he was complete. "What was Debbie Spencer?" Spencer was frightened to say it but he knew he must, "She was an immortal sorceress from Hungary, she was my own sister and this was her way of punishing me when I left my family and their evil ways." They spent the rest of the night cuddling next to the fire talking the night away as if it was only but a dream.
Part Four Of Four: Concluded

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