Thursday, October 21, 2010

Her Fathers Creek

She had been walking alone for hours not worried about much about what's in the woods but just enjoying all the natural wonders from the forest she was walking through, but she was getting tired and needed a break so she sat down near a bank on the creek. She looked down into the stream, it was a pretty sight a log had fallen into the stream and the water was rushing past it so she sat there just watching and let her mind wonder, she was thinking about her father he loved these woods and would walk through here often, he often told her, "Barbara, just bring your problems out here and they will melt away." Right now she didn't have many worries, just missing her father very badly here latly and needed a way to feel closer to him. Just then a hard wind blew but it was a calm day the wind wasn't supposed to blow on this day, but she remembered someone saying once. If the wind blows paticularly strong it is really the person your thinking about if they have past, just then she smiled and relized which part of the creek she was sitting on just looked up to the tree she was sitting under, Allen, Rose, John, Barbara were carved into the tree's side. "Dad I miss you a lot." After an hour of sitting there she got up and started walking back to her car her heart lighter, her mind clear, and happy that she had come.

The signs are there a quick sight out of the corner of the eye, a strong wind blowing, something moving in your home that is stable, all of these are possible signs that your loved one could just simply be saying hello. No need to be afraid, just say hello and go about your day because that's all they are looking for hello and goodbye.

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