Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A New Shouse In Griffith Branch

Dicey Morris was waiting patiently for the contractions to hit as she drinking cool water on the hot August day, she was visiting a neighbor whom with she was no stranger. The lady and her husband already had three boys and if this child is a boy it will be the fourth, she looked over to the woman in the bed because she took a sharp breath. "Now Stella how far along was that, is the pain gettin getting closer to each other?" Stella looked up to Dicey knowing she was concerned "I don't think it will be much longer now." Dicey had come to Stella when she heard she was about to give birth the house was small built on the side of the hill in a hallow in Jackson Kentucky called Griffith Branch, she and her husband Nathan and their children called this place home. Dicey wasn't a doctor but she had the experience to put the doctors to shame, she had been delivering babies into the world for a good many years. "Well Stella Mae I think we're gonna have to start getting ready." She pulled her sleeves up and washed her hands real good, walked over to the bed and felt Stella's Stomach, she knew the baby was safe and out of danger. Just then Stella's contractions got closer and closer and from experience she knew it was time. "I think we're about to have a baby here any time now." Dicey felt her stomach once more and took a look to see if she was ready. "Stella push and let go." Stella followed her instructions and she felt the baby coming. "Alright Stella catch your breath and do it again." Stella was pushing as hard as she could and the pain was horrible she began to yell as she was pushing. "Alright now Stella catch your breath and do it again" Stella was getting tired but she caught her breath and pushed again. "Stella the baby is coming it's nearly here catch your breath and push!" Stella caught her breath once again and pushed hard, when the baby had arrived it let its voice be heard loud and clear the baby had good strong lungs. "Oh Stella it's a baby boy that's your fourth one ain't it?" Stella's forehead was lined with sweat but the smile of a mother was on her face she raised her arms "Let me have him and bring in Nathan." Dicey went outside of the small cabin where Stella's husband Nathan was waiting with their other children Boyd Roy and Ray. "Nathan come on in, there are two waitin on you." Nathan put the oldest boy in charge of the smaller two and off he went. "What is it a boy or a girl?" The midwife has gotten that question before but she answered him the same way as all the others, "I'll let your wife tell you it was her that carried the baby and it was her that went through the pain to give birth to it." When Nathan walked into the cabin, he looked to the bed and saw his wife and new baby laying in wait for him. He walked over and leaned down over them and asked "Well Stella do we have another boy?" Stella answered in a weak way but happy voice "Yes Nathan it's another boy what are we gonna name him." Dicey had the birth certificate in her hands and looked over at the two of them and plainly said "William Henry T. Shouse is his name I just wrote it down." Nathan could have disagreed but just said "Well my dad's name is William that is just fine with me I guess you named him Henry after your husband and why is the T. in it? Dicey just answered "Stands for Thomas but it wouldn't fit" Nathan was a bit angry about it "I guess you filled it out already didn't you?" Just then Stella pulled on his pants just to get his attention and looked up to him "I'll call him Billy."

This account is nearly as true as I could get it 64 years ago today my dad was born in Jackson Kentucky in a small cabin on the side of the hill in a hollow called Griffith Branch. Happy Birthday Dad. We love you.

Monday, August 30, 2010

An Artists Daughter

A man was working in his work shed a past time he loved to do was stone masonry but there was hardly and cause for that kind of work any longer except for small yard sculptures and that didn't pay very well for all the time it took to create the image from inside the stone. He had been laid off from work at exactly the wrong time he and his wife had borrowed all the money they dared to borrow and now his little girls birthday was just two days away and he didn't have anything to give her except a cookout for that day but she was turning seven and she was wanting gifts. Just then as he was thinking about this the little girl walked in behind him her big blue eyes shining bright up at him and she said, "Daddy I know what I want for my birthday." The father was expecting toys galore but found he was in for a surprise to say the least. "I want a stone doll daddy one you make made of Alice." The father wondered why she was doing this for her birthday but he agreed and set to work, he found the right size and chiseled it down to reveal the little girl that had been hiding all the while riding a bicycle he hadn't painted it because that would leave something for he and his daughter to do together. On the day of her birthday and he revealed the sculpture the little girl looked up at him and said "Good now come with me daddy, and bring stone Alice." She took him by the hand and walked over to her best friends father who was a renowned artist and showed off her daddies work. "What do you think Mr. Smith." Mr. Smith was going to just pass it off as half done work and that would be that but when he examined it he realized it was much more than that, this was a commercial piece that could be sold to private collectors. "You made this sir?" The father was puzzled thinking that Mr. Smith was going to be immature about his daughters birthday gift but he answered in a defensive tone. "Yes I made this for my daughter." Mr. Smith said calmly "Well sir if you would like I would like to introduce you to my work publisher he may be able to contact you with different private collectors around the world you do exquisite work with you hands." The father not understanding where this could go because he had tried publishers before but they turned him down many times over because he didn't have a college degree in art. "Well if you want to try I'll let you but don't get excited, I have another piece outside in my shed I'll let you have to show." The father went outside got a small piece handed it to Mr. Smith and he thought that was that, the next week a knocking came on the front of his work shed it was his wife and another man. "Frank this man came to see you about your sculptures he wants to talk to you." Frank put down his hammer and chisel and walked outside of his shed. "What can I do for you." Said Frank to the man. The man said, "My name is Albert Stein and I have received a piece of work from Robert Smith and he said that you created this." He held up the small piece that he gave Mr. Smith to show the publisher. Frank answered "Yes that's one of my smaller pieces not very hard to make." Albert reached into his briefcase and pulled out a contract. "Sir if you sign here we can start publishing your work in museums around the country and every time you sale a piece I will expect a ten percent finders fee." Frank was perplexed "What do you mean what are you telling me?" Albert was confused as well "I do hope you wish to sell some of your work because the world is without a master of the chisel and hammer these are hand crafted pieces of work are they not there are but maybe two or three who work this way and you are one of the three please say you will let me produce the shows, this piece here could go for as little as five hundred and a larger one the number would be much higher than that." Frank was stunned he was speechless but he mustered himself together and said "You mean you want me to sell my work become a published artist?" Albert was understanding the man was in shock so he smiled and held his hand out for a hand shake, "This contract will have to be signed and you'll have to let me do my work but yes I want to publish your sculptures and make some money in the process, you have nothing against money right." He said the last part laughing. Frank read the contract from beginning to end and agreed with all it had to say and signed his name, "Well Mr. Stein let's make some money." The little girl had watched all that happened and watched Albert leave with a bounce in his step, and when he was gone she walked over to her father and gave him a hug, "See daddy I met Mr. Stein a few weeks ago when I was playing at Misty's and I told him and Mr. Smith about your sculptures Mr. Smith didn't believe me but Mr. Stein said to have you make a piece and bring it to him but Mr. Smith didn't want to do it, but I knew when he saw just one thing you made he would have to." Frank knew it was his little girl who made the meeting happen she had worked like a manager and instrumental in her ways of doing it making sure that she had the attention of Mr. Stein being friend an artists little girl so she could make her move at the right time and getting him to make something for her birthday all the while scheming to show the artist the finished work. "Your a very smart little girl you know that and I love you very much. "I know Daddy now I want one more thing I want my birthday gift to sit outside in front of the house so all will know a great artist lives here,

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Straight And Narrow

A young boy was walking down a long stretch of road he looked around and saw a corn field freshly planted and he liked what he saw so he kept on walking, as he walked the field began growing and the sprouts was coming out of the ground and the boy finding his feet and legs were growing stronger he began to run. The corn kept growing and it was up to his hip but the tips of it were falling in a clumsy way to the ground and the boy was finding his body felt odd and he too was becoming clumsy but he kept going. He looked around and saw the corn was growing tall and so was his stride got longer but his body was still odd to him his face was breaking out and hair was growing on his face undaunted he kept his pace. The corn began to grow it's ears and was becoming mature and the boy realized he had become a young man, and found himself responsible for himself but he kept walking along but this was a different kind of walk it was a confident and reliant walk that he knew he was living free, with liberty and he would do anything to keep what he had found now. He kept walking and found that with the corn rip and nearly ready to pick that he was at the height of his physic and the life was flowing through him strong and true never like never before, he felt he could take on the world and win in all these things he found something that was even stronger than himself, his savior Jesus and asked him for forgiveness of his sins and the felt that walking was easier now than it had been before. When the first shade of brown hit the corn and the corn was beginning to harden to become seed the man realized that the hair in his face was turning grey along with the hair on his head, his feet were beginning to hurt and so was his back but he kept walking. When the corn was nearly ready to be harvested the man realized he was old and he could see the end of the highway and for a moment he turned around and saw at the top of the hill his mother and father, and along the way he saw his family and the wife that made him feel free, he saw his children when he realized that was when he felt the best and when he found his faith, he saw his grandchildren and knew that when his hair was grey and his feet began to hurt but they were the reason that he kept going. All along the way there had always been two foot prints one right next to each other one was his and the other he knew was his Lord, and that made him very happy because he had been with all the while and he was never alone. The road was long and there was different ways he could have gone that lead in a different path, but he stayed with this one and there was still a long ways to go but that was alright he could take a slow and steady pace and in good time he would get there. When the corn was being harvested the old man looked up saw his Lord was waiting on him he was happy to see the end of the road because he had done all that he could do to make his family happy after so many years working in and on this corn field, and when he got there his mother and father was waiting for him with the Lord he had made his journey and his rewards were waiting on him for a good and faithful life.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Three Ducks

A mother and three children were walking in park down to the lake to feed the ducks, it was a beautiful day with a few clouds over head but not enough to threaten rain and the clean air is what she was needing inside a house with three kids. When they arrived at the pond where the ducks were the two youngest kids tried to feed the ducks by tempting them with bread but the oldest was just watching them swim the mother noticed that her oldest son was participating so she told him to take a piece of bread and try to feed them. The oldest son looked up to his mother and said, "Mom let the little ones do it I've done it many times." The mother said "Now Tommy what's got you down?" Tommy looked up to his mother "I'm not down I'm just thinking of them I've done all the thing they like to do and now I'm just letting them have a turn, that's the way it works, right, I'll go first and then they follow behind." The mother stricken by the clarity the boy possesses simply said "Tommy don't grow up too fast and now is not the time, so for a time I'll go first and you follow me your only seven Tommy take a piece of bread and feed the ducks you have plenty of time to lead and from how you feel now it seems like your a born leader." Just then the mother turned to her two little girls and the youngest looked up to her "Mommy look it's Me, Angie and Tommy." Tommy said "That's right Alice it's the three of us we have to stick together, right?" The little girl answered "Right." Later that night when the family was tucked into bed and Tommy fast asleep she leaned down and kissed his forehead, "My little man."

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Cloudy Flight

The young man was tired sitting in his cubical all day and it was time to go back to his apartment, it was a lonely place to be no girlfriend, his family lives in another city and he never has money to do anything with. He gets up from his cubical and begins walking to the stairs because every time he gets to the elevator it's always full and waiting for it to come back up to the fifteenth floor take twenty minutes if he's lucky. When he finally gets the to street it's raining hard and without a umbrella it was going to be a longer than usual, he couldn't afford the bus, or even so much to use the subway he was completely broke and if he get the garnishment taken out of his pay then that would mean he won't be able to pay his rent for the next month on the studio apartment. When he steps to the curb he patiently waits for the light to turn so he can safely cross the busy intersection but as he waits a bus hit a water hole and splatters him with the grim and water of the street. "Great that's perfect for my worthless life." Depression was his greatest enemy but in his defense he didn't have much to be happy about, he didn't know how to turn things around and he would do anything if that meant he could get a small cushion for security. When he finally got to his small apartment he opened his refrigerator only to find it was empty in the mail he found a bill on a doctors bill and that they would be garnishing his wages, he just took his wet clothes off got a shower to enjoy the hot water while he could laid down on his bed and closed his eyes. He was flying through the skies happy and free he looked down and saw the city he kept flying and saw mountains and wooded area's, he kept on flying and saw beaches and people enjoying themselves on the beach. He just kept his eyes on the horizon and he wanted to go higher, just then he heard a voice, "No it's not time, he has more plans for you." When he woke up he felt rested and exhilarated he had had this dream before but it was never this real before and that voice he remembered that voice he heard it before but couldn't think of where. Just then his phone rang it was his Cousin in Texas, he answered "Hey Harry how's it in Dallas?" Harry answered back "Hi Mike our ship just came in wanna know how?" Mike was thinking it was a joke asked "Yeah and how have our ship came in on a stack of debt?" Harry heard the sarcasm "Mike your jaded dude where is the guy who I knew from just three years ago excited about going to New York and making his fortune?" Mike couldn't help himself "Yeah well that was a long time ago and dreams don't last like they used to if you don't have the support you need." Harry knew something was wrong "Mike just listen dude I'm taking the private jet and I'll be there in a few hours man and I'm coming to get you so be ready to go." Mike didn't think he heard him right "Harry did you say private jet?" Harry knew he struck a cord "Mike the business I was trying to get going has taken off the new software I have created has been taken up by a big corporation and they paid big time for it, plus they are paying me six figures a year to work for them, so if you don't have anything against it you could come and live here with me in Dallas unless you have something keeping you there." Mike couldn't believe his ears "Harry just come if you can and we'll see about me living there with you or not right now I'm have a question to ask you. Do you remember someone that spoke with a Virginia accent, I don't remember it." Harry dropped the phone and said "You had the dream didn't you?" Mike not believing his ears "Harry how did you know I had a dream?" Harry explained "Before I got the call from the company I had a dream where I was flying through blue skies and when I tried to go higher I heard our great grandfathers voice saying "It wasn't time, that he had more plans for me" now before the phone rang I was in a depression, it's settled we're stopping in Virginia first." Mike knew he had heard that voice but he was very small and that old man loved him and his cousin dearly "Harry I'll be packed and ready we'll have to stay here for a day or two while I cut my ties I'll need a few things like money about six grand worth before I go this way New York and I are separated for good." Harry just laughed "Six grand is that all ever since I got all this money I walk around with that much in my boots no problem cous, oh we're hittin the clubs while I'm there and we're goin V.I.P. don't worry man not all of your troubles are over the big ones are anyways, I'll talk to you in about ten hours, later man." Mike was shaking from excitement "Just get here and we'll work out the details later, bye for now bub." Mike sat there not thinking about had just happened on the phone but he was thinking about the dream and then he remembered on his death bed his great grandfather promised that in their most desperate time of need he would be there no matter what. "Well great grandpa I don't know how you knew but I sure needed this thank you for being here now."

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Picnic Tree By The Rapids

A young man and woman were sitting under a tree having a picnic, it was the first time they were able to do this in so long since he joined the military it was his last leave before being sent to war. She loved him but she didn't have an idea just how much but she didn't care the last thing she wanted to do was ruin this beautiful day by the river rapids where they had chosen for this wonderful day. "George I am going to miss you do you have to go?" She said it teasingly but in her heart she meant those words. He raised up from laying on the ground, she thought of how handsome he looked in his uniform. "Now Sherrie you know I have to go and I can't avoid it, besides I will be alright you know the Marines are the best in the world I'll be back." Sherrie still nervous excepted what he said but continued to reached up to him and kiss him as if this would be the last time they ever met. George was nervous he had been thinking of this day ever since his leave and now it was the perfect time, "Sherrie I have something ask you but take in mind I have one condition on this question before I ask it, just understand that." Sherrie was puzzled and had to ask "What condition George?" George knew she would ask that and continued, "Sherrie will you marry me?" He reached his hand out of his pocket and inside the box was a simple gold wedding band. Sherrie completely surprised by this she automatically said "YES OF COURSE I WILL." George then kissed her and told her, "Remember I have a condition?" Sherrie's excitement melted away she was thinking about a wedding before he left for the war. "I don't want to marry you yet with me going off to war it is possible that I won't be returning." Sherrie thought this was horrible, she was crushed and began crying and shouting, "I won't do it and if that is your condition take your ring back you don't love me." George thought this would happen so he just politely said "Very well let's load up the car and go back home." Sherrie more hurt than anything agreed, when they got in front of her house and was just about to drop her off he got out of the car and Sherrie popped back at him, "Don't walk me up to the door George McIntire just stay right where you are." George didn't listen got into his trunk and pulled out a yellow ribbon and walked over to her anyways through her yells and hurtful remarks, "Listen and listen well I am going to war I may die and I won't have that on my conscience of making you a young widow but when I get back and you have this tied around the tree I'll know you still want me in your life." Sherrie took the ribbon still crying but hurt that he won't marry her just simply said "George stay alive but don't look for me when you come back here do you understand." George nodded his head turned and left he spent the rest of the evening explaining why Sherrie wouldn't be joining his family to dinner and he was told a hundred times that he was doing wrong but he wouldn't budge on it. George left the next morning on the bus back to base and from there he went to war, two years past in a Korean jungle fighting the whole time not once was he injured or wounded, and when his unit was told they were going home he mailed a letter to Sherrie telling her he was on his way home and he wouldn't bother but he would drive past the tree in her front yard. He finally got home two months later and he saw his family and his friends and when he had only a few seconds to himself he drove down her street and past her yard, and he saw no ribbon on the tree, she had kept to her word she wouldn't marry him. He decided he would go to the river and look at the rapids and think of the mistake he had made two years ago and perhaps try and find a way to find a new balance in his life now that war had changed him and the his love wouldn't have him. He drove up to the river and turned around the bend and from there he took the long road down to that beautiful stretch of river to his surprise he saw a car already parked in the same place where he would so he parked in a different spot and go out out and started walking to the river. The tree under which he and Sherrie would have a picnic already had a picnic under there and the tree had a yellow ribbon around it and there was Sherrie stand next to the tree. "I have something to ask you and I have only one condition." Sherrie said to George but George knowing where she was going with this wouldn't let her emasculate him especially after fighting a war where he was forced to killed in order to live just said "No". Sherrie was angry and disappointed to the point where she grabbed the ribbon pulled it off the tree kicked over the open champagne bottle and began storming off to her car. When she was just about to pass him he grabbed her arm and he swung her around but she slapped him just as he did, undaunted he kissed her which got her attention and asked her "Sherrie Moultry will you marry me tonight, next week, next month or next year with no conditions as long as your my wife?" Sherrie didn't know what had just happened but she wasn't going to let this pass by twice in her life two years had nearly killed her without any word from him at all and her heart couldn't take anymore of being without him so she answered in the only way her heart would allow her to. "Yes of course I will I love you so much and it hurts to be away from you, next month the church is open and I've already spoken to everyone I know.." But she was cut off in mid sentence with another kiss from George, he raised up and looked at her, "That was all I wanted."

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Little Butterfly

A young girl came home from school and went right back to the back yard her mother was thinking she was playing but to her surprise she was sitting in the same spot all the time she was outside. She went out to see what had her daughters attention so intensely for the last week that would make her spend a least two hours every evening looking at. She walked up behind her daughter, "Sweety what are you doing out here just sitting." The daughter looked up to her mother and said, "Mommy when I grow up I'll be pretty won't I?" The mother not liking what she said because to her eyes she was already beautiful, "Makayla what made you say that your not pretty right now." The little girl replied "The other girls in school say I'm not pretty." The mother was told that when she was young and it broke her heart to hear her daughter going through the same scrutiny as she had to. "Makayla you don't listen to any of them girls at school your just as pretty as a" just then her daughter interrupted her. "As a butterfly, because when caterpillar's go into a cocoon they come out butterflies,that what I am in a cocoon, and when I'm grown up I'll be a butterfly." The mother not fully understanding her was a bit perplexed, "Honey I mean your pretty right now you don't have to wait to be pretty you already are." The little girl looked up at her mother and said "I know you think I'm pretty but I have something figured out, see as a kid I can be cute just like a caterpillar, but when I grow up I can be a butterfly and be really pretty." The mother understanding what she was saying told her, "Honey that is one way of looking at it but you're beautiful and don't let anyone tell you any different and where did this caterpillar thing come from?" The little girl pointed at a plant that was growing "See Mommy it's right there." There on a stem of a plant was a caterpillar in it's cocoon it was in the process of changing into a butterfly. "Oh honey that is really pretty, but I have to ask you something why are the girls at school say your not pretty?" The little girl smiled "Oh because we all agreed until we're grown up none of us are pretty we are all just cute." She leaned into her mothers ears as if it was a secret. "I like that better too; being cute." The mother laughed at herself for thinking the worst immediately it turned out it was just a game she was playing with her friends at school, but the butterfly idea was all her daughters. "You know your getting smarter than Mommy." The little girl looked up at her and said "I know but your pretty smart too."

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Mothers Bible

A woman was sitting in a chair she looked tired but she knew she wouldn't get any sleep this night either, her mother had just past away and the memories of her kept flooding back from when she was a child, she would kiss the place it hurt worst, when she a young girl and the girls at school was making fun her, mom was there to give her a shoulder to cry on. Her mother had been there for her prom, the first day she started college for her wedding, to her children being born, nothing in her life could she remember that her mother hadn't been there, and now she didn't have the woman on the other end of the phone with the frail voice giving her the advise she needed. After the funeral her the will was read the next day and she was there she got a few material possestions she loved but they didn't take the place of Mom, but one thing that was left to her was the family bible and an angle candel holder. She was holding the bible and hadn't opened it, she got up from her chair got a candle and placed it in the holder, placed it on a table and lit the candle. She then opened The Bible and inside was a small note the handwriting was that of her mothers.

"My dear child.

I know this must be difficult and I promise it won't be easy but open this Bible and I'm right next to you reading the words of our Lord, keep and remember these words and one day we shall meet again, I love you, don't be distressed that I'm not longer there I loved another more than all and I'm with him right now and it's not your father it was the person that was on the cross. My dear Lord Jesus gave his life for me so therefore serving him has been my life and I want it to be yours as well, so tonight go to bed and sleep well. Read a verse or two every night and I promise through these words you will eventually begin to heal fully. No longer look to me for guidance but in these chapters the Lord will guide you, no longer ask for my shoulder ask for his, when someone down trots you, remember they did him too so your not alone. When you begin to have grandchildren remember to guide them to the Lord, when your invited to a wedding pray for that union to be blessed. I have done all these things for you and now it's your turn to do it for your children. If you ever loose a child before it's time remember this, "For God so loved us, he gave his only Son." God loves us so much he was and is the love that burns in you now, and do not cry for me but rejoice I have the reward of being near to my Lord.

Your Mother loves you."

The woman reached up to her eyes through tears but felt at peace for the first time since her mothers passing, she suddenly felt very tired and decided to go to bed and try to sleep. She blew out the candle closed the bible said a silent prayer and went to bed. There she dreamed of herself as a child again and her mother was there, they were playing and it was a nice dream, she heard a voice behind her, it was her husband she looked at herself and she was a woman, she heard another voice behind her she turned around and it was her child, she looked at herself again and she was older than before, she heard another voice from behind her it was a baby in a hospital her daughter was in the bed and just had given birth. Her mother walked up from behind the bed and she said. "You see this is the only glimps you are to get right now, she is beautiful keep the bible handy and the angel will be me. Just then she woke up it was morning she instantly fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillow. The phone rang it was her daughter. "Mom I would like to come over and tell you and Dad something if your not too busy." The mother smiled "I know what it is honey but please come over I would love to talk to you anytime."

Monday, August 23, 2010

Kentucky Sunrise

An old cowboy was riding his morning shift waiting for the young guys to get up from the bunks and that included the boss, he was just checking fence line like he usually does when all are still in their beds sleeping, he paused for a moment under a tree and reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a letter he hadn't read yet. The old cowboy put his glasses on and looked through the bifocals and began reading the words on the page.

" My Dearest Brother,

I know this will not do any good from the last time we spoke you already said no but I'm saying one last plea, please give up that horse and those old boots and that old hat and come live with your daughter and I here in Miami, I know it's not Texas where we grew up in, and it's not Kentucky working on a thoroughbred ranch but it would be easier for you now your in golden years. The weather is never cold and the beaches are nice as well, your daughter has taken to the hotel where they serve you drinks while your sitting on the beach, oh and the night life would beat anything they have in Louisville or Lexington. Please Carter please come live with us, you have never made more than eighteen thousand a year raising lasso horses for the rodeo on a ranch that is meant for race horses, and let's not forget that, that is only a side of what they do there so you could be let go any time. Your daughter asks about you daily and can wait to talk to you on the phone, and I would like to see your face but forgive me for not going to Kentucky it's not Miami.

We love you Carter, Please call us or write us. Your loving sister.


The old cowboy laughed at the letter folded it back up and put it in his pocket, lit a cigarette and stared at the horizon off in the distance when he heard hoofs coming from behind him. "Carter I thought you would be out here looking at the sunrise again, won't you come back to the house and eat some breakfast with the Mrs. and I we would like to talk to you." The old cowboy agreed and they started riding back together, after a while Carter looked at the younger man who he was riding with and asked. "Frank why do you keep the ropin horse trade going anyways." The younger man smiled and said in as truthful a voice he could muster. "Carter we make a lot of money from the race horses but the feed and the pay comes from the horses we sell to the rodeo every year but that's not why I keep it going, because I know when one of my horses are sick and are in need of special care it's you who does it but that's not the only reason." The old cowboy loosing some of his patients could feel he was trying to make a point but didn't know how to put it. "Well it ain't because you feel sorry for me is it?" Frank looked at him and calmly said. "I wake up every morning look out my window and see a cowboy that looks like he's right out of a western up on the same hill looking at the same stretch of sky and it's a calming thing to know that someone cares for my land as much as I do, we were going to tell you all this at breakfast but this is as good a place as any." Carter taken by surprise because he was never one to give in to sentiment said. "Well Frank what else were you gonna say." Frank looked at him very seriously, "Carter tell me what it is that keeps you here with us you could have had a dozen different states and different ranches that would have wanted you why, for a cowboy, does Kentucky interest you so much." Carter liked that question that was something he understood, "Well Frank it's true I got offers from all around looking for a cowboy with experience that paid a lot more money but take a look behind us for one minute and then you ask me that same question again." Frank turned around and he understood. "Carter it's settled I'm taking you on as a partner and hold up here for a minute would you?" Frank turned his horse around and looked off to the distant horizon, "Sure says a thousand words doesn't it Carter?" Carter just nodded his head and looked off in the same direction. "It sure does boy, it sure does."

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Family Reunion

A man was at a family reunion he saw all he wanted to see and more he was having a great time with his family and extended family but a flash of sadness hit him. You see he had lost his family over a course of ten years and one in particular was on his mind at this time, his Aunt, she had heart complications and she couldn't hold on any long and passed on in her sleep after surgery. "Aunt Josephine I sure wish you were here with us." Just as he said that a butterfly landed right in between his feet it was as delicate with black wings and blue tips, he nearly cried. "I just know you sent this beautiful delicate creature here to say hello to me and see to the family." He walked over to his mother and gave her a hug, "Are you having a good time Mom?" His mother looked up at him and said, "Yeah but I sure wish my brother and sister could have been here." To which the son replied, "I don't think you have to worry about your sister too much I think she was just here a minute ago." "I think I know what your talking about, the butterfly landed on me, I looked down and said Hello sis, and it took off again." That didn't surprise the son too much, "It's funny I mentioned her name and that butterfly landed on me, you know I think she's been here with us all day."

Saturday, August 21, 2010


A farmer was sitting on his font porch in the evening air it had been a long day so he was smoking on a cheap cigar and sipping on some good bourbon when his new son in law walked out on the porch to join him, he sat down and lit one the cigars. "Bill it sure was a hot day today, only fitting it would be a cool night." The farmer who actually liked his new son in law nodded his head agreeing, "Yeah but it's going to be hotter tomorrow but we've got more to do than today." The son in law was hoping for a day that they all could relax but he wasn't going to shirk from any work the farmer could throw at him, "Yep hey I was wanting to ask you about that horse are you seriously going to keep her and her foal." Bill was wondering when this was going to come up but he gave his best I know better than you smile and said. "Tommy your too young to remember that horses line but I sure do, that horses sire was just as ugly as she was and from what I understand that horse come from the worst looking horse line you could imagine but I'm gonna hold on to her and that foal." Tommy had to ask "Why is that Bill, what is so special about that horse and it's line?" Bill knew he wouldn't get away from it. "Well when my great-great-great grandpa settle this land over a hundred and seventy years ago but there was another already on this land, the creek Indians, there was a great battle between the settlers and the Indians the chief was killed in that battle and so the Indians left. Now when my grandpa came out the next day on his land where the battle was fought he found a wounded Creek brave who was past out for lack of blood and treatment at first sight he thought about killing the Indian but that would go against his Christian beliefs so he took the Creek brave up to his cabin and nursed him back to health. At first the Creek brave didn't trust him at all, tried to kill as a matter of fact, but after a few day's of the food and bandages grandpa went out to work his fields and came back and the brave was gone. Grandpa thought he had seen the last of the brave but after a few months the brave came back to the cabin just
passing through to go west he had with him his sister, the sister was a good cook and although he didn't understand what they said he felt that the visit was very
pleasant, the brave took my grandpa outside and pointed at his sister and pointed at the horse. My grandpa understood what he was asking of him, at first grandpa didn't want to do it but knowing that the likelihood that he could find a bride in the settlement was slim and knowing that more than likely she would be killed if he didn't take her as a bride he excepted the dowry and the bride. So that horse you see in the fields is from the blood lines of that horse that was meant for a dowry. Every generation has it's story you and my daughter have yours I have mine from Vietnam, and my father with WW two, but the point is my grandfather had his story and sometimes the story still lives in blood in whether it is in human blood or animal blood, or the blood that yells from the ground." Tommy sat there for a moment and called out to his wife, "Sarah can you come here a minute please and you may want to bring you mom." Sarah and her mother came out Tommy looked up at her and said "Sweetie, I want them to know so please we've held out as long as we dare." Sarah agreed and finally said, "Well Mom, Dad, I'm pregnant." Bill stood up and
yelled for joy where her mother teared up and hugged her daughter, they sat there there the rest of the night talking and telling more stories and Bill and Tommy was
sufficiently drunk by the time they went to their respective beds. The Next morning Tommy woke up surprisingly early walked out to the barn and saw the horse and her
foal, the foal was getting it's breakfast while the mother was getting hers, "Well girl I know some of your story if Bill leaves his daughter the land I'll be sure that your line won't end it's a promise."



A middle aged farmer was sitting on his font porch in the evening air it had been a long day so he was smoking on a cheap cigar and sipping on some good bourbon

when his new son in law walked out on the porch to join him, he sat down and lit one the cigars. "Bill it sure was a hot day today, only fitting it would be a cool night."

The farmer who actually liked his new son in law nodded his head in agreeance, "Yeah but it's going to be hotter tomarrow but we've got more to do than today." The

son in law was hoping for a day that they all could relax but he wasn't going to sherk from any work the farmer could throw at him, "Yep hey I was wanting to ask you

about that horse are you seriously going to keep her and her foal." Bill was wondering when this was going to come up but he gave his best I know better than you

smile and said. "Tommy your too young to remember that horses line but I sure do, that horses sire was just as ugly as she was and from what I understand that horse

come from the worst looking horse line you could imagin but I'm gonna hold on to her and that foal." Tommy had to ask "Why is that Bill, what is so speacial about that

horse and it's line?" Bill knew he wouldn't get away from it. "Well when my great-great-great grandpa settle this land over a hundred and seventy years ago but there

was another already on this land, the creek Indians, there was a great battle between the settlers and the Indians the cheif was killed in that battle and so the Indians

left. Now when my grandpa came out the next day on his land where the battle was fought he found a wounded Creek brave who was past out for lack of blood and

treatment at first sight he thought about killing the Indian but that would go against his Christain belifes so he took the Creek brave up to his cabin and nursed him

back to health. At first the Creek brave didn't trust him at all, tried to kill as a matter of fact, but after a few day's of the food and bandages grandpa went out to work his

feilds and came back and the brave was gone. Grandpa thought he had seen the last of the brave but after a few months the brave came back to the cabin just

passing through to go west he had with him his sister, the sister was a good cook and although he didn't understand what they said he felt that the visit was very

pleasant, the brave took my grandpa outside and pointed at his sister and pointed at the horse. My grandpa understood what he was asking of him, at first grandpa

didn't want to do it but knowing that the liklyhood that he could find a bride in the settlment was slim and knowing that more than likly she would be killed if he didn't take her as a bride he excepted the dowery and the bride. So that horse you see in the feilds is from the blood lines of that horse that was meant for a dowery. Every generation has it's story you and my daughter have yours I have mine from Vietnam, and my father with WW two, but the point is my grandfather had his story and
sometimes the story still lives in blood in whether it is in human blood or animal blood, or the blood that yells from the ground." Tommy sat there for a moment and
called out at his wife, "Sarah can you come here a minute please and you may want to bring you mom." Sarah and her mother came out Tommy looked up at her and said "Sweety, I want them to know so please we've held out as long as we dare." Sarah agreed and finally said, "Well Mom, Dad, I'm pregnant." Bill stood up and yelled for joy where her mother teared up and hugged her daughter, they sat there there the rest of the night talking and telling more stories and Bill and Tommy was
suffciently drunk by the time they went to thier respective beds. The Next morning Tommy woke up surprisingly early walked out to the barn and saw the horse and her foal, the foal was getting it's breakfast while the mother was getting hers, "Well girl I know some of your story if Bill leaves his daughter the land I'll be sure that your line won't end it's a promise."

Friday, August 20, 2010

Something Blue, Something New, Something, Something...

A young woman was getting ready for the most important day of her life, she was fulfilling her dream of becoming the bride she wanted to be to the man that held her heart; she had the something new, and something blue but she didn't have something borrowed and she was getting worried about it because she wanted this day to be all it could be. She didn't want to wear more than one necklace and wearing another ring would be tacky, the ear rings was a gift from her grandmother and she wouldn't dare take them off, so what could she wear, what would she do; she was getting really nervous when her mother came in and told her. "Carissa, sweety we still have time let's go back home and see if we can't find something that I can loan you for the ceremony." So she and her mother got into her car and they drove back to her mothers house where they searched and searched and didn't see anything that would go with her dress, Carissa was getting very discouraged until she looked out the kitchen window and saw a beautiful flower that had grown it wasn't fully bloomed and it was pointed in a downward direction but it looked like it was blushing like a bride on her wedding night. "Mom what do you think?" Her mother knew it wouldn't be something borrowed unless she said the words so she replied "Say the word baby." Carissa almost cried "Mom can I borrow your flower to walk down the aisle." The mother smiled "Yes of course you can." The mother cut the flower and they drove back to the church and they placed the flower into the bouquet of white lilies. "Thank you Mom, I love you so much." She said as they were getting ready to go out, "I love you too, remember you have to give the flower back to me." Carissa smiled and said "I know Mom you'll get it." The ceremony went well and the reception turned out to be a great party before the night came, when it came time for the bride to throw her bouquet she took the flower out and gave it back to her mother. "Thanks Mom." She said as she turned and ran like she had done so many times as a child, and she threw the bouquet just as tradition says she should. Before too long the bride and groom were gone to their honeymoon, and the mother went home with her flower, she went to the kitchen and got a bottle of champagne and two glasses she walked back to the bedroom sat down on her bed popped the cork out of the bottle and got an old photo out. The old photo was of a soldier in a uniform. "Honey I knew you would be there today in some way, well do you remember the flower plant that you got from your Dad, it came in good use to your daughter today, I love you honey."

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Bonfire

A young man woke up early in the morning ready for the evening to get here but first he knew there would be a lot of work to do before the party started, so he got up and put on some work pants and a shirt with holes in it didn't matter he would be working most of the day. He found his work boots ate a few biscuits for breakfast and off he went, "First things first I have to dig a pit a foot deep and six feet wide should do right", he said as he set himself to work. When he was done with that he took a saw and a wheel barrel and went to the next door neighbors where had permission to get some wood from a tree that was blown over from the storm just last week just then he heard a car door slam, "Matt, good to see you buddy, your here a little early I didn't expect you until tonight." The young man walked over to his friend and said "Yeah well I thought you needed some help today getting things ready so I came on over, I see you've got the pit dug out already Josh." Josh and Matt worked on the wood and carried at least ten wheel barrels of wood from the tree that fell but it was all wet wood but what they needed to get the fire started was dried wood so they went to a small wooded area just behind Josh's home with gloves they went in and drug out an small dead tree that had fallen. Now the only thing they needed was food and beer, so they jumped in Matt's car and off they went it was going to be a big party so they got the essentials soda's, hot dogs, and all the trimmings, next was the beer they would need at least two cases of each kind they liked it was going to be a big party so no need to go light. They went back the Josh's place and put the beer on ice and mowed the lawn when they were done with that they started moving in the chairs and benches they would need, "Josh how many of these are we going to need?" Josh had to think about it for a minute "I think that about eighteen seats should do it." They paused for an hour and a half to get a small lunch but mainly talked while they ate, then right back to work they went, next they would get the beer drinking games ready all the old standbys were the source of entertainment beer pong, quarters, and many more. Then the sound system went in with two speakers and a DJ table set up with all the equipment needed, "So who do you have as a D.J. tonight?" Josh smiled "Jimmy is gonna do that you know his stage name is Jimmy J. Slide?" Matt laughed "Well if that's what he wants." When the clock said Josh said to Matt "Well man it's six I think I'm gonna go inside catch a small nap and then get ready for the party." To which Matt said, "Yeah I was gonna do the same thing man I'll see you in two hours." Josh went inside laid down closed his eyes and drifted off to the party, "Girls dancing and Jimmy on the sound equipment, Matt killing at beer pong, and himself just enjoying the party talking to friends. Jimmy woke up fifteen minutes early it was the phone that woke him up, "Hey Josh it's Jimmy, hey man I'm not gonna make it tonight my girl just went into labor dude, so I'm gonna have to holla at you later." Josh was kinda hurt but he could run the sound system and told Jimmy, "It's cool dude get to the hospital congratulations man". When he hung up the phone he was gonna start to get a shower when the phone rang again it was someone else that was canceling, that seemed to go on for at least an hour to Jimmy when at last there would be only six people to show up. Josh went ahead and got his shower and shave came back into the living room and found he had a message from another two people that was canceling, that would leave just him Matt and two girls that Matt was bringing to the party and one of them was his girlfriend. Josh finished dressing, went outside and went ahead and put some of the dead wood down to burn that night anyways when Matt showed up Josh got another surprise, "Matt where are the girls, man?" Matt was uncomfortable and Josh knew what had happened, "Well man it's like this see, I just broke up with her and the other girl wasn't coming because Jimmy had double booked and he's playing another party tonight so all the people who was coming here just went to that party" Josh was crushed but it didn't matter none of them had worked all day with him to pull this off so he and Matt were going to be drinking together tonight again, "You know what Matt let's not worry about it" Josh handed a book of matches to Matt "wanna do the honors?" Matt didn't say anything just took a match out and struck it and threw it on and fire was on. Later that night Josh and Matt was watching the fire burn down slowly when Matt looked over at Josh and said "Happy Birthday Josh". Josh raised his beer bottle and said "Best friend doesn't come to the word you are, your more like a brother." The last thing Josh remembers after that was the red and black ash that the fire was burning.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Young Boy In The Woods

A young boy had moved with his parents from the city to the country and didn't know if you would like living here because there wasn't any malls or arcaids but mainly he had to leave all his friends and learning how to live here wasn't going to be simple. He had an open mind about it all though and he knew if he could find one thing that he could enjoy doing here he would be fine so when they arrived and was settled in he got up the next morning and went outside, looked around and began walking around his house. He saw the highway that ran past his home he saw an open field but what got his attention was the forest area that sat behind his home so he went back inside packed up some sandwhiches in his backpack and found his mother and said. "Mom I'm going for a walk" the mother knew he was having a hard time adjusting simply said "Okay Billy but don't go too far." The boy stepped out of the house and began letting his feet carry him, he was in the woods and was exploring for himself all the places that the forest held in store, he looked around more than once to enjoy it's splendor, lost his breath a few times when a squirrell jumped off a branch and was taken by surprise by a few quail that was hiding in the brush. Billy was so taken with the forest he forgot to look behind himself a few times to see how far he had come but when he heard the highway in the other direction he knew he could find his way home but he hated to, but seeing how he had exhausted his supply of sandwhiches and his pants was wet from the rain they had night before he turned back and walked back hom. Billy learned a great deal in these woods as he grew he learned to sneak up on animales he learned to know the signs of animals and the certain kinds of breezes that meant rain, or snow. He learned to hunt and fish the stream that came through the property, but mostly he learned to love and respect nature in a way that outdoorsman and conservationalist hunters do, there wasn't anything he wouldn't do for nature now that he had it deep within his heart.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Old Farmer

A farmer was out in his field surveying the damage to the crops, it had been a long dry summer near a drought and the heat felt like it was baking him and the plants on which his livelihood was based on. "One more season like this and I'll be ruined." He grumbled to himself, as he picked up a handful of soil and let it fall through his hands. He had never been a praying man but he sure felt like doing it now but he wouldn't do it, his wife had past only the year previous and he had given up on God when she past on, his pride wouldn't let him ask God for the slightest thing. He walked back to his house sat down at his dinner table and started drinking another cup of coffee, the table was strewn with overdue papers from creditors and the bank, he had held off the wolves at the doors until after the harvest season. "What am I going to do!" He slammed his fist on the table and shut his eyes. He got up from his table, he hadn't touched his coffee, he walked back to his fields and dropped on his knees. "Oh Lord I haven't talked to you in a while and I sure wasn't planning on it today but your the only one I can ask for this now, I need rain I don't want to loose this place it's all I have left of my wife if you can help me now I'm gonna promise I'll go back to the church and be there every Sunday from here on in, and I need to apologize for my stubbornness and anger towards you oh Lord, please help me, Amen." He prayed with his eyes to the heavens and his arms opened wide. Just then the clouds rolled in and it got dark the thunder clapped and the lightening lite up the skies. The rain came down like in bucket loads watered the fields and the farmer danced a dance of joy.

"Clarence it's good to see you again I know it hasn't been easy on you." The old farmer looked at the reverend, "It is good to see you too preacher."

Monday, August 16, 2010


A woman woke up in the middle of the night with a sharp pain in her stomach she was nine months pregnant and this had happened before so she thought she would go get up and get a late night snake, she got up and started walking to the kitchen when she got another twinge and it was gone. "Whoa girl, calm down are you telling Mommy something." She paused in the hall and started walking again when she got to the kitchen she decided not to eat something but get a glass of water she sat down and slowly sipped her water when she felt something and knew what it was "Oh baby 3 a.m. is not the best time but whatever you want, you just made Mommies water break." She got up and instead of going to her husband to wake him up she went and took a shower which was getting difficult but she made it through, when she got her bags packed and and ready to go she woke her husband. "Peter it's time I think the baby is on the way." Peter still not awake raised up out of bed rubbed his still asleep eyes, and said. "Cara, what did you say, sweety?" Cara fully understanding that she really didn't give him a lot of time to prepare said in a painstaking breath. "Honey, baby, is on the way." Peter was up with a shot grabbed his pant put them on and got the car started came back in and said, "Alright honey lets get going." Cara looked at her husband and said "Honey you need a shirt and shoes." Not realizing that he hadn't finished dressing he put the rest of his clothes on and they were gone. The doctor and nurses were all in the room Cara's husband video taped the whole delivery her mother was still asleep when she got there but was fully awake now helping her daughter all she could. "Alright Cara one last push and this baby is born" the doctor said after a four hours of waiting. When the baby was born she had mothers nose and her fathers chin and just so cute that the father said, "She looks like a rose Cara, look I know we agreed on Polly, but can we name her Rose because she is so beautiful not like a red rose or a white or a pink for that matter she had her own kind of beauty of another kind of rose." Cara thought about it and agreed Rose was a good name and she didn't care about a name only that her baby was healthy and ten fingers and ten toes were all there and she had a healthy weight of 7 pounds 5 ounces, she was healthy. "Peter that is a good name for her that will be fine." When they had baby and mother situated in the room together and grandma's and grandpa's all had their chance to see the baby and the aunts and the uncles with all the cousins and the friends, when they were finally alone with just the three of them in the room Cara said to her husband "Honey I'm going to lay here and sleep for a while why don't you go home and get some rest too." Peter not wanting to leave said "Cara I'll stay right here and watch the baby while you sleep." Cara knew he was being gentle but didn't want him to go too long without rest, "Peter the nurse is going to be in here soon to come get the baby so she can finish all the test they need to do on her so go all I'm going to do is sleep." Peter knew he wouldn't win the argument and he didn't want to stress her so he gave in, "Alright dear but I'll be back in three hours no argument on that." Cara laid her head back and said "I love you I'll see you in three hours then." Peter smiled "Alright Cara I love you too now sleep well." When Peter got home he rested and woke up two hours later he walked into his back yard, he sat down on the ground and saw it, just the rose he was talking about it had it's own kind of beauty not because of color but just because it was it's own. It hadn't opened yet and it was assorted colors it was perfect, he walked over to it and cut it to form a long stem. When he walked into the hospital room he gave the rose to his wife, he gave the rose to his wife and said, "This is what I meant when I said she was as beautiful as a rose." Cara couldn't helped but be moved, "Honey your the sweetest man I have ever met come down here" Peter bent down and kissed him ever so gently. "I love my girls" He lowered his head down to his his daughters cheek and gave her a small kiss. "There isn't anything I wouldn't do you two."

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Amanda's Tree

A young woman was going to pick apples for the first time since she was just a small child she had spent the night before getting all of grandmothers and mothers recipes and must now have a huge phone bill after all the time she spent on the phone with them both. It didn't matter the cost she remembered waking up as a little girl and remembering how exciting it was to go to an orchard and pick them for yourself, big juicy red apples, green and tart, small and sour, she loved them all, the family would go and enjoyed the day talking but eating more than saving and all the while doing this with her family, her father would get the ladder for the ones on top of the tree and she and her sister would be on the bottom of the tree as they would fall they would catch them before they would hit the ground, the taste and feel of a good apple was just what she was needing to get out of the city gloom she was in. Just as she was walking out of the house the phone rang. "Who could that be?" She walked over to the phone and saw on the caller I.D. it was her mother, so she answered wondering what this could be about. "Hello Mom I was just walking out the front door." "Well dear I was telling your Dad about where you were going and said he and I would like to go with you." She was really excited about this going to the orchard again with her parents again. "Really Mom, I'll be there to pick you up see you in a minute." She drove to her parents and her father was ready with the ladder, he was in his usual apple picking clothes she hadn't seen him wear in years, a pair of jeans and short sleve button down shirt with a funny little hat on his head. "Well Misty I got to thinking we'll take my truck you can haul this in your car." Misty was stunned he hadn't had the truck out in years ever since her sister had past when she was a girl, that was the reason they stopped going to the orchard it was her sisters favorite thing to do every year. "That sounds wonderful Dad, I'm happy to see it still runs." Her father was taken aback but said in an understanding tone, "I keep it tuned and ready to go just as I hope you are, ready?" Misty broke into a big smile "Ready, Daddy". Misty's sister was the victim of an accident, when she was climbing a tree to get her cat down when she lost her footing and fell in a way that broke her neck, it broke the famlies heart to loose a young girl at such a tender age, nobody fully recovered but time has a way of easing the pain of loosing a loved one and some days are better than others this happend to be one of those days. Sitting in the front seat of the old 75 truck Misty felt like a little girl again sitting in the middle, with her father driving and her mother and she talking about recipes that her great great grandmother had come up with, the long drive felt like it was just an instant. When they arrived at the orchard it was busy a crafts fair was going on, the apples were fully ripe and families were everywhere, they were having a wonderful time she felt like a young little girl again. Misty's father seemed like he was enjoying himself to the fullest he wasn't an old man but the grief of loosing his one daughter had taken its toll, his hair was white and his face had more wrinkles than it should, but he was the first to say her name. "Amanda would have loved this the three of us here together today." Misty had a tear in eyes and she said. "Daddy she would have, I know she would." Her mother came from behind her and hugged her around the neck and said. "Sisters never die baby, they just simply become our gaudian angel so they are with us all the time protecting us." The father came down off the ladder and hugged them both but was the first to release, step back and looked at them both. "Ladies we're not getting any apples picked are we?" Misty got back to work right away and she saw an apple that was nearly perfect it was just hanging there with last night's rain drops still on it she walked over to it and picked it off the tree but didn't put it in the sack. The family picked until they had four bushels of apples enjoyed the craft fair and the food at the consesion and left, driving back they were passing the cemetery that her little sister was buried at. "Daddy can we go in please" Misty's father turned in and drove to the grave where his baby was buried. Misty and her parents walked over to the grave and planted the seeds from the one apple ten feet away from the grave where there wasn't another grave near it besides her little sisters. "Amanda I hope this tree will grow so you can have your own tree." Just then she felt a warm small hand in her hand but when she looked there wasn't anyone there and the feeling of the hand was gone. "I love you little sis." Her Dad walked over to her knowing what had just happend "Did you feel the hand in your hand?" Misty was shocked "How did you know?" Her father who had never cried to where people could see him broke down. "I came out here yesterday and asked her if it was alright if I went to the orchard, and she did the same thing to me, then I knew it was alright. Your mother is right she is our angel, and I haven't been doing what she would want from me, living, but I'm making a change let's go to the lake next week. How does that sound Kim" Kim turned to her husband and said. "You know George a small drive from here and we're at the cabin and we could take these apples and cook them the way used to, I've waiting a long time for us to begin living again I loved her but we can't stop living, Misty will you come with us?" Misty didn't hesitate "Yes let's go." To which her father said "What are we waiting for let's get home and get the supply and we'll be off by three." They got back into the truck and began driving out and Misty turned around and she thought she saw the apple tree fully grown with a little girl holding a cat in her arms, smiling and waving goodbye, Misty shut her eyes to clear her mind and when she opened them none of that was there, did she imagin it or was it her sister saying, I'll see you later?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Birds Fighting

A man walked out in his front yard one day and the block was busy across the street the old man was mowing his lawn down the street the children was playing catch, and the day was gorgeous the sun was shining and he had just got done spending his morning playing golf with his golf buddies. It seems so hard to imagine that across the seas that the Marines, Army, and Navy was fighting in a war for freedom again against insurgence, but there they were portraying their brave defense. Not here not a single soul was fighting, birds had joined around the bird bath and two finches were taking in the water together. The man decided to watch the birds a while and he loved watching the wildlife of any kind, his father had taught him how to hunt years ago and he loved to hunt still but second to that he loved to just watch the wild life at play. The birds had finished with their baths and flown down and began hunting food of their own, one bird found a worm laying on the ground and began his lunch when the other bird bounced itself over to it and began helping itself to the small feast the other bird took offense and the fight was on. The man couldn't believe his eyes all the ground they have to eat over and they are fighting over this one worm what sense does it make, just then he was reminded of what he was just thinking of, fighting seems senseless but for some it is the only recourse we have to settle a dispute when a person comes in and tries to take what you have, freedom. That is why our soldiers fight, Americans answer that call to war for that reason, our soldiers are the defenders of freedom. The man watched the birds fight it out for a while and saw that the original bird got the worm, but such a small fight for a worm made the man think of his country because we started with a small skirmish then to full out war until we were independent. What we fought for wasn't small it for ourselves, just as a small finch defends his lunch, we defended our right to feed our souls in what religion we choose, we have the right to fill our minds with education from our press, we have the right defend ourselves with our guns, and we have the right to pursue our happiness. The bird fought for his happiness and he enjoyed his worm, then took flight and was gone, the man just turned and walked back inside. He walked across his room until he came to a cabinet, he reached to the top and pulled down a photo, the photo was old and worn in the photo was a man in a soldiers uniform from 1943. "Dad I finally understood why you fought and I only wish you could hear me say that now, funny two birds taught me what it meant."

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sarah And The Birdbath

A young woman was working in her yard on a hot day, she was very hot, so she decided to take a small break and sit down for a few minutes so she got a glass of water and sat down in the shade, she was watching the birds for a moment before getting back to her work. She then saw a bird land in the yard and was really wanting water but she didn't have a bird bath for them and right now money was short and didn't have a way to help remedy the heat for the birds she loved so well. Just then she recalled a bag of cement she had left in the garage from when she repaired her door step, and it wouldn't take long her father taught her how to make things she needed for herself and don't rely on too many people if she didn't need to. So up she got and went to the garage she found the bag of cement and got an old bucket and began mixing, she remembered what her father told her, "Mix it too thin and it won't set, mix it too think it becomes brittle, and you won't be able to work with it." So she got the mix set just right now how to mold it, just then she was getting worried because she mixed the cement too quickly before getting something to mold it with, instead of panicking she rolled more than a few towels up and placing them on the ground then she took plastic she used to cover her windows in the winter, and laid that over the towels, putting a small plate in the middle would make a good indention that would allow for the base to fit neatly in. She poured the cement into the make shift molder and sat back and watched it dry, "Now for the base" she said as her thoughts turned to how she would make this. She would take a garbage can bend it to make the molder and when it had dried for a couple days she would take it out and trim it with a hammer and chisel and then she would sand it down to become smooth. Three days later and feeling a little proud of herself she sat in her usual spot under the tree and watched the birds play gleefully in the cool water, she knew who she could brag to in an instant. She walked inside her home and picked up her phone, the phone rang and a woman's voice answered, "Hi Mom how are you and Dad." The older woman was pleased to hear her daughters voice, "Well dear it's been pretty hot out so we've stayed inside a lot here lately but we're fine" The young woman was bursting from anticipation to the point she couldn't wait any longer, "Good let me talk to Dad for a minute real quick." The mother a bit knowing she had done something and wanted to brag about it to her father just gave in and said, "Oh okay dear" the young woman's father answered the phone "Yes Sarah, I know you had to have done something so what was it honey"? Sarah went into telling her father what she had done and when she was done she waited for what her father would say. The older man took his time and finally "Sarah we had three bird baths right here you should have called."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rose The Movie Star

An elderly lady was sitting outside of her nursing home one day and was sitting near the roses, she was looking at them all and couldn't decide which one she liked the best until she came across this one in particular one. "Oh would you look at that". The attendant that was pushing her around in her wheel chair stopped and looked for herself, "Do you like that miss, Charlotte"? The elderly lady looked up at the attendant and said "Oh yes that reminds me of me when I was young, you may not know this but I was in the movies once upon a time." The attendant acted as though she didn't believe her, but went with what the elderly lady was saying, "Oh yes I remember you telling me about that". The elderly lady knew she didn't believe her and she couldn't prove it because none of the movies she was in was in print any longer, "Oh yes the would call me Rose because my lips were as red as a rose". The attendant had enough of this she didn't want the old lady to have delusions of grandeur. "Miss Charlotte are you ready to go back inside it is really hot out here today." Charlotte being an old lady and not really having the patients to try and convince anyone of her past just calmly said. "Very well my dear, your right it is very hot in here." Charlotte was heartbroken nobody remembered her any longer she was just another face in the crowd and all her friends that were in the movies with her are gone, her husband was gone, her daughter who wasn't like a lot of the other patients did try and visit her every chance she got, didn't know how to prove that she was in the movies either. The only good thought she had was that rose from that day, it was strikingly red just like her lips were at one time and Charlotte was beautiful at one time in the 1940's kind of way, when a lady was a lady and a tramp a tramp. The next day she had her attendant wheel her back out to the rose once more and had a good long look at it, this rose was something special and she knew it to be true. The attendant couldn't resist any longer, "Miss Charlotte would you like for me to cut this rose and let you take it in your room?" Charlotte thought about it for a moment and said "No just leave it be it will die in its own time just like I will eventually". The attendant a little shocked at what she said "Oh Miss Charlotte you shouldn't be talking about death." Charlotte just calmly said "Death is nothing to be afraid of like a line from one of my old movies "If death is the only what I'll ever be with you again, I'll happily take that trip."" I know you don't know that movie but it was a great one." The attendant almost fainted "You were in Red Red Rose?" Charlotte nearly cried "Yes my stage name was Rose Taylor." The attendant was flabbergasted "Oh Miss Rose I know who you are now and I have a surprise for you, tomorrow if you wouldn't mind seeing a fellow actress I'll bring my mother to visit you." Charlotte a little more than curious had to ask, "Who was your mother dear?" The attendant said very proudly "Clair Bishop, but her stage name was Eva Gates." Charlotte nearly fainted "Oh please bring her she and I played sisters in that very movie." The attendant answered "I'll also bring the movie with me too so everyone in the home can see it for themselves we have a Movie star amongst us". "On second thought dear cut the Rose it's too hot to be out here."

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Man And His Sunsets

"There are just sometimes in life where you just have to sit back relax and enjoy the view". That was what a man was saying on a hot and sunny evening when he was sitting back watching the sunset, he was drinking a beer and talking to his son and just feeling really good about himself. Charlie, who was in his sixties now, wasn't always so optimistic he was at one time an accountant and used to just chase the finer things in life, he didn't consider himself successful if he didn't buy a new car every five years, now he didn't feel that way anymore. See Charlie was fired from his job because he just got fed up with it all, he walked in the office one day and told his boss, "Your a hypocritical dictator, who's only joy was making other people miserable so take this job and shove it up the tail pipe" and the only reason he said that was because the day before, his boss gave him six new accounts and hadn't paid him his salary for two months. Charlie wasn't poor though he was smart with his money he had over a million in the bank after he got done selling his house, pontoon boat, and stock he had accumulated over the years and now he lives on the two hundred grand that would be the interests in the bank account. Charlie gave it all up on a whim one day when his wife Polly said to him, "Charlie I never see you anymore the boys never see you anymore and this can't go on, do something to change it all or I'm going to get a divorce". Well that put Charlie in a depressed mood though most men would go into anger what she said frightened him to the point that he said goodbye to all that really didn't matter. Did his job matter, no, did the boat matter, no, he could buy a small bass boat for him and his boys, did the house matter with it's lavish comforts and it's thirty rooms, no, they could get a smaller house to live in. He knew he wouldn't have to worry about money because the interest alone could pay the college when it was time, and they would still have enough to spare. He could take his wife anywhere she wanted to go, he could take his boys fishing and camping just like his father did him, the only reason he worked was to make more money that he knew he didn't really need. Charlie looked at his son and said, "Do you know the secret to life son?" The man staring back at his father was in his thirties now said, "No, what is the secret to life, Dad?" "The secret to life is knowing when you have enough and letting the excess go, taking everything in as it comes and enjoying beautiful wonders like that sunset." "I'll not forget that Dad." "Good boy, now pass me another beer".

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Horse

A farmer was walking on his farm in the afternoon he had gotten done all he could for the day and the sun was shining so he couldn't see a reason why he would go inside and do nothing. He was surveying his land and looking around when he saw his horse staring right at him, that horse wasn't the prettiest he had ever owned and he sure wasn't much for stamina but he was the best stud horse he ever owned and as for a work horse he could pull a good amount of weight. That horse also pulled his son when he had a hunting accident shooting himself in the leg one day, the horse would’t stop until he got him home. Many times he thought of selling the old stud but he just couldn't he wasn't any color an owner would want and he was bad tempered. Every time he thought of selling him something told him not to he had gotten attached to it, really the only person that old horse would allow to ride him would be his grandson who was 15 now, and he wouldn't have allowed his grandson to ride him either but his grandson being just as stubborn as he was just went out and started riding him. The old farmer guessed that the only reason he kept this old horse was because one day when the man from the bank came to serve papers of over due notices the horse was out of the field and stared him down, the banker got so nervous from the horses continuing stare that he got back in his car and drove off. When the banker got the nerve to come back again they had the money for the farm to pay up complete, that was the only real reason he kept the horse. The old farmer stared back at the horse who was still staring at him, "Well boy I guess you can stop staring at me now you know you won't win, besides I wouldn't sale you then and I won't sale you now". The old farmer continued on his walk knowing because of God and a horse he still owned his farm.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Photographer Vs. The Chipmunk

A photography student who had nothing better to do one afternoon got his camera out and walked out on his front step and began shooting, it was a beautiful and sunny day and this was one of his favorite pass times. He took photo's of the trees and birds, he also took a few of flowers near his home he took photo's of all that was note worthy, sitting down on the steps he decided to see if he could photograph a cardinal that he had seen earlier that week on the small chance that it may return. Right out of the corner of his eye he saw something running fast he jerked his head around and saw what was moving so fast there sat a chipmunk, the little animal was just sitting there looking at him, as soon as he raised his camera to his eye the little chipmunk ran off. Thinking that the little thing had run into its den he went back to looking for birds just then he glanced over to his right again and saw that same chipmunk looking at him again, and again when he raised his camera he ran off. The student was getting a little flustered and felt like the chipmunk was making him into a fool. So he said out loud. "Alright little guy if your going to keep playing this game I'm going to have to cheat." He walked inside him home got his tripod and came back out again. Now with the camera on the tripod he was surly to get the photo of the little chipmunk and sure enough after ten minutes waiting the chipmunk came back around the corner of the house, stood on his usual spot and stared straight at the young man. When the photographer saw him he raised his hand up to the camera looked through the view finder and snapped the shot, only to find he didn't have any film left in the camera, so he had to return with a new roll. After another ten minutes here came the chipmunk he sat there as if posing when the photographer finally got him focused in, off he ran and ruined another chance. The young man was getting discouraged and he started breaking down his equipment, he was ready to give up when here came the chipmunk one more time, this time when he sat still so did the photographer he would wait him out this time, it seemed like three minutes passed and the chipmunk finally moved and ran around a small statue that was sitting in front of the house when he stuck his
head around the corner of the statue he sat there, the photographer knew this was his best chance he raised his camera up focused in snapped the photo, and the chipmunk was still there he didn't move. The photographer actually said to the chipmunk. "Thank you little guy three hours later you let me take this shot, don't think I'm paying you for modeling services." he had to say with a joking smile on his face.

This story is true this is how I got this photo and believe me three hours later it was worth it.