Friday, August 13, 2010

Sarah And The Birdbath

A young woman was working in her yard on a hot day, she was very hot, so she decided to take a small break and sit down for a few minutes so she got a glass of water and sat down in the shade, she was watching the birds for a moment before getting back to her work. She then saw a bird land in the yard and was really wanting water but she didn't have a bird bath for them and right now money was short and didn't have a way to help remedy the heat for the birds she loved so well. Just then she recalled a bag of cement she had left in the garage from when she repaired her door step, and it wouldn't take long her father taught her how to make things she needed for herself and don't rely on too many people if she didn't need to. So up she got and went to the garage she found the bag of cement and got an old bucket and began mixing, she remembered what her father told her, "Mix it too thin and it won't set, mix it too think it becomes brittle, and you won't be able to work with it." So she got the mix set just right now how to mold it, just then she was getting worried because she mixed the cement too quickly before getting something to mold it with, instead of panicking she rolled more than a few towels up and placing them on the ground then she took plastic she used to cover her windows in the winter, and laid that over the towels, putting a small plate in the middle would make a good indention that would allow for the base to fit neatly in. She poured the cement into the make shift molder and sat back and watched it dry, "Now for the base" she said as her thoughts turned to how she would make this. She would take a garbage can bend it to make the molder and when it had dried for a couple days she would take it out and trim it with a hammer and chisel and then she would sand it down to become smooth. Three days later and feeling a little proud of herself she sat in her usual spot under the tree and watched the birds play gleefully in the cool water, she knew who she could brag to in an instant. She walked inside her home and picked up her phone, the phone rang and a woman's voice answered, "Hi Mom how are you and Dad." The older woman was pleased to hear her daughters voice, "Well dear it's been pretty hot out so we've stayed inside a lot here lately but we're fine" The young woman was bursting from anticipation to the point she couldn't wait any longer, "Good let me talk to Dad for a minute real quick." The mother a bit knowing she had done something and wanted to brag about it to her father just gave in and said, "Oh okay dear" the young woman's father answered the phone "Yes Sarah, I know you had to have done something so what was it honey"? Sarah went into telling her father what she had done and when she was done she waited for what her father would say. The older man took his time and finally "Sarah we had three bird baths right here you should have called."

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