Saturday, August 28, 2010

Three Ducks

A mother and three children were walking in park down to the lake to feed the ducks, it was a beautiful day with a few clouds over head but not enough to threaten rain and the clean air is what she was needing inside a house with three kids. When they arrived at the pond where the ducks were the two youngest kids tried to feed the ducks by tempting them with bread but the oldest was just watching them swim the mother noticed that her oldest son was participating so she told him to take a piece of bread and try to feed them. The oldest son looked up to his mother and said, "Mom let the little ones do it I've done it many times." The mother said "Now Tommy what's got you down?" Tommy looked up to his mother "I'm not down I'm just thinking of them I've done all the thing they like to do and now I'm just letting them have a turn, that's the way it works, right, I'll go first and then they follow behind." The mother stricken by the clarity the boy possesses simply said "Tommy don't grow up too fast and now is not the time, so for a time I'll go first and you follow me your only seven Tommy take a piece of bread and feed the ducks you have plenty of time to lead and from how you feel now it seems like your a born leader." Just then the mother turned to her two little girls and the youngest looked up to her "Mommy look it's Me, Angie and Tommy." Tommy said "That's right Alice it's the three of us we have to stick together, right?" The little girl answered "Right." Later that night when the family was tucked into bed and Tommy fast asleep she leaned down and kissed his forehead, "My little man."

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