Friday, August 20, 2010

Something Blue, Something New, Something, Something...

A young woman was getting ready for the most important day of her life, she was fulfilling her dream of becoming the bride she wanted to be to the man that held her heart; she had the something new, and something blue but she didn't have something borrowed and she was getting worried about it because she wanted this day to be all it could be. She didn't want to wear more than one necklace and wearing another ring would be tacky, the ear rings was a gift from her grandmother and she wouldn't dare take them off, so what could she wear, what would she do; she was getting really nervous when her mother came in and told her. "Carissa, sweety we still have time let's go back home and see if we can't find something that I can loan you for the ceremony." So she and her mother got into her car and they drove back to her mothers house where they searched and searched and didn't see anything that would go with her dress, Carissa was getting very discouraged until she looked out the kitchen window and saw a beautiful flower that had grown it wasn't fully bloomed and it was pointed in a downward direction but it looked like it was blushing like a bride on her wedding night. "Mom what do you think?" Her mother knew it wouldn't be something borrowed unless she said the words so she replied "Say the word baby." Carissa almost cried "Mom can I borrow your flower to walk down the aisle." The mother smiled "Yes of course you can." The mother cut the flower and they drove back to the church and they placed the flower into the bouquet of white lilies. "Thank you Mom, I love you so much." She said as they were getting ready to go out, "I love you too, remember you have to give the flower back to me." Carissa smiled and said "I know Mom you'll get it." The ceremony went well and the reception turned out to be a great party before the night came, when it came time for the bride to throw her bouquet she took the flower out and gave it back to her mother. "Thanks Mom." She said as she turned and ran like she had done so many times as a child, and she threw the bouquet just as tradition says she should. Before too long the bride and groom were gone to their honeymoon, and the mother went home with her flower, she went to the kitchen and got a bottle of champagne and two glasses she walked back to the bedroom sat down on her bed popped the cork out of the bottle and got an old photo out. The old photo was of a soldier in a uniform. "Honey I knew you would be there today in some way, well do you remember the flower plant that you got from your Dad, it came in good use to your daughter today, I love you honey."

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