Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rose The Movie Star

An elderly lady was sitting outside of her nursing home one day and was sitting near the roses, she was looking at them all and couldn't decide which one she liked the best until she came across this one in particular one. "Oh would you look at that". The attendant that was pushing her around in her wheel chair stopped and looked for herself, "Do you like that miss, Charlotte"? The elderly lady looked up at the attendant and said "Oh yes that reminds me of me when I was young, you may not know this but I was in the movies once upon a time." The attendant acted as though she didn't believe her, but went with what the elderly lady was saying, "Oh yes I remember you telling me about that". The elderly lady knew she didn't believe her and she couldn't prove it because none of the movies she was in was in print any longer, "Oh yes the would call me Rose because my lips were as red as a rose". The attendant had enough of this she didn't want the old lady to have delusions of grandeur. "Miss Charlotte are you ready to go back inside it is really hot out here today." Charlotte being an old lady and not really having the patients to try and convince anyone of her past just calmly said. "Very well my dear, your right it is very hot in here." Charlotte was heartbroken nobody remembered her any longer she was just another face in the crowd and all her friends that were in the movies with her are gone, her husband was gone, her daughter who wasn't like a lot of the other patients did try and visit her every chance she got, didn't know how to prove that she was in the movies either. The only good thought she had was that rose from that day, it was strikingly red just like her lips were at one time and Charlotte was beautiful at one time in the 1940's kind of way, when a lady was a lady and a tramp a tramp. The next day she had her attendant wheel her back out to the rose once more and had a good long look at it, this rose was something special and she knew it to be true. The attendant couldn't resist any longer, "Miss Charlotte would you like for me to cut this rose and let you take it in your room?" Charlotte thought about it for a moment and said "No just leave it be it will die in its own time just like I will eventually". The attendant a little shocked at what she said "Oh Miss Charlotte you shouldn't be talking about death." Charlotte just calmly said "Death is nothing to be afraid of like a line from one of my old movies "If death is the only what I'll ever be with you again, I'll happily take that trip."" I know you don't know that movie but it was a great one." The attendant almost fainted "You were in Red Red Rose?" Charlotte nearly cried "Yes my stage name was Rose Taylor." The attendant was flabbergasted "Oh Miss Rose I know who you are now and I have a surprise for you, tomorrow if you wouldn't mind seeing a fellow actress I'll bring my mother to visit you." Charlotte a little more than curious had to ask, "Who was your mother dear?" The attendant said very proudly "Clair Bishop, but her stage name was Eva Gates." Charlotte nearly fainted "Oh please bring her she and I played sisters in that very movie." The attendant answered "I'll also bring the movie with me too so everyone in the home can see it for themselves we have a Movie star amongst us". "On second thought dear cut the Rose it's too hot to be out here."

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