Monday, August 16, 2010


A woman woke up in the middle of the night with a sharp pain in her stomach she was nine months pregnant and this had happened before so she thought she would go get up and get a late night snake, she got up and started walking to the kitchen when she got another twinge and it was gone. "Whoa girl, calm down are you telling Mommy something." She paused in the hall and started walking again when she got to the kitchen she decided not to eat something but get a glass of water she sat down and slowly sipped her water when she felt something and knew what it was "Oh baby 3 a.m. is not the best time but whatever you want, you just made Mommies water break." She got up and instead of going to her husband to wake him up she went and took a shower which was getting difficult but she made it through, when she got her bags packed and and ready to go she woke her husband. "Peter it's time I think the baby is on the way." Peter still not awake raised up out of bed rubbed his still asleep eyes, and said. "Cara, what did you say, sweety?" Cara fully understanding that she really didn't give him a lot of time to prepare said in a painstaking breath. "Honey, baby, is on the way." Peter was up with a shot grabbed his pant put them on and got the car started came back in and said, "Alright honey lets get going." Cara looked at her husband and said "Honey you need a shirt and shoes." Not realizing that he hadn't finished dressing he put the rest of his clothes on and they were gone. The doctor and nurses were all in the room Cara's husband video taped the whole delivery her mother was still asleep when she got there but was fully awake now helping her daughter all she could. "Alright Cara one last push and this baby is born" the doctor said after a four hours of waiting. When the baby was born she had mothers nose and her fathers chin and just so cute that the father said, "She looks like a rose Cara, look I know we agreed on Polly, but can we name her Rose because she is so beautiful not like a red rose or a white or a pink for that matter she had her own kind of beauty of another kind of rose." Cara thought about it and agreed Rose was a good name and she didn't care about a name only that her baby was healthy and ten fingers and ten toes were all there and she had a healthy weight of 7 pounds 5 ounces, she was healthy. "Peter that is a good name for her that will be fine." When they had baby and mother situated in the room together and grandma's and grandpa's all had their chance to see the baby and the aunts and the uncles with all the cousins and the friends, when they were finally alone with just the three of them in the room Cara said to her husband "Honey I'm going to lay here and sleep for a while why don't you go home and get some rest too." Peter not wanting to leave said "Cara I'll stay right here and watch the baby while you sleep." Cara knew he was being gentle but didn't want him to go too long without rest, "Peter the nurse is going to be in here soon to come get the baby so she can finish all the test they need to do on her so go all I'm going to do is sleep." Peter knew he wouldn't win the argument and he didn't want to stress her so he gave in, "Alright dear but I'll be back in three hours no argument on that." Cara laid her head back and said "I love you I'll see you in three hours then." Peter smiled "Alright Cara I love you too now sleep well." When Peter got home he rested and woke up two hours later he walked into his back yard, he sat down on the ground and saw it, just the rose he was talking about it had it's own kind of beauty not because of color but just because it was it's own. It hadn't opened yet and it was assorted colors it was perfect, he walked over to it and cut it to form a long stem. When he walked into the hospital room he gave the rose to his wife, he gave the rose to his wife and said, "This is what I meant when I said she was as beautiful as a rose." Cara couldn't helped but be moved, "Honey your the sweetest man I have ever met come down here" Peter bent down and kissed him ever so gently. "I love my girls" He lowered his head down to his his daughters cheek and gave her a small kiss. "There isn't anything I wouldn't do you two."

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