Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Bonfire

A young man woke up early in the morning ready for the evening to get here but first he knew there would be a lot of work to do before the party started, so he got up and put on some work pants and a shirt with holes in it didn't matter he would be working most of the day. He found his work boots ate a few biscuits for breakfast and off he went, "First things first I have to dig a pit a foot deep and six feet wide should do right", he said as he set himself to work. When he was done with that he took a saw and a wheel barrel and went to the next door neighbors where had permission to get some wood from a tree that was blown over from the storm just last week just then he heard a car door slam, "Matt, good to see you buddy, your here a little early I didn't expect you until tonight." The young man walked over to his friend and said "Yeah well I thought you needed some help today getting things ready so I came on over, I see you've got the pit dug out already Josh." Josh and Matt worked on the wood and carried at least ten wheel barrels of wood from the tree that fell but it was all wet wood but what they needed to get the fire started was dried wood so they went to a small wooded area just behind Josh's home with gloves they went in and drug out an small dead tree that had fallen. Now the only thing they needed was food and beer, so they jumped in Matt's car and off they went it was going to be a big party so they got the essentials soda's, hot dogs, and all the trimmings, next was the beer they would need at least two cases of each kind they liked it was going to be a big party so no need to go light. They went back the Josh's place and put the beer on ice and mowed the lawn when they were done with that they started moving in the chairs and benches they would need, "Josh how many of these are we going to need?" Josh had to think about it for a minute "I think that about eighteen seats should do it." They paused for an hour and a half to get a small lunch but mainly talked while they ate, then right back to work they went, next they would get the beer drinking games ready all the old standbys were the source of entertainment beer pong, quarters, and many more. Then the sound system went in with two speakers and a DJ table set up with all the equipment needed, "So who do you have as a D.J. tonight?" Josh smiled "Jimmy is gonna do that you know his stage name is Jimmy J. Slide?" Matt laughed "Well if that's what he wants." When the clock said Josh said to Matt "Well man it's six I think I'm gonna go inside catch a small nap and then get ready for the party." To which Matt said, "Yeah I was gonna do the same thing man I'll see you in two hours." Josh went inside laid down closed his eyes and drifted off to the party, "Girls dancing and Jimmy on the sound equipment, Matt killing at beer pong, and himself just enjoying the party talking to friends. Jimmy woke up fifteen minutes early it was the phone that woke him up, "Hey Josh it's Jimmy, hey man I'm not gonna make it tonight my girl just went into labor dude, so I'm gonna have to holla at you later." Josh was kinda hurt but he could run the sound system and told Jimmy, "It's cool dude get to the hospital congratulations man". When he hung up the phone he was gonna start to get a shower when the phone rang again it was someone else that was canceling, that seemed to go on for at least an hour to Jimmy when at last there would be only six people to show up. Josh went ahead and got his shower and shave came back into the living room and found he had a message from another two people that was canceling, that would leave just him Matt and two girls that Matt was bringing to the party and one of them was his girlfriend. Josh finished dressing, went outside and went ahead and put some of the dead wood down to burn that night anyways when Matt showed up Josh got another surprise, "Matt where are the girls, man?" Matt was uncomfortable and Josh knew what had happened, "Well man it's like this see, I just broke up with her and the other girl wasn't coming because Jimmy had double booked and he's playing another party tonight so all the people who was coming here just went to that party" Josh was crushed but it didn't matter none of them had worked all day with him to pull this off so he and Matt were going to be drinking together tonight again, "You know what Matt let's not worry about it" Josh handed a book of matches to Matt "wanna do the honors?" Matt didn't say anything just took a match out and struck it and threw it on and fire was on. Later that night Josh and Matt was watching the fire burn down slowly when Matt looked over at Josh and said "Happy Birthday Josh". Josh raised his beer bottle and said "Best friend doesn't come to the word you are, your more like a brother." The last thing Josh remembers after that was the red and black ash that the fire was burning.

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