Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Horse

A farmer was walking on his farm in the afternoon he had gotten done all he could for the day and the sun was shining so he couldn't see a reason why he would go inside and do nothing. He was surveying his land and looking around when he saw his horse staring right at him, that horse wasn't the prettiest he had ever owned and he sure wasn't much for stamina but he was the best stud horse he ever owned and as for a work horse he could pull a good amount of weight. That horse also pulled his son when he had a hunting accident shooting himself in the leg one day, the horse would’t stop until he got him home. Many times he thought of selling the old stud but he just couldn't he wasn't any color an owner would want and he was bad tempered. Every time he thought of selling him something told him not to he had gotten attached to it, really the only person that old horse would allow to ride him would be his grandson who was 15 now, and he wouldn't have allowed his grandson to ride him either but his grandson being just as stubborn as he was just went out and started riding him. The old farmer guessed that the only reason he kept this old horse was because one day when the man from the bank came to serve papers of over due notices the horse was out of the field and stared him down, the banker got so nervous from the horses continuing stare that he got back in his car and drove off. When the banker got the nerve to come back again they had the money for the farm to pay up complete, that was the only real reason he kept the horse. The old farmer stared back at the horse who was still staring at him, "Well boy I guess you can stop staring at me now you know you won't win, besides I wouldn't sale you then and I won't sale you now". The old farmer continued on his walk knowing because of God and a horse he still owned his farm.

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