Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Little Butterfly

A young girl came home from school and went right back to the back yard her mother was thinking she was playing but to her surprise she was sitting in the same spot all the time she was outside. She went out to see what had her daughters attention so intensely for the last week that would make her spend a least two hours every evening looking at. She walked up behind her daughter, "Sweety what are you doing out here just sitting." The daughter looked up to her mother and said, "Mommy when I grow up I'll be pretty won't I?" The mother not liking what she said because to her eyes she was already beautiful, "Makayla what made you say that your not pretty right now." The little girl replied "The other girls in school say I'm not pretty." The mother was told that when she was young and it broke her heart to hear her daughter going through the same scrutiny as she had to. "Makayla you don't listen to any of them girls at school your just as pretty as a" just then her daughter interrupted her. "As a butterfly, because when caterpillar's go into a cocoon they come out butterflies,that what I am in a cocoon, and when I'm grown up I'll be a butterfly." The mother not fully understanding her was a bit perplexed, "Honey I mean your pretty right now you don't have to wait to be pretty you already are." The little girl looked up at her mother and said "I know you think I'm pretty but I have something figured out, see as a kid I can be cute just like a caterpillar, but when I grow up I can be a butterfly and be really pretty." The mother understanding what she was saying told her, "Honey that is one way of looking at it but you're beautiful and don't let anyone tell you any different and where did this caterpillar thing come from?" The little girl pointed at a plant that was growing "See Mommy it's right there." There on a stem of a plant was a caterpillar in it's cocoon it was in the process of changing into a butterfly. "Oh honey that is really pretty, but I have to ask you something why are the girls at school say your not pretty?" The little girl smiled "Oh because we all agreed until we're grown up none of us are pretty we are all just cute." She leaned into her mothers ears as if it was a secret. "I like that better too; being cute." The mother laughed at herself for thinking the worst immediately it turned out it was just a game she was playing with her friends at school, but the butterfly idea was all her daughters. "You know your getting smarter than Mommy." The little girl looked up at her and said "I know but your pretty smart too."

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