Monday, August 23, 2010

Kentucky Sunrise

An old cowboy was riding his morning shift waiting for the young guys to get up from the bunks and that included the boss, he was just checking fence line like he usually does when all are still in their beds sleeping, he paused for a moment under a tree and reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a letter he hadn't read yet. The old cowboy put his glasses on and looked through the bifocals and began reading the words on the page.

" My Dearest Brother,

I know this will not do any good from the last time we spoke you already said no but I'm saying one last plea, please give up that horse and those old boots and that old hat and come live with your daughter and I here in Miami, I know it's not Texas where we grew up in, and it's not Kentucky working on a thoroughbred ranch but it would be easier for you now your in golden years. The weather is never cold and the beaches are nice as well, your daughter has taken to the hotel where they serve you drinks while your sitting on the beach, oh and the night life would beat anything they have in Louisville or Lexington. Please Carter please come live with us, you have never made more than eighteen thousand a year raising lasso horses for the rodeo on a ranch that is meant for race horses, and let's not forget that, that is only a side of what they do there so you could be let go any time. Your daughter asks about you daily and can wait to talk to you on the phone, and I would like to see your face but forgive me for not going to Kentucky it's not Miami.

We love you Carter, Please call us or write us. Your loving sister.


The old cowboy laughed at the letter folded it back up and put it in his pocket, lit a cigarette and stared at the horizon off in the distance when he heard hoofs coming from behind him. "Carter I thought you would be out here looking at the sunrise again, won't you come back to the house and eat some breakfast with the Mrs. and I we would like to talk to you." The old cowboy agreed and they started riding back together, after a while Carter looked at the younger man who he was riding with and asked. "Frank why do you keep the ropin horse trade going anyways." The younger man smiled and said in as truthful a voice he could muster. "Carter we make a lot of money from the race horses but the feed and the pay comes from the horses we sell to the rodeo every year but that's not why I keep it going, because I know when one of my horses are sick and are in need of special care it's you who does it but that's not the only reason." The old cowboy loosing some of his patients could feel he was trying to make a point but didn't know how to put it. "Well it ain't because you feel sorry for me is it?" Frank looked at him and calmly said. "I wake up every morning look out my window and see a cowboy that looks like he's right out of a western up on the same hill looking at the same stretch of sky and it's a calming thing to know that someone cares for my land as much as I do, we were going to tell you all this at breakfast but this is as good a place as any." Carter taken by surprise because he was never one to give in to sentiment said. "Well Frank what else were you gonna say." Frank looked at him very seriously, "Carter tell me what it is that keeps you here with us you could have had a dozen different states and different ranches that would have wanted you why, for a cowboy, does Kentucky interest you so much." Carter liked that question that was something he understood, "Well Frank it's true I got offers from all around looking for a cowboy with experience that paid a lot more money but take a look behind us for one minute and then you ask me that same question again." Frank turned around and he understood. "Carter it's settled I'm taking you on as a partner and hold up here for a minute would you?" Frank turned his horse around and looked off to the distant horizon, "Sure says a thousand words doesn't it Carter?" Carter just nodded his head and looked off in the same direction. "It sure does boy, it sure does."

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