Thursday, August 5, 2010

River in the Wild

This is a true story that actually happened to me when I was still taking classes for photography, I am going to write it in a third person nature.

Dan had always been slower than most people in learning due to the fact that he had A.D.D, but that didn't stop him from taking online photography classes, thinking he could go at his own pace and be finished with the course in just a year. Working a day job and studying long past twelve was getting to him but he was undaunted and pressed on, he was doing very well but the only problem was a graded project he would have to do in order to finish his final exam. One photo had to be of a woman in a outdoor setting and this photo might as well had been stealing gold from a bank, he tried to get at least four women to pose for him but all their photo's didn't turn out right. He was in a bind because the school wasn't going to give him any more extensions and all his hard work was going to be in vain. One day his cousin gave him a call. "Danny, its Shan get your butt up and ready to go I'm taking you to a place my girlfriend and I camped at last weekend for some fishing today." This of course sounded like a perfect distraction but Dan didn't want to go. "Look man I've only got like a couple day's left on this project before they send me packin I can't just go today" Shanon being stubborn as he is just flat said. "I don't care you've been in that house calling every woman you know it's time you got out and do something and I only get two day's off a week and I'm spending this day with you like it or not." Dan knew not to argue with him besides he loved him for what he was doing. "Alright man, get over here fast before I change my mind". So Dan got up and got his fishing poles ready. When Shanon got there he walked in the house and told Dan "Hey man you’re going to love it there it’s in the woods and the river is full of fish". "Well I need the break any way’s let's get going". It took an hour to get there but when they did arrive it was Dan's bliss trees all around a flowing river and fish seemed to jump to the pole, they fished for four hours and must have caught at least twenty-four fish between them. When they were done and walking up to the Jeep Dan looked at Shanon and Said "Man you were right and thank God you made me come I really needed this." That night when Dan was home he felt like he could have kicked himself why didn't he take his camera he could have just pointed and shot and had a really good photo no matter what the content. Just then his cell phone rang and it was his best friend from high school he kept in contact with for a better part of ten years "Hey Adam I have a great place I want to tell you about but first, what's up man?" Adam being a photographer since high school and one of the reasons Dan took photography so he and Adam could go into business together would be just as excited as Dan about this place, but Dan couldn't believe his ears when he heard what Adam had to say. "Hey Dan you've been to a lot of scenic places can you suggest a good place to go for good photo's, I'm doing an office and I want to do some black and whites of scenic places" Dan nearly dropped the phone "You're kidding me right?" Adam said in a sarcastic kind of voice "Yeah that's why I called so I could pull your legs" Dan was hearing the sarcasm "Yeah well my legs are long enough and I hope you’re sitting down because I was just at the place you want to go." Dan told him all about it and so the next day Dan and Adam were on their way this time Dan brought two cameras. When Dan and Adam arrived there it was sun shining galore, not the best conditions for photography but it didn't matter they spent most of the day getting perfect shots. They were walking up stream and snapping shots when Dan heard a woman and her boyfriend coming up from behind them, Dan seeing an opportunity stopped them and asked the young woman. "Miss Can you help me please" She said in curious manner "Uhh... Yeah what do you need?" Well Dan explained what he needed and what he was needing it for the woman then agreed, it only took three shots to get it but the shot was perfect he would finally be able to finish his project. "Miss you haven't a clue how much it means to me that you helped me but I thank you" The woman and the boyfriend went on their way but before Dan left the park he found a place in the stream that wasn't too swift he got his camera out and took the shot upstream, it remains his favorite shot of all shots he has ever taken. He liked this shot so well he made a large print that is on his bookshelf of best shots even to this day.

The shot you’re seeing now is that photo, if my cousin, and my best friend didn't want to go up there I would not have gotten my degree or my favorite shot I call the river in the wild. Thanks Shanon, thanks Adam, you two are the greatest friends a guy can have. By the way just so if you want to know I scored perfect hundreds on all of my exams, just one more thing to show that if you put your mind to it, doesn't matter if you have a mental disability such as what I have, A.D.D, you can accomplish anything that is in your way, if you have the determination.

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