Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Mothers Bible

A woman was sitting in a chair she looked tired but she knew she wouldn't get any sleep this night either, her mother had just past away and the memories of her kept flooding back from when she was a child, she would kiss the place it hurt worst, when she a young girl and the girls at school was making fun her, mom was there to give her a shoulder to cry on. Her mother had been there for her prom, the first day she started college for her wedding, to her children being born, nothing in her life could she remember that her mother hadn't been there, and now she didn't have the woman on the other end of the phone with the frail voice giving her the advise she needed. After the funeral her the will was read the next day and she was there she got a few material possestions she loved but they didn't take the place of Mom, but one thing that was left to her was the family bible and an angle candel holder. She was holding the bible and hadn't opened it, she got up from her chair got a candle and placed it in the holder, placed it on a table and lit the candle. She then opened The Bible and inside was a small note the handwriting was that of her mothers.

"My dear child.

I know this must be difficult and I promise it won't be easy but open this Bible and I'm right next to you reading the words of our Lord, keep and remember these words and one day we shall meet again, I love you, don't be distressed that I'm not longer there I loved another more than all and I'm with him right now and it's not your father it was the person that was on the cross. My dear Lord Jesus gave his life for me so therefore serving him has been my life and I want it to be yours as well, so tonight go to bed and sleep well. Read a verse or two every night and I promise through these words you will eventually begin to heal fully. No longer look to me for guidance but in these chapters the Lord will guide you, no longer ask for my shoulder ask for his, when someone down trots you, remember they did him too so your not alone. When you begin to have grandchildren remember to guide them to the Lord, when your invited to a wedding pray for that union to be blessed. I have done all these things for you and now it's your turn to do it for your children. If you ever loose a child before it's time remember this, "For God so loved us, he gave his only Son." God loves us so much he was and is the love that burns in you now, and do not cry for me but rejoice I have the reward of being near to my Lord.

Your Mother loves you."

The woman reached up to her eyes through tears but felt at peace for the first time since her mothers passing, she suddenly felt very tired and decided to go to bed and try to sleep. She blew out the candle closed the bible said a silent prayer and went to bed. There she dreamed of herself as a child again and her mother was there, they were playing and it was a nice dream, she heard a voice behind her, it was her husband she looked at herself and she was a woman, she heard another voice behind her she turned around and it was her child, she looked at herself again and she was older than before, she heard another voice from behind her it was a baby in a hospital her daughter was in the bed and just had given birth. Her mother walked up from behind the bed and she said. "You see this is the only glimps you are to get right now, she is beautiful keep the bible handy and the angel will be me. Just then she woke up it was morning she instantly fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillow. The phone rang it was her daughter. "Mom I would like to come over and tell you and Dad something if your not too busy." The mother smiled "I know what it is honey but please come over I would love to talk to you anytime."

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