Monday, August 9, 2010

Photographer Vs. The Chipmunk

A photography student who had nothing better to do one afternoon got his camera out and walked out on his front step and began shooting, it was a beautiful and sunny day and this was one of his favorite pass times. He took photo's of the trees and birds, he also took a few of flowers near his home he took photo's of all that was note worthy, sitting down on the steps he decided to see if he could photograph a cardinal that he had seen earlier that week on the small chance that it may return. Right out of the corner of his eye he saw something running fast he jerked his head around and saw what was moving so fast there sat a chipmunk, the little animal was just sitting there looking at him, as soon as he raised his camera to his eye the little chipmunk ran off. Thinking that the little thing had run into its den he went back to looking for birds just then he glanced over to his right again and saw that same chipmunk looking at him again, and again when he raised his camera he ran off. The student was getting a little flustered and felt like the chipmunk was making him into a fool. So he said out loud. "Alright little guy if your going to keep playing this game I'm going to have to cheat." He walked inside him home got his tripod and came back out again. Now with the camera on the tripod he was surly to get the photo of the little chipmunk and sure enough after ten minutes waiting the chipmunk came back around the corner of the house, stood on his usual spot and stared straight at the young man. When the photographer saw him he raised his hand up to the camera looked through the view finder and snapped the shot, only to find he didn't have any film left in the camera, so he had to return with a new roll. After another ten minutes here came the chipmunk he sat there as if posing when the photographer finally got him focused in, off he ran and ruined another chance. The young man was getting discouraged and he started breaking down his equipment, he was ready to give up when here came the chipmunk one more time, this time when he sat still so did the photographer he would wait him out this time, it seemed like three minutes passed and the chipmunk finally moved and ran around a small statue that was sitting in front of the house when he stuck his
head around the corner of the statue he sat there, the photographer knew this was his best chance he raised his camera up focused in snapped the photo, and the chipmunk was still there he didn't move. The photographer actually said to the chipmunk. "Thank you little guy three hours later you let me take this shot, don't think I'm paying you for modeling services." he had to say with a joking smile on his face.

This story is true this is how I got this photo and believe me three hours later it was worth it.

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