Friday, August 27, 2010

A Cloudy Flight

The young man was tired sitting in his cubical all day and it was time to go back to his apartment, it was a lonely place to be no girlfriend, his family lives in another city and he never has money to do anything with. He gets up from his cubical and begins walking to the stairs because every time he gets to the elevator it's always full and waiting for it to come back up to the fifteenth floor take twenty minutes if he's lucky. When he finally gets the to street it's raining hard and without a umbrella it was going to be a longer than usual, he couldn't afford the bus, or even so much to use the subway he was completely broke and if he get the garnishment taken out of his pay then that would mean he won't be able to pay his rent for the next month on the studio apartment. When he steps to the curb he patiently waits for the light to turn so he can safely cross the busy intersection but as he waits a bus hit a water hole and splatters him with the grim and water of the street. "Great that's perfect for my worthless life." Depression was his greatest enemy but in his defense he didn't have much to be happy about, he didn't know how to turn things around and he would do anything if that meant he could get a small cushion for security. When he finally got to his small apartment he opened his refrigerator only to find it was empty in the mail he found a bill on a doctors bill and that they would be garnishing his wages, he just took his wet clothes off got a shower to enjoy the hot water while he could laid down on his bed and closed his eyes. He was flying through the skies happy and free he looked down and saw the city he kept flying and saw mountains and wooded area's, he kept on flying and saw beaches and people enjoying themselves on the beach. He just kept his eyes on the horizon and he wanted to go higher, just then he heard a voice, "No it's not time, he has more plans for you." When he woke up he felt rested and exhilarated he had had this dream before but it was never this real before and that voice he remembered that voice he heard it before but couldn't think of where. Just then his phone rang it was his Cousin in Texas, he answered "Hey Harry how's it in Dallas?" Harry answered back "Hi Mike our ship just came in wanna know how?" Mike was thinking it was a joke asked "Yeah and how have our ship came in on a stack of debt?" Harry heard the sarcasm "Mike your jaded dude where is the guy who I knew from just three years ago excited about going to New York and making his fortune?" Mike couldn't help himself "Yeah well that was a long time ago and dreams don't last like they used to if you don't have the support you need." Harry knew something was wrong "Mike just listen dude I'm taking the private jet and I'll be there in a few hours man and I'm coming to get you so be ready to go." Mike didn't think he heard him right "Harry did you say private jet?" Harry knew he struck a cord "Mike the business I was trying to get going has taken off the new software I have created has been taken up by a big corporation and they paid big time for it, plus they are paying me six figures a year to work for them, so if you don't have anything against it you could come and live here with me in Dallas unless you have something keeping you there." Mike couldn't believe his ears "Harry just come if you can and we'll see about me living there with you or not right now I'm have a question to ask you. Do you remember someone that spoke with a Virginia accent, I don't remember it." Harry dropped the phone and said "You had the dream didn't you?" Mike not believing his ears "Harry how did you know I had a dream?" Harry explained "Before I got the call from the company I had a dream where I was flying through blue skies and when I tried to go higher I heard our great grandfathers voice saying "It wasn't time, that he had more plans for me" now before the phone rang I was in a depression, it's settled we're stopping in Virginia first." Mike knew he had heard that voice but he was very small and that old man loved him and his cousin dearly "Harry I'll be packed and ready we'll have to stay here for a day or two while I cut my ties I'll need a few things like money about six grand worth before I go this way New York and I are separated for good." Harry just laughed "Six grand is that all ever since I got all this money I walk around with that much in my boots no problem cous, oh we're hittin the clubs while I'm there and we're goin V.I.P. don't worry man not all of your troubles are over the big ones are anyways, I'll talk to you in about ten hours, later man." Mike was shaking from excitement "Just get here and we'll work out the details later, bye for now bub." Mike sat there not thinking about had just happened on the phone but he was thinking about the dream and then he remembered on his death bed his great grandfather promised that in their most desperate time of need he would be there no matter what. "Well great grandpa I don't know how you knew but I sure needed this thank you for being here now."

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