Monday, August 2, 2010

Open Field

Zack Bishop was young men with big dreams, but any man with big dreams usually has the same problem, money. Wanting to own a place he could call his own but he didn't just want any place, he knew what he wanted was to be near a wooded area with an open field so he could build each dream with his own hands. He came across his dream in reality when he came across an open field with tall trees standing behind as a backdrop. A lake was no more than a stone throw away and the drainage off the field itself could allow for a home to stand for a long time. But this was 1910 and the only work he could get was farm work and the most money he had ever seen at once was a hundred dollars in his whole life and that wasn't even his. However when he saw this field he couldn't resist he went down to the bank and asked who owned the property, the bank told him that the owner was a young man who just inherited it and is looking to sale it, Zack asked what this man's name was but the bank told him they would have to contact the owner about the property. Three days Zack came back to the bank to no avail, he was starting feel a bit downhearted. On the fourth day the bank manager told him that he could make appointment in the morning at ten, Zack said he waited this long another day wouldn't matter. When Zack left the bank he went down to the diner-saloon ordered a beer and sat down to mind his own business when a young man in a suit walked in. The stranger is what Zack would call a dandy, with a pressed suit, derby hat, and cane; he spoke with a Boston accent and had an air about him that didn't suit his surroundings area at all. He strolled up to the bar and rapped it with his cane and shouted "A glass of sherry if you don't mind, sir". Zack chuckled to himself he had seen a dandy before they still made him laugh with their high flatulent ways. "Andy put that on my bill would you" the bartender gave a wave to signify that he had heard Zack. "I say that's very kind of you, Philip White". Zack walked over to the bar and shook hands with the dandy; he noticed he the dandy had a limp kind of hand shake. "Zack Bishop, are you new to town?" "Yes I dare say and I hope I don't offend when I say I can't wait to be rid of it, it's not my sort of place." Zack starting not to like him said "Well we all seem to like it fairly good, its home". Philip didn't know what to think of this country boy with shoes that had seen better days an over coat over a thin pale yellow shirt a hat that was torn, and a pair of pants that was full of patches. "I just enjoy the smell of salt air and the finery of salons of Boston that was all I meant". Zack realized this man wasn't here for social call asked him "So what brings you to town?" Philip knew he was searching for something being a lawyer he could always scenes it. "I am concluding business here in town and hopefully it will be done either tomorrow or the day after". Zack seeing his opportunity had to ask "Your business wouldn't be a parcel of land just up the road about two miles is it?" Philip knew it was the man who was asking about it in the bank "So you are the one asking about it". To which Zack replied "To be honest I just wanted to know the price." Philip could see he couldn't afford the large price he had put on it had his hopes dashed but the young man had been generous enough to him. "The price is twenty-five dollars an acre, and there is approximately 1000 acres out there". Zack's heart fell out of his chest and to his feet he couldn't afford that price even if he worked for ten years. "Well I guess we just saved ourselves a trip to the bank in morning didn't we?" Philip could see Zack was heartbroken but he wouldn't bend on the price that's what good land sales for back at home and it wouldn't be any different here. "I'm sorry Mr. Bishop that price is firm." Zack knew he couldn't afford it even if he wanted to; never the less he was just curious about it. "Andy another beer and another Sherry pleases" turning to Philip "That is alright Mr. White, it is your land, and you have the right to set the price as high as you wish." Then Zack had an inspirational idea. "Would you sale the land over time and make a tidy profit from the land and me." This peaked Philips interest "Well how much time and how much profit are we speaking of, Mr. Bishop?" Zack knew if he could make this convincing he would have a deal. "I farm the land and the money I make from the crops you keep eighty percent, making forty percent my payment on the farm and forty percent for your pocket". Philip was taken aback he couldn't believe a country boy could think of this solution where he a lawyer couldn't think of it himself, he liked it he would make money from a farm he didn't want anything to do with and be able to get back home soon. "Mr. Bishop you have a deal, I'll give you a maximum of four seasons after that the land is forfeit, can you accept those terms Mr. Bishop?" Now Zack didn't like the sound of that but it was a business deal so he knew he had to give while he took. "Mr. White it's a deal" as he stuck his hand out to shake his hand, but as Philip took his hand he held it and looked Philip in the eyes and said "We'll have this written up as a contract and looked over by the judge?" Philip; amused but not offended, said smiling. "Certainly sir, certainly".

Four years later the house built the crops sold for four seasons with good profit, he finally held the deed. "Mr. Bishop you've worked hard and did your part and made me a bit wealthier in the process congratulations is in order". Smiling a very wide smile. "Mr. White I have the farm I have the startings for a ranch and I have a good home, but all of my dreams are not met yet." Philip was confused "Well why not you have all that you wanted am I correct?" Still smiling Zack said "Not yet I need a wife and children now" Philip had to laugh. "I cannot help you with that."

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