Saturday, August 21, 2010


A farmer was sitting on his font porch in the evening air it had been a long day so he was smoking on a cheap cigar and sipping on some good bourbon when his new son in law walked out on the porch to join him, he sat down and lit one the cigars. "Bill it sure was a hot day today, only fitting it would be a cool night." The farmer who actually liked his new son in law nodded his head agreeing, "Yeah but it's going to be hotter tomorrow but we've got more to do than today." The son in law was hoping for a day that they all could relax but he wasn't going to shirk from any work the farmer could throw at him, "Yep hey I was wanting to ask you about that horse are you seriously going to keep her and her foal." Bill was wondering when this was going to come up but he gave his best I know better than you smile and said. "Tommy your too young to remember that horses line but I sure do, that horses sire was just as ugly as she was and from what I understand that horse come from the worst looking horse line you could imagine but I'm gonna hold on to her and that foal." Tommy had to ask "Why is that Bill, what is so special about that horse and it's line?" Bill knew he wouldn't get away from it. "Well when my great-great-great grandpa settle this land over a hundred and seventy years ago but there was another already on this land, the creek Indians, there was a great battle between the settlers and the Indians the chief was killed in that battle and so the Indians left. Now when my grandpa came out the next day on his land where the battle was fought he found a wounded Creek brave who was past out for lack of blood and treatment at first sight he thought about killing the Indian but that would go against his Christian beliefs so he took the Creek brave up to his cabin and nursed him back to health. At first the Creek brave didn't trust him at all, tried to kill as a matter of fact, but after a few day's of the food and bandages grandpa went out to work his fields and came back and the brave was gone. Grandpa thought he had seen the last of the brave but after a few months the brave came back to the cabin just
passing through to go west he had with him his sister, the sister was a good cook and although he didn't understand what they said he felt that the visit was very
pleasant, the brave took my grandpa outside and pointed at his sister and pointed at the horse. My grandpa understood what he was asking of him, at first grandpa didn't want to do it but knowing that the likelihood that he could find a bride in the settlement was slim and knowing that more than likely she would be killed if he didn't take her as a bride he excepted the dowry and the bride. So that horse you see in the fields is from the blood lines of that horse that was meant for a dowry. Every generation has it's story you and my daughter have yours I have mine from Vietnam, and my father with WW two, but the point is my grandfather had his story and sometimes the story still lives in blood in whether it is in human blood or animal blood, or the blood that yells from the ground." Tommy sat there for a moment and called out to his wife, "Sarah can you come here a minute please and you may want to bring you mom." Sarah and her mother came out Tommy looked up at her and said "Sweetie, I want them to know so please we've held out as long as we dare." Sarah agreed and finally said, "Well Mom, Dad, I'm pregnant." Bill stood up and
yelled for joy where her mother teared up and hugged her daughter, they sat there there the rest of the night talking and telling more stories and Bill and Tommy was
sufficiently drunk by the time they went to their respective beds. The Next morning Tommy woke up surprisingly early walked out to the barn and saw the horse and her
foal, the foal was getting it's breakfast while the mother was getting hers, "Well girl I know some of your story if Bill leaves his daughter the land I'll be sure that your line won't end it's a promise."

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