Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Dove

An elderly woman was sitting in living room listening to the silence, she remembered when her home was full of noise and could not wait for the end of the day so she and her husband could have a few moments of silence, not that she didn't love her children but sometimes like all children can they made her a little crazy. Now she would trade anything for a little noise she no longer had her children around they had homes and children of their own, she no longer had her husband he had recently died due to old age. She was thinking to herself that her life didn't matter anymore her children doesn't talk to her that much and she was going to turn eighty-five real soon, so it didn't matter, she could take her husband’s old gun and just end it. So she got up from her chair and thought she would take one last look around the house one last time, she visited her kitchen where she had cooked many meals and birthday cakes for her husband and babies. Now she would go to the laundry room where she taught each of her children how to do the laundry where he husband and she would go when they just wanted to steal a fast kiss, then she went to the bathroom and looked at the tub and remembered where she would give her babies baths and where she and her husband would bath sometimes together in a tender moment. Then the Bedroom where many nights have slept in the fifty three years she lived here, where she and her husband would share intimate secrets, where at least two of her children were born, then the back yard where many barbecue’s and where the family would work together in the garden. The she went to the front yard and she looked at the steps where her husband first picked her up to carry her over the threshold when they were married, then the tree where his and her names are still carved into the tree where her oldest son thought he would climb it but broke his arm after taking a good fall. She walked out on the porch to the glider she sat her walker close to her and sat down and then as if her heart was breaking over again, her hand flew to her face and began crying, then she said in a near yell. "Lord Jesus please help me what am I supposed to do now that my husband is gone". Just then she realized how loud she was and looked to her left and didn't see anyone but when she looked to her right she noticed a dove on top of the next door neighbor’s chimney. The time was getting late and she could only see a silhouette of the bird it was a calming presents its noble breast was pushed out its head was held high, large body and a tail feathers long and delicate. She knew it was the Lord telling her that it wasn't her time yet to be patient he would be here to get her in time. She stood up and got her walker walked back into the house turned on every light that she had, she then saw it was only 7 o'clock she called her daughter. When the daughter answered the phone she sounded relived to hear her voice, "Mom I don't know why it was but I got a dreaded feeling a moment ago are you okay?" The mother answered with her delicate voice "Yes dear I just realized that I don't have enough noise in my house anymore, can you come over?" The daughter realizing something was wrong said "Yes Mom I'm coming do you need anything". The old lady actually smiled "Yes baby, bring all the family I need company tonight." The daughter said in a nervous voice, "Mom we'll be right there". As the elderly woman sat there waiting she heard the bird singing with his sad tune, she knew she had done right, right away, the dove was making her wait for her daughter. When the daughter got there with her three girls and her husband the daughter said "Mom we have a surprise for you just wait". Just then she picked up her cell phone and dialed a number on her phone, when the person on the other end answered she said "Hold on someone needs to hear your voice". "Here mom this is going to be a surprise so bare down" The elderly lady took the phone and put it to her ear. "Hello" she said. "Doris is that you it's been two years since we've talked how you have been". It was her sister in law who was the baby of his family who was also thirty years younger than her husband was. "Oh Margret is that you it's so good to hear your voice I have missed you too much, how have you been?" Margret answered back "Not too good I just found out my husband was cheating on me and I left him we're going to get a divorce it's not the first time he's done it to me, I haven't anywhere to go but I'll be fine" Doris began to cry as if she hadn't seen that bird as a sign she wouldn't have had this chance to help someone. To be needed like this again. "Margret you stop that nonsense right this minute you’re coming here now and live with me". Margret not expecting that because the last time she spoke to Doris they were in an argument about life support of her brother. "Are you sure Doris?" Doris said again and more firm "Your gonna live with me this house is too empty and I need someone around." "Well Doris I'm on my way I'll be there tonight, thank you so much." To which Doris answered "You are very welcomed here, you don't need to thank me, and I'll get off here so you can drive safely." "Alright Doris goodbye." Doris looked up to her daughter and said "Lean down here". As her daughter did she wrapped her arms around her and kissed her cheek. "I love you baby" The daughter was crying and said "I love you too mom." Doris looked out of the window but the bird was gone it had done his job and went to seek another who was in need.

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